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    Industry Data Analysis: Since April, Exports Have Played A Prominent Role In Maintaining Growth In The "Belt And Road" Market

    2023/6/13 17:38:00 2

    In AprilExportMaintenanceGrowth"The Belt And Road"Etc.Emerging

    Overview of the situation

    The textile and clothing industry plays a positive role in stabilizing foreign trade and economic growth.

    Since the beginning of the year, the production and domestic sales of the textile and clothing industry have gradually recovered, and foreign trade has picked up steadily, which has played a positive role in stabilizing the economy and foreign trade. According to the data released by the Bureau of Statistics, the growth rate of the textile industry, clothing industry, added value, yarn, cloth output and other indicators in April has not yet turned positive, but the decline has gradually narrowed. Textile raw material purchase index (the same as the same period last year), clothing PPI (up 2% year on year) and CPI (up 0.9% year on year) all performed better than the overall level. The retail sales of clothing products above the limit increased by nearly 40% year on year, a further increase compared with March. The online retail sales of clothing products increased by 13.5%, higher than the average. In April, textile and clothing exports maintained a steady and rapid growth (up 9%), which exceeded the national average of goods trade.

    The sluggish consumption demand in the markets of key developed countries is still the main factor hindering the sustainable recovery of exports.

    The year-on-year growth rate of textile and clothing exports in April fell by 11 percentage points compared with that in March, and the export volume also fell by 2.8% month on month. The main reason is that the backlog of orders at the beginning of the year was concentrated in March, which led to the explosive growth of exports in that month. In April, exports returned to normal. From a follow-up perspective, the economic development trend of the United States and the European Union and changes in consumer demand are still important factors affecting China's exports. According to the data of the US Department of Commerce, the US retail sales in April this year increased by 0.4% month on month and 1.6% year on year, the lowest year-on-year increase since May 2020, among which the retail sales of clothing and furniture continued to cool. The Michigan consumer confidence index based on the US consumption survey fell further than the beginning of the year. According to data released by Eurostat, retail sales in the Eurozone in March fell 3.8% year on year and 1.2% month on month, significantly lower than market expectations. The sluggish external demand is still the most uncertain factor affecting China's export.

    Compared with Europe and the United States, the Japanese market has gradually stabilized since the beginning of the year after several consecutive months of downturn. The decline of China's exports to Japan gradually narrowed from January to March, and ended in April, achieving double-digit growth.

    The trend of "two-way share decline" between China and the European and American markets has accelerated, and the differentiation between traditional markets and emerging markets has further highlighted.

    Influenced by the decline in consumer demand and the accelerated "de sinicization" of the supply chain adopted by the United States and Europe, the proportion of the United States in China's textile and clothing exports has declined from 16.5% in 2019 before the epidemic to 14.9%, a decrease of 1.6 percentage points. The EU's share fell from 14.6% to 11.5%, down 3.1 percentage points. At the same time, according to the statistics of the importers, the share of our products in the US market and the EU market also declined accordingly. Compared with 2019, in the first quarter of this year, our market shares in the US and the EU declined by 10.7 and 3.4 percentage points respectively, and the two-way downward trend of our share is striking.

    While the US and Europe markets are weakening, the markets of RCEP countries and countries and regions along the "Belt and Road" are gradually emerging as new growth points. From January to April, China's exports to RCEP countries and countries along the "Belt and Road" increased by 3.1% and 5.1% respectively, higher than the growth rate of exports to the world. The proportion of the two places in China's exports has risen from 27.3% and 36.5% in 2019 before the epidemic to 31.9% and 41.7% at present, expanding by 4.6 and 5.2 percentage points respectively, and their market positions have risen rapidly.

    Trade data

    From January to April 2023, the total import and export value of the national trade in goods was US $1939.72 billion, down 1.9% year on year (the same below), of which export was US $1116.96 billion, up 2.5%, import was US $822.76 billion, down 7.3%, and the accumulated trade surplus was US $294.19 billion.

    In April 2023, the total import and export value of the national trade in goods was US $500.63 billion, up 1.1% year on year (the same below), of which export was US $295.42 billion, up 8.5%, import was US $205.21 billion, down 7.9%, and the trade surplus was US $90.21 billion.

    From January to April, the trade volume of textiles and clothing was US $99.33 billion, down 3.9% year on year, of which exports were US $92.89 billion, down 2.9%, imports were US $6.44 billion, down 17.2%, and the accumulated trade surplus was US $86.45 billion, down 1.6%.

    In April, the trade volume of textiles and clothing was US $27.29 billion, up 8.1% year on year, including exports of US $25.66 billion, up 9%, and imports of US $1.63 billion, down 5.1%. The trade surplus of the month was US $24.03 billion, up 10.1%.

    Trade characteristics

    The textile and clothing trade from January to April 2023 presents the following characteristics:

    1、 In April, exports continued to grow, with the growth rate falling back from the previous month.

    China's textile and clothing exports continued to grow in April, driven by China's steady foreign trade policy, supply chain recovery, accelerated order delivery and a low base. Since most of the backlog of orders at the beginning of the year were shipped in March, the export growth in April did not continue the double-digit growth of the previous month, which was only 9%, and the export fell 2.8% month on month. The export trend after the second quarter is still unclear, and it is expected that the export growth rate will continue to fall under the effect of a large base.

    2、 The market structure is undergoing significant changes, and RCEP countries and countries along the Belt and Road have played a significant role in promoting export growth.

    After the outbreak of export concentration in March, the old problems of weak demand in traditional developed markets and slow inventory digestion surfaced again. In April, China's exports to Europe and the United States fell again, which led to insufficient growth momentum of intermediate exports to ASEAN. The share of Europe and the United States in China's export market also dropped rapidly from 31% last year to 26.5% in the first four months of this year, down 4.5 percentage points. In the same period, RCEP countries and countries along the Belt and Road became new growth points. In the same month, China's exports to RCEP countries increased by 6%, and to countries along the Belt and Road increased by 15.3%, including 102.2% to five Central Asian countries, in sharp contrast to traditional markets. From January to April, the share of RCEP and the countries along the Belt and Road in China's export market further rose to 32% and 41.7%, up 2.5 and 2.7 percentage points respectively from last year.

    ASEAN - Affected by the transmission of declining demand from Europe and the United States, the growth momentum of China's export to ASEAN has weakened. In April, China's export to ASEAN kept growing, but the growth rate was only 0.7%, down nearly 30 percentage points from the previous month. Among them, the intermediate yarn and fabric decreased by 12.1%, and the follow-up power for growth was insufficient. From January to April, the cumulative export to ASEAN increased by 2.3%, of which the total export of yarn and fabric decreased by 10.5%, and the export of clothing increased by 31%.

    United States - Exports to the United States fell again. In April, exports to the United States did not continue the growth trend of the previous month. In the same month, exports turned downward again, with exports falling by 5%, negatively pulling overall exports. The export of knitted and tatting clothing, a key commodity, increased by 21.6% last month to 9%, mainly because the export volume declined significantly (- 15%), and the average export price remained rising (7.4%). From January to April, China's exports to the United States totaled US $13.88 billion, down 15%, of which the total exports of knitted and tatting clothing, a major commodity, declined 13.5%, mainly because the export volume declined by 21.4%, and the average export price kept rising by 10%.
    EU - Export to the EU fell the fastest. Among the four key markets, the EU market has the worst performance. The small increase in exports to the EU in March was only a flash in the pan. In April, the export fell again by 6.2%, more than that of the United States. Among them, the export of knitted and tatting clothing, a major commodity, declined by 10.7%, mainly due to the decline in export prices. The export price fell by 11% in the current month, and the export volume increased slightly by 0.5%. From January to April, the cumulative export to the EU was US $10.71 billion, down 20.4%. Knitting and tatting clothing, a major commodity, fell 20.5% in total, while exports and average prices fell 12.8% and 9% respectively.
    Japan - Japan's economic behavior has laid a good foundation for China's export to Japan. Japan's economy grew 1.6% more than expected in the first quarter. Private consumption expenditure and capital expenditure were the main driving factors, driving the reversal of China's exports to Japan in April. The export to Japan in that month not only stopped the continuous decline since November last year, but also achieved an increase of 12.8%. Among them, the export of knitted and tatting clothing, a major commodity, increased by 15.6%, mainly driven by the growth of export volume. The export volume increased by 17.7% year on year, and the export unit price decreased by 1.8%. From January to April, China's total exports to Japan fell by 3.9%, of which the exports of knitted and woven garments fell by 2.7%, the export volume increased by 1.1%, and the average export price fell by 3.8%.

    Judging from the import data of key markets in March, the decline in demand in Europe and the United States is prominent, and the order transfer is accelerating.

    In March, the proportion of Chinese products in the US market further dropped to 18.8%, lower than 20% for the first time, and fell by 3.6 percentage points month on month; The EU market accounted for 23.7%, down 4 percentage points from last month. The market share in Japan rebounded to 53.6%, 8.7 percentage points higher than that in February.

    Imports of major markets from the world and China generally declined. In March, US imports from the world dropped below 10 billion US dollars, down 32.4% year on year, 10 percentage points more than that of last month. Among them, the import from China decreased by 45%, the import from Vietnam decreased by 44.6%, and the import from India and Bangladesh also decreased by more than or nearly 30%. The EU's imports from the world dropped 18.6%, of which imports from China dropped 36.1%, both of which were larger than last month. Among them, it decreased by 20.5% from Turkey, and also decreased by 4.2% from Bangladesh, which had maintained growth in the previous period. Japan's imports from the world grew by 5.2%, an increase over the previous month. Among them, the imports from China recovered 2% growth, and the imports from Vietnam and Myanmar grew rapidly, with an increase of more than 20%.

    3、 The export volume of the four major categories of commodities continued to grow, and the rebound in export prices was still weak.

    In April, the export of textiles and clothing increased by 4.1% and 14.4% respectively, and the growth rate of manufactured goods and end consumer goods still exceeded that of intermediate goods. Exports of major commodity fabrics, household textiles and knitted and tattered clothing all grew by 1.3%, 24.4% and 13.7% respectively, with only yarn down 2%. From the perspective of export volume and price, the export volume of the four major categories of commodities continued to grow in the current month, with the growth rate between 8.2% and 30.5%. The export volume of yarn and home textiles grew most rapidly. In terms of export price, only the export price of knitted and tatting clothing kept rising by 5.1% that month, and other three types of products fell again, especially yarn, which fell by nearly 20%.

    From January to April, the cumulative export of textiles fell by 8%, and the growth of clothing recovered by 2.5%. Among the four major categories of goods, the export of yarn and fabric fell by 9.1% and 9.5% respectively. Household textiles and needle woven clothing both stopped falling and rebounded, increasing by 4.7% and 2.5% respectively. In terms of export volume and price, the export volume of yarn has maintained a rapid growth, and the export prices of home textiles and knitted and tattered clothing have begun to rise.

    4、 In April, the export growth of key provinces and cities slowed down, and the cumulative decline in export volume narrowed.

    In April, the growth rate of textile and clothing exports of major provinces and cities slowed down. Among the top ten provinces and cities, except Shandong, Fujian and Jiangxi, which declined by 1.9%, 12.3% and 12.3% respectively, three provinces and one city in the Yangtze River Delta and Guangdong, Xinjiang, Hunan and Guangxi still maintained year-on-year growth. Among them, Shanghai's exports increased by 25% year on year in April due to the low base effect of the epidemic sealing export last year. In addition, Xinjiang, Guangxi and Sichuan increased by 136%, 490% and 128% year on year.
    From January to April, 13 of the 31 provinces (cities and districts, excluding Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan) maintained growth, with Xinjiang (85.4%), Hunan (41.9%), Guangxi (166.6%) and Guizhou (230.5%) growing significantly. The top six key regions, Zhejiang, Jiangsu, Guangdong, Shandong, Fujian and Shanghai, declined by 2.9%, 14.5%, 10.1%, 5.0%, 10.7% and 9.7%, respectively, a decrease of 1-8 percentage points from the first quarter.
    In terms of imports, affected by the low base effect in the same period last year, the imports of major provinces and cities in April improved compared with the previous month, with Shanghai increasing 7.4% year on year, and Guangdong, Jiangsu and Zhejiang decreasing 16.4%, 12.6% and 6.2% respectively.
    From January to April, the import of all major provinces and cities declined by nearly or more than 20%.

    5、 The volume and price of imports jointly promote the growth of clothing imports.

    Affected by factors such as weak external demand and reduced orders, textile production capacity declined in April, and textile imports were 927 million dollars, down 8% month on month and 16% year on year. Among them, the import volume of yarn, fabric and finished goods decreased by 19.2%, 14.6% and 11% respectively year on year.
    In April, clothing imports reached US $700 million, up 14.6% year on year due to the low base effect in the same period last year. In April, the import volume of knitted and woven clothing increased by 17.3% year on year, the import volume increased by 8.2%, the unit price increased by 8.4% year on year, and the quantity and price increased together.
    From January to April, textile and clothing imports totaled US $3.33 billion and US $3.11 billion, down 23.3% and 9.3% year on year, and clothing imports fell 5.2 percentage points. The cumulative import volume of yarn, fabric and knitted and woven clothing of major commodities decreased by 17.4%, 13.8% and 15.7% respectively, the import unit price of yarn decreased by 15.9% year on year, and the import unit price of knitted and woven clothing increased by 8.8%.

    6、 The cotton import volume rose slightly month on month, and the difference between internal and external cotton prices reversed.

    In April, the cotton import slightly improved compared with the previous period, and the import volume rebounded slightly. The import of 84000 tons in that month was still down 51.7% year on year, and rose 15.9% month on month. The average import price further fell back to 2180 dollars/ton, which has fallen back to the level at the end of 2021, down 16.2% year on year and 1.8% month on month.
    In the previous four months, the cumulative import volume of cotton was 382000 tons, down 52%, and the average import price was 2280 dollars/ton, down 8.8%. Among them, the import from the key import regions of the United States and Brazil declined rapidly, while the import from Australia, Egypt and Sudan achieved rapid growth, with the growth rate ranging from 33.8% to 255%.
    The import volume and price of chemical fiber continued to decline. In April, the import volume fell 12.9% and 15.6% month on month, respectively, and the average import price fell 8.4% year on year. The import volume dropped by 20.9% in the previous four months, and the import price only increased by 0.4%.
    According to the information released by the China Cotton Association, in April, China's economic operation continued to recover and consumption recovered quickly. Relevant departments announced the target price policy for 2023-2025 cotton. The predicted area of cotton planting in the new year decreased, and the domestic cotton price rose driven by the above factors; The international cotton price fell due to the impact of the Federal Reserve's interest rate hike and other factors, and the domestic price exceeded the international price at the end of the month. The trend of domestic and foreign cotton prices has diverged, and the price difference has changed from negative to positive. On April 28, China's cotton price index (CCIndex3128B) was 15819 yuan/ton, up 3.1% month on month and down 29.5% year on year. The monthly average price was 15589 yuan/ton, up 1.3% month on month and down 31.1% year on year; In the same period, the Cotbook A index was 93.2 cents/pound, down 4.5% month on month and 43.9% year on year, and the tariff price of 1% was 15727 yuan/ton, which was 92 yuan lower than the domestic cotton price.

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