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    RCEP: Enterprises Need To Understand Knowledge Points

    2021/4/1 13:34:00 0


    In recent years, the development pattern of global manufacturing industry has undergone profound changes, and China's export-oriented manufacturing industry is also facing the pressure of developing from low-end to high-end. After the RCEP agreement is signed, China's manufacturing enterprises will develop rapidly under the new framework.

    Within the RCEP framework, there are the world's first (China), third (Japan) and fifth (South Korea) manufacturing powers, which together account for more than 50% of the world's industrial output value. For the traditional Chinese manufacturing industry, on the one hand, increase innovation and constantly expand to the high-end industrial chain; on the other hand, the low-end industrial chain is moving outward rapidly, and the limited domestic production resources can be concentrated in value-added In high-tech industries, the development of high-end manufacturing industry is accelerated.

    The most fundamental way for traditional manufacturing industry to transform from high-end manufacturing industry is to optimize the efficiency and level of manufacturing resources allocation. Digital resources can help enterprises achieve this goal quickly. Compared with relying on labor, land, capital or other factors of production, digital resources have the ability to replicate, share and unlimited growth, which can break the restriction of limited supply of traditional production factors on the growth of enterprises, and provide unlimited possibilities for the rapid development and high-end transformation of enterprises.

    One sentence key point:

    Give full play to the comprehensive advantages of China's complete industrial chain and complete supporting facilities, and constantly improve its international competitiveness

    Petrochemical Industry

    It is necessary to actively carry out the benchmarking with the international advanced industrial level, strengthen the standardization work in the key product fields such as fertilizers, pesticides, coatings and tires, accelerate the transformation of international standards and foreign advanced standards, and further improve the technical level of Sinopec industrial standards. We should develop integrated refining and chemical enterprises, increase R & D investment, promote the development of Southeast Asian markets, and expand the scale of trade and investment.

    Electronic industry

    In order to better seize the opportunity of RCEP, Chinese enterprises should improve the industrial basic capacity, stabilize the electronic information manufacturing industry chain, promote the adjustment and reconstruction of the labor division mode of the emerging electronic industry in East Asia from the perspective of the whole industrial chain, and form a strong traction to Japan and South Korea's advanced production factors by taking advantage of the domestic super market scale.

    Textile industry

    Japan is an important textile export market for China. Before that, Japan imposed a 5%? 11% tariff on China's textile and garment industry, which led to China's inferior position in the competition with Vietnam, Thailand, Indonesia and other countries. After RCEP comes into effect, China's exports to Japan will increase effectively. We can also import advanced equipment from Japan, strengthen production capacity cooperation, and upgrade the textile and clothing industry.

    Machinery industry

    RCEP is conducive to promoting the mechanical equipment manufacturing industry to expand the dual cycle scale, forcing China's industrial transformation and upgrading, and accelerating the development of medium and high-end industries. In this regard, our enterprises should actively promote the RCEP national complete sets of equipment export, expand the import of medium and high-end steel from Japan and South Korea, promote the "going out" of the whole Electromechanical industry chain, promote technological innovation and application of new technologies, consolidate and enhance China's position in the global industrial chain, accelerate the possession of more core technologies, and accelerate the integration of equipment quality and safety standards with international standards, and encourage industrial organizations and enterprises to actively participate in international standards To promote industrial upgrading and product quality.

    automobile industry

    China has made a zero tariff commitment to about 65% of auto parts, accounting for about 90% of China's trade volume. This will greatly promote the trade of spare parts, promote the integration of automobile supply chain industrial chain in East Asia, and help automobile manufacturers reduce production costs. The automobile industry should seize the opportunity to continuously improve the overall strength of our vehicle manufacturing.

    Light industry

    In order to make better use of the opportunity of RCEP to promote the expansion of regional consumer market, enterprises should have overall thinking and vision, promote the industrial layout in the region, make good use of international standards as the pass to expand exports, and enhance the brand of Chinese products. At the same time, we should further enhance the independent control of the domestic industrial chain supply chain, create and enhance brand value, strengthen scientific and technological innovation, promote the high-value upstream industrial chain to stay in China, expand the export of Southeast Asian home appliances and bags and footwear industry parts, and actively carry out the regional value chain layout.

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