Cotton Index: National Development And Reform Commission Price Monitoring Center Website Launched
On July 18, the cotton filling index of Shanghai Cotton Exchange Center was released for the first time in the "Price Index" - "Social Institutions Price Index" section of the website of the Price Monitoring Center of the National Development and Reform Commission. The index reflects the price changes of the domestic cotton market in multiple dimensions, and will provide price reference and decision support for the production and operation of domestic enterprises involved in the cotton industry chain.
The Shanghai International Cotton Trading Center compiles the Shanghai Cotton Index, which accurately and objectively reflects the price change trend of important domestic bulk textile raw materials in a new and intuitive form through big data collection, analysis and application. In September 2022, it successfully launched the first index product - Xinjiang machine-made seed cotton purchase price index, and subsequently launched Xinjiang machine-made cotton cost monitoring index and Xinjiang machine-made cotton sales base index, basically forming a complete "cotton line" product index system covering Xinjiang seed cotton purchase processing cost lint sales base, which has had a wide impact in the industry. According to the idea of combining futures with spot goods, and combining "chain extension" with "chain expansion", the subsequent cotton index will further expand to "chemical fiber series" index products relying on EG, PTA, polyester staple and other key varieties, and build a leading, complete and unique price index system for important bulk textile raw materials in China.
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