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    The Whole Process Mechanization Level Of Cotton Production In China Is Constantly Improving

    2023/3/13 13:25:00 50



    As the largest cotton producing and consuming country in the world, China's comprehensive mechanization rate of cotton has been increasing in recent years. In 2022, the mechanized equipment for the whole process of cotton planting represented by the combined land preparation machine, seeder, residual film recycling machine and spraying machine has maintained a good running trend.

    In 2022, the market of land preparation machinery in China will grow steadily, and 883000 machines and tools will be sold throughout the year, an increase of 8.4% year on year. The machinery market of the three categories of arable land, subsoiling and land preparation showed different degrees of growth year on year.

    In terms of combined land preparation machines, the sales volume of combined land preparation machines in China will be about 22800 units in 2022, an increase of 2200 units or 10.7% compared with 2021. As a land preparation machine with multiple functions, the combined land preparation machine is an indispensable and potential land preparation machine in the agricultural land preparation link in the future. The market of the combined land preparation machine will maintain a stable growth trend in the future.

    After the high-speed growth in 2019 and 2020, the seeder market in China experienced a slight decline in 2021, and stabilized and recovered in 2022. In 2022, China's seeder market will achieve a substantial growth. The sales volume of about 300 enterprises in the industry will be about 180000 sets, an increase of 12.15% compared with 2021.

    In 2022, the sales of major types of products in the planter market will account for 32.0% of no tillage planters, 20.0% of hole planters, 12.5% of drill planters, 10.4% of precision film planters, 25.1% of rotary tillage planters, root crop planters, small seed planters and other precision planters. The more traditional drill planters Other products such as hole planters still account for a high proportion. Among them, the sales volume of precision film laying planters suitable for cotton planting will be about 18700 units in 2022, an increase of 2000 units compared with 2021.

    At present, the products in the residual film recycling market are mostly agricultural tools for residual film recycling, such as rake tooth rake type agricultural tools. There are few mechanized equipment products with joint operation function for residual film recovery. This type of equipment can realize one-time joint operation to complete multiple processes, such as one-time joint operation for cotton straw crushing and returning to fields and residual film recovery. In 2022, China's residual film recycling machines will show a steady and rapid growth trend, with the sales volume of about 3000 sets (excluding agricultural tools for residual film recycling), an increase of more than 600 sets, or 27%, compared with 2021. The overall market size of residual film recycling machines in China is still small.

    In 2019 and 2020, along with the traditional agricultural machinery market, China's pesticide spraying machine market experienced a cyclical decline, and the market has recovered in the past two years. In 2022, the total sales volume of more than 200 enterprises in China's pesticide spraying machine industry will be about 60000, up 4.3% year on year.

    In 2022, the sales of main types of products in the sprayer market will account for 43.0% of power sprayers (small sprayers), 39.4% of spray bar sprayers, and 17.6% of air assisted sprayers. Among them, the main type of spray bar sprayer suitable for cotton plant protection will sell about 23700 units in 2022, an increase of 1000 units compared with 2021.

    Cotton is the second largest agricultural cash crop in China. As a national strategic reserve material, in recent years, under the promotion of agricultural modernization, agricultural mechanization and other policies, the mechanization of cotton planting throughout the whole process has achieved rapid development. According to the data of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, the comprehensive mechanization rate of cotton cultivation and income in China has reached 87.25% in 2021, with an increase of 6.07% in the past three years.

    Among them, the machine tillage rate, machine seeding rate and machine yield rate were 99.44%, 90.22% and 68.02% respectively, with an increase of 0.10%, 2.18% and 17.89% respectively in the past three years. It is preliminarily predicted that in 2022, the mechanization of cotton production in China will reach a new level, and the comprehensive mechanization rate of farming and harvesting will reach 90.46%, including 99.5% of the mechanized rate, 92.06% of the mechanized rate, and 76.8% of the mechanized rate.

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