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    Industry Standards: The Three Ministries And Commissions Issued The Action Plan For Strengthening The Standardization Of Consumer Goods, Focusing On Textiles And Clothing

    2023/5/31 10:36:00 0

    National Standard

       Recently, the National Standardization Administration Commission, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology and the Ministry of Commerce issued the Action Plan for Strengthening the Standardization Construction of Consumer Goods, proposing to strengthen the standardization construction of consumer goods, constantly improve the quality and safety standard system of the whole industrial chain of consumer goods, continue to promote the convergence of major consumer goods standards in key areas with the international standards, and promote the quality and upgrading of consumption by improving consumer goods standards. By 2025, the government and the market will pay equal attention to the construction of standard supply. Standardization work at home and abroad will promote each other. The application of standards will cover the whole chain of production, circulation and consumption, and connect the production end and the consumer end of a new consumer goods standard system, effectively promoting the comprehensive competitiveness of China's consumer goods.


       Among the main tasks, the plan emphasizes promoting the construction of quality grading standards. In the field of household appliances, furniture, clothing, bags, footwear products, down products and other mass consumer goods, we will accelerate the development of quality grading standards for consumer goods around the core quality indicators widely concerned by consumers. Encourage enterprises to express their quality levels and carry out quality commitments according to the quality grading standards, help build a market competition mechanism of high-quality and affordable products, and create a safe, secure and honest consumption environment.
       We will continue to promote the integration of China's consumer goods standards with international standards. Regularly organize the evaluation of the consistency between Chinese standards and international standards, and dynamically update the resource sharing platform and database for the comparison of domestic and foreign standards of consumer goods. Carry out comparative analysis between major consumer goods standards and international standards in key fields one by one according to industries and products, and transform advanced and applicable international standards in a timely manner.
       Strengthen the development of green and low-carbon standards. We will continue to promote the harmonization of green product evaluation standards, certification and labeling, and accelerate the preparation and revision of a number of green product evaluation standards. We will further improve standards for energy conservation, water conservation, emissions, and resource recycling, actively promote the formulation of standards for green products, green factories, and green supply chains, and constantly improve the standard system for green manufacturing of consumer goods. Develop standards for carbon emission accounting, carbon footprint of key products and carbon verification of key consumer goods industries such as light industry, textile and electronics, and improve the standard identification system of low-carbon products. Carry out research on carbon emission assessment standards for consumer goods industrial enterprises, parks and supply chains.
       We will accelerate the formulation of basic standards for the consumer goods industry. Check the "choke point" of China's consumer goods manufacturing industry, and focus on the development of basic raw materials, core parts, and advanced basic process standards for consumer goods. Promote the upgrading of manufacturing equipment standards for consumer goods, and improve the performance, reliability and intelligence of manufacturing equipment such as light industrial machinery and textile machinery. Give full play to the leading power of chain owners and the role of industry associations, build a high-level supply chain standard system industry by industry and field by field, and realize the quality improvement of the whole chain with market-oriented mechanism.
       The plan also proposes to strengthen the development of digital, networked and intelligent industrial standards. We will promote the deep integration of Internet, big data, artificial intelligence, 5G and other information technologies with the traditional consumer goods manufacturing industry, and accelerate the development of basic commonalities, key technologies and the application of intelligent manufacturing and service-oriented manufacturing standards in sub industries. In the fields of home appliances, electronics, textiles and clothing, home decoration and building materials, build a digital, networked and intelligent industrial standard system, and develop specifications or procedures for intelligent factories such as factory design, process simulation, quality control, and warehouse management; Develop guidelines and standards for equipment patrol inspection, defect detection, supply chain collaboration, equipment remote operation and maintenance based on the new generation of information technology, as well as application specifications or guidelines and standards for new models such as mass customization, and accelerate the action of digital assisted consumer goods industry to increase varieties, improve quality, and create brand "three products".
       Strengthen the development of renewable resources utilization standards. Accelerate the development of standards related to the recycling of consumer goods, promote the application of recycled product identification standards in recycled plastics, recycled textiles and other fields, accelerate the construction of a standard support system for the development of circular economy, and accelerate the development of standards such as the recycling of waste textiles.
       We will increase standards to facilitate trade in consumer goods. Carry out research on the standardization of major consumer goods in the "Belt and Road" countries. Encourage the household appliances, textile and clothing, lighting appliances, furniture, shoes and other industries to arrange and build a number of overseas standardized service stations around ASEAN, Africa and other countries and regions with relatively intensive foreign investment in China, and carry out one-stop standardized integrated services such as information consultation, standard promotion and implementation, and quality diagnosis for overseas Chinese enterprises. We will strengthen the translation of foreign language versions of consumer goods standards and strengthen foreign exchanges.
       In terms of testing, the plan proposes to strengthen the development of national standard samples and testing technical standards. In the fields of electronics, leather, fiber, textile and clothing, we will highlight mandatory standard matching, test method support, measurement system calibration and laboratory quality control, and increase the development of national standard samples. Strengthen the research and development of high-end testing instruments in the field of consumer goods, improve the intelligent level of testing equipment, strengthen the research and development of testing equipment and testing method standards, and improve the level of testing technology.
       The plan lists textile, clothing and apparel products as key areas, and requires to adapt to the development trend of textile fiber materials differentiation, high performance, multi-function, and clothing and apparel products personalization, fashion, and green, strengthen the establishment of quality grading standards for natural textile materials and products such as cotton, linen, silk, wool, and fur, and accelerate the development of new fiber materials and composite materials standards. Accelerate the research on key technologies of product intellectualization, comfort and functional standardization, and strengthen the formulation of standards for intelligent textiles, functional textiles and green textiles. Carry out standardization research on Han clothing, traditional jewelry, etc., and lead the healthy development of Guochao's domestic goods industry. To study and formulate standards for textile and clothing labels, and express product materials and fiber components. Carry out the development of product consumption experience standards such as sensory analysis and appearance after washing. Strengthen the research on textile digital standards, and formulate intelligent manufacturing standards such as textile equipment information model, interconnection, remote operation and maintenance, intelligent factory, and personalized customization. Accelerate the establishment of a textile green manufacturing standard system focusing on green raw materials, green design, green production and recycling, and promote the full life cycle assessment of the textile industry. Actively promote the development of textile standard samples.
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