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    The Next Outlet Of Capital Market Is Clothing Brand Enterprises

    2021/10/30 3:14:00 0


    VC's next outlet is the clothing track?

    Clothing is a rigid demand industry. However, due to the rise of e-commerce and fast fashion, the traditional domestic clothing enterprises have been impacted, and the clothing industry which can not meet the consumer demand has been not favored by the capital.

    However, in the recent VC team of investors, more and more well-known institutions have appeared, such as Sequoia China, Tencent leading investment, Zhenge fund, Challenger capital, etc. are laying out the clothing track. New capital players, such as station B, bubble mart and MIHA you, have even targeted areas such as gender free and Hanfu. Why is the capital suddenly optimistic about the clothing industry?

      01 The rise of Hanfu fever

    In 2019, Hanfu is popular.

    One of the important reasons is that social media is fueling the flames. In social media such as Shuo Yin and station B, we can often see women in Hanfu like Li Ziqi. On the shaking tone, the number of videos played on one topic of "Hanfu" has reached over 58.5 billion times. Since 2019, things related to Hanfu, such as Li Ziqi's video and pastoral life, have not only aroused a lot of exclamations and cheers overseas, but also set off a heat wave in China.

    In March 2019, Taobao new power week released the "2019 China fashion trend report", which shows that among the top 10 Fashion search keyword trends, Hanfu ranks third in the women's wear list# The search volume of Hanfu ? has doubled year-on-year, and the number of people searching for it has exceeded that of shirts for several consecutive months.

    From the perspective of sales volume, tmall data shows that since 2018, the number of people buying Hanfu has increased by 92% compared with that in 2017. In 2018, the total sales of Hanfu on Taobao and tmall were 921 million yuan. On the day of tmall's double 11 in 2019, as of 2:00 p.m., the transaction amount of Hanfu reached 180 million yuan, of which the consumption of post-90s consumers exceeded 90.65 million yuan. CCTV finance and economics reported in 2019 that this market supported by a small number of players, the market size will exceed one billion yuan
    With the increasing popularity of Hanfu and the expanding demand of different consumers, more and more people have invested in the Hanfu sales market. VC also has a layout on Hanfu.
      · ? In 2018, zhiyuji, a new Hanfu brand, was jointly established by famous film and television star Xu Jiao and Wuhan Zaiyi Xinghui cultural and creative Co., Ltd. subsequently, the parent company of the brand obtained 20 million yuan angel investment from k2vc, Chenhai capital, Donghu Angel Fund and AC capital.
      · ? Pan women's Square, a famous photography organization focusing on antique photography, also obtained round C financing from Yuanchuang capital in 2018.
      · ? In 2018, SEMAR clothing group began to layout the Hanfu market from children's wear.

    Some analysts believe that, The gradual warming of Hanfu not only stems from the beauty of the ancient charm of Hanfu itself, but also the return of Chinese cultural confidence and the love of young people for traditional culture 。 However, there is still a long way to go for the ancient fashion industry represented by Hanfu fever. The entrance of VC may be a helper to help the development of Hanfu standardization.

      02 Crazy underwear

    Her consumption is becoming popular.

    In the trend of happy consumption, more and more female consumers begin to pursue diversified aesthetic and consumption needs. As for underwear, the single pursuit of sexy has changed into more and more attention to comfort. In this context, underwire underwear and size free underwear were once popular, which gave birth to the rise of a number of emerging brands such as ubras, Neiwai and jiaonei.

    With the diversification, individuation and customization of consumer demand, the consumer market should be subdivided into higher levels according to different consumer groups. The underwear brand with the word "comfort" as its entry point attracted a number of consumers through the differentiated brand strategy and competed for the market share

    When faced with the problems such as big difference of consumers' body shape and difficulty in product selection, ubras developed underwear without size and steel ring, which shortened the selection time of consumers; When it is difficult for girls with big breasts to find suitable large underwear, the milk sugar pie has successfully broken through with the subdivision of the track and stood out The insight into the diversified consumer demand and the discovery of market blank have made these underwear market new stars

    Take ubras as an example. It was established in 2016. Both the senior management team and historical investors are women. From the perspective of women, the team created a brand of close fitting clothing around the needs of female users. After only four years of development, ubras has achieved a single product sales of more than 100 million yuan in 618 in 2020, ranking first in the no size underwear category. In September 2020, the ubras brand completed the B + round financing of hundreds of millions of yuan, led by Sequoia Capital China fund, and followed by the old shareholders today.
    After uberas made the no size underwear famous, no matter whether it was the new brands of inside and outside, jiaonei, or the traditional underwear brands of the same period, they began to grab the cake 。 AMO's sub brand Huxi, which focuses on comfortable rimless underwear products, has launched the through code vest type cup in bra. So now, even consumers who prefer no size or comfortable underwear have more than one brand to choose from.

    In 2021, as a new type of underwear industry, the sales growth rate of no size underwear is about 30%, and the industry concentration is about 50%. However, with the end of traditional underwear giants, the emerging underwear brands have accelerated the "Involution", and the competition of no size underwear track will only be more intense.

      03 New track for children's wear

    Children's wear market will become a new blue ocean.

    Recently, SEMAR apparel announced the performance forecast of the first three quarters of 2021. According to the report, the net profit of the shareholders of the listed company owned by SEMAR clothing is 900 million yuan - 980 million yuan, which is 316.82% - 353.87% higher than that of 216 million yuan in the same period of last year. Such eye-catching data is due to the rise in leisure clothing and children's clothing of SEMA.

    Many people's impression of SEMER is still stuck in the previous slogan "wearing a samer is a SEMAR". However, the company is not only a casual clothing company, but also a children's clothing company. The income of children's clothing business has accounted for 65% of the total sales. At present, SEMA has two major brands, one is the adult leisure clothing, the other is the famous children's clothing brand Balabala, especially Balabala is the absolute leader in children's wear

    In 2019 alone, balabalabala has more than 5500 stores across the country. In addition to the off-line brand stores, Taobao has a number of official stores, as well as a number of live broadcasting rooms on the shaking tone and quick hand platform. It has to be said that Balabala has left most of the children's wear brands behind in the market competition in the face of the changing consumer demand of the younger generation, occupying a higher market share.

    Children's wear is the focus of SEMAR's development. In addition to its own brands Balabala and makaro, SEMAR reached a long-term cooperation with the children's place, the largest children's wear brand in North America. In June of the same year, it acquired cocotree children's wear, and in November of the same year, it acquired French famous brand kidiliz, which has more than 15 children's wear brands.

    Not only did SEMAR see the potential of children's wear market, but also Hailan home group began to make efforts in children's wear. At present, it has two children's wear sub brands: boys and girls and British. In 2018, Hailan house realized its holding by increasing the capital of boys and girls, and in 2019, it once again controlled the British children's wear brand. In 2020, under the operation of Hailan home, the annual revenue of Yingshi will reach 629 million yuan, while that of boys and girls will reach 448 million yuan.
    In order to expand its performance, at the beginning of this year, British brand even launched a new brand, yeehoo rainbow, to extend the care of newborns to over 3 years old.

    Children's clothing is making more and more money, which is due to the enhancement of eugenics and eugenics 。 In particular, parents of the post-90s and '95's pay more attention to the quality of children's wear and believe in the brand. They are also willing to pay for the children's clothing brand, which also stimulates the children's wear industry to move towards branding, specialization and personalization.
    And with the implementation of the three child policy and supporting measures, the growth of children's clothing market will be further stimulated in the future 。 According to statistics, China's children's wear market will maintain a rapid growth in the next five years. It is estimated that the market size of children's clothing will exceed 470 billion yuan by 2025. Therefore, children's wear market will be a bigger cake.

      04 Sexless fashion

    Fashion has no boundary, no gender.

    Anders Christian Madsen, a vogue commentator, once said that 2019 would be "the end of gender clothing.". In 2021, the report "Jingdong 618, 9 major trends of Z generation's fashion trend consumption" also shows that the turnover of online shopping of men's and women's clothing of generation Z has increased by 4.3 times year-on-year.

    With generation Z occupying the right of consumption discourse, fashion and trend have become the mainstream, and it is not surprising that "gender free" has become a new investment outlet.

    At present, Gucci, Chanel, converse and other international brands have launched gender free products. Domestic brands such as Jiangnan cloth clothing and ur have also begun to follow suit. New brands such as nacao project and lostmyhead are also developing rapidly.
    In China, bosie is one of the most eye-catching clothing in China. In the past three years, the company has raised funds for six times. On the traditional track of clothing, this is a very attractive financing ability. Its angel round investors include Jiacheng capital, angel Bay venture capital and Weilie capital, and then star institutions such as Zhenge fund and Jinshajiang venture capital enter the market one after another. This time, the financing amount of round B + is over 100 million, and station B and Wuyuan capital have become the leading investors.

    Bosie, which was founded in January 2018, opened its tmall flagship store in May, with a monthly sales volume of more than one million yuan, becoming a new brand with the fastest monthly sales of Taobao tmall men's wear exceeding 10 million yuan. In 2019, bosie's store fans will exceed 1 million, and the sales volume will exceed 300 million in 2020.
    Only three years after its establishment, it has achieved 200% sales growth. At present, bosie tmall's official flagship store currently has more than 3.66 million fans. Most of the clothing styles are gender free items, which have strong practical wear. Moreover, industry insiders predict that the annual sales volume in 2021 may exceed 700 million yuan.
    Capital is optimistic about bosie, not only because of its ability to attract money, but also because of the people chasing this concept 。 Behind the asexual clothing, gender and fashion equality is its core. It is this avant-garde concept that attracts young consumers of generation Z. Bosie's rapid growth shows that it does capture some of the core needs of the market and consumers.

    For a long time, the instability of clothing industry has been the main reason for investors to flinch. The life cycle of a single clothing brand is always difficult to grasp, and the inventory problem exists from beginning to end; The long industrial chain also makes it difficult for each link to cooperate efficiently; However, digitalization and informatization, which can solve these problems, are only practiced in some brands and have not yet reshaped the ecology of the whole industry.
    But judging from the recent performance, when the era of real estate profiteering is over, social funds continue to look for other investment opportunities, to some extent, prompted some funds to flow into the private equity investment industry. This is a unique scene of VC investment circle this year.
    Some senior investors in the footwear industry directly disclosed that at least three fund companies have told me to start studying shoes and clothing recently. Shi Songyuan, vice president of Taihe capital, also believes that this year can be regarded as a small financing peak of clothing track.

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    The Next Outlet Of Capital Market Is Clothing Brand Enterprises

    VC's next outlet is the clothing track? Clothing is a rigid demand industry, but the rise of e-commerce and fast fashion has impacted the traditional domestic clothing

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