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    Firm Innovation And Firm Foundation Of Manufacturing In A Big Country

    2022/3/17 17:34:00 0

    Manufacturing Industry

    In the factory, the robot arm is operated intelligently, and the production process is touched by a key; "Cloud", real-time data transmission, continuous optimization of supply chain configuration, reduce inventory pressure... Today, intelligent operation subverts people's perception of traditional manufacturing.

    It's not just production that is transforming. From new materials and power batteries to new energy vehicles and high-end equipment, the growing innovation capability has continuously consolidated the industrial foundation and stimulated the development potential and momentum.

    In 2022, anchor high-quality development, accelerate the manufacturing industry to strengthen the strength and strength, and continuously build the development engine.

       Firm innovation and firm foundation of manufacturing in a big country ?

    About 50% growth - increasing R & D investment, according to the director of nanotechnology Changjiang biwang, the goal is to further improve the performance of nanospheres, expand application fields, and continue to maintain the leading edge.

    Although the size of nanospheres is small, its effect is great. Because of its strong optical, electrical and magnetic properties, as a carrier material, it plays a key role in many industries such as biopharmaceutical and flat panel display. Once upon a time, the extremely high technical threshold made this material face a "neck jam". Domestic enterprises persisted in innovation and broke the monopoly. China had a voice and competitive advantage in the field of high-performance microspheres.


    On February 8, in a precision manufacturing Co., Ltd. in Bishan District of Chongqing, staff work in the production workshop. Photo by Wang quanchao, a reporter from Xinhua News Agency ?

    The "chassis" made in China is supported by basic materials, basic parts, basic technology and technology. The more high-end development of industrial chain value chain, the more solid foundation is needed.

    Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, China has strengthened the original and leading scientific and technological research with unprecedented strength. From a piece of material and a chip to a major equipment and new infrastructure, innovation is always the key word.

    In particular, in recent years, with a view to consolidating the industrial foundation, innovation efforts in key areas have continued to increase——

    We should give full play to the leading role of major scientific and technological projects, carry out wall map operations, and "unveil the list and lead the way"; A number of national manufacturing innovation centers will be set up in key areas; A series of measures have made the "skeleton" of made in China stronger, and the industrial innovation ability has accelerated the transformation from the accumulation of quantity to the leap of quality, from the breakthrough of point to the improvement of systematic ability.

    In 2022, we will focus on strengthening the chain, enhancing the overall competitiveness of the industry, and increasing the investment in innovation——

    Adjust the state, strive to practice "unique skills", included in the "task list" of many enterprises in the year of the tiger. We have promoted steady industrial growth, improved the gradient cultivation system of high-quality enterprises, and adhered to the two pronged efforts of helping and supporting innovation and upgrading, and a series of policies have been issued one after another.

    "In 2022, more attention will be paid to promoting collaborative innovation of large, medium and small enterprises from the perspective of industrial chain, and accelerating innovation to all fields." Xu Xiaolan, Vice Minister of the Ministry of industry and information technology, said that at present, there are more than 40000 specialized and special new enterprises in China, and more than 800 single champion enterprises in the manufacturing industry. In 2022, we will strive to cultivate about 3000 "little giant" enterprises.

       Grasp the digital opportunity and speed up the structural optimization and upgrading ?

    Before using a strong flashlight to visually detect the chemical filament, now intelligent quality inspection equipment can send abnormal products to recheck. "One cloud" has changed the production mode of chemical fiber manufacturing factories.

    With the help of Baidu intelligent cloud, combining optical imaging with algorithm, Hengyi Petrochemical realizes intelligent quality inspection and automatic screening of products. Relying on digital technology, the efficiency of the factory has been greatly improved.

    Through the collaborative innovation of 5g, cloud and AI, more and more factories and industries are speeding up the intelligent process.

    According to the data of Jingdong industrial products, in the first week after the Spring Festival of the tiger, the sales of industrial products on the platform of Jingdong industrial products increased by 102% year-on-year, among which the sales of industrial control automation equipment used to improve the degree of production automation increased by 288%. Digitization is accelerating the integration into all aspects of production and procurement.


    On February 14, at Jinzhou Pipeline Technology Co., Ltd., located in Wuxing District, Huzhou City, Zhejiang Province, staff and intelligent robots cooperate to produce stainless steel pipe fittings. Photo by Weng Xinmin, a reporter from Xinhua News Agency ?

    To grasp the digital opportunity and promote energy conservation and emission reduction in industrial production has become the choice of many industries and enterprises in the new year of the tiger.

    Thermal power plants try to embed artificial intelligence algorithm and digital twin model in the production process to reduce emissions and costs; Through the optimization of production scheduling system, the energy and power consumption of petrochemical plant production line is reduced; With the help of cloud platform to master the status of charging pile, the efficiency of charging operation and maintenance of new energy vehicles has been continuously improved... The practice of green transformation is unfolding.

    Tian Yulong, chief engineer of the Ministry of industry and information technology, said that "5g + industrial Internet" has formed 20 typical application scenarios and practical activities in 10 key industries. In 2022, we should take intelligence as a breakthrough and driving force, and use digital technology to promote quality change, efficiency change and power change.

       Keep close to high quality development and move forward in a down-to-earth manner ?

    On February 7, the video connection centralized commencement ceremony of major projects in Fujian Province in the first quarter was held in Fuzhou. Zheng Qiang, head of the comprehensive management office of key projects of Fujian Provincial Development and Reform Commission, said that among the projects started this time, Fujian Province focused on promoting projects with high scientific and technological content and strong leadership, helping to supplement and strengthen the industrial chain and promoting the formation of industrial clusters.

    Pudong New Area of Shanghai recently released a high-quality development action plan for the biomedical industry, seizing the new track and cultivating new kinetic energy; Jiangsu supports key enterprises to take the lead in setting up innovation consortia and cooperate with upstream and downstream enterprises of the industrial chain to carry out major scientific and technological research; Nine cities in Wuhan city circle join hands to create "optical core screen end network" trillion industry

    To strengthen the long board, make up for the short board, closely follow the high-quality development, and make solid and steady progress in China.

    ? Workers Polish bicycle rims at a foreign trade enterprise in Tianmushan Town, Lin'an District, Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province, on February 7. Photo by Hu Jianhuan, Xinhua News Agency ?

    At the beginning of the new year of the tiger, the Ministry of industry and information technology and other eight departments jointly issued the implementation plan on accelerating the comprehensive utilization of industrial resources to vigorously promote the reduction of industrial solid waste sources in key industries such as steel, nonferrous metals and chemical industry.

    At the same time of steady industrial growth, we should strictly control the "green gate"; Focus on the relief and burden reduction, and do everything possible to protect the market main body; We should standardize the development of platform economy and create a more fair competition environment. We should adhere to the problem orientation, pay close attention to practical work, and constantly open up a new situation of development.

    "We should not only build the three foundations of industrial core competitiveness -- industrial technology foundation, innovation ability, industrial chain supply chain toughness, but also form bright spots in three aspects." Tian Yulong said that it is necessary to speed up the growth of specialized and special new enterprises, so as to make them become an important force to enhance the core competitiveness of the manufacturing industry, and vigorously promote intelligent manufacturing and green manufacturing, so as to form a comprehensive driving force for transformation, upgrading, innovation and development. "This is the main task in 2022, and it is also the key work during the 14th Five Year Plan period."

    (source: Xinhua)

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