< p > BR = class = "Apple - Interchange - newsline" /
<table border="1" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2" width="98%" style="text-align: left; text-pform: none; text-indent: 0px; letter-spacing: normal; font: 14px/21px 宋體; white-space: normal; color: rgb(0,0,0); word-spacing: 0px; -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto; -webkit-text-stroke-width: 0px">
< tr height = "8" >
< td = BGCOLOR = "\ \ \ \ \ \ \ 39cc00" height = "8" with = "144" style = "font - size: 12px" >
P > strong > Nom du produit / strong > p
< td >
< td = BGCOLOR = "\ \ \ \ \ \ \ 39cc00" height = "8" with = "117" style = "font - size: 12px" >
< p > strong > Regulations / strong > strong > span > class = "Apple - converted - space" > www / span > / strong > grille / strong > p < http: / / strong >
< td >
< td = BGCOLOR = "\ \ 359 cc00" height = "8" with = "168" style = "font - size: 12px" >
P > p > strong > prix payé / strong > strong > strong > span > lang = en - US > (< span > / strong > strong > Yuan < strong > / strong > strong > SPAN = lang = "en - US" / / span > et / ou < strong > strong > stong > tonnes / strong > tonnes / strong > stong < en - US > > / span > et / span > et / strong > strong < strong > tonnes / strong > tonnes / strong > et < strong > strong > stong > stong > tonnes < strong > SPAN = lang = "en - US" > / span < strong >
< td >
< tr >
< tr height = "15" >
< td = height = "15" with = "144" style = "font - size: 12px" >
"P", "p", "p", "p"
< td >
< td = height = "15" with = "117" style = "font - size: 12px" >
< p > SPAN = lang = "en - US" > 21S < span / p >
< td >
< td = height = "15" with = "168" style = "font - size: 12px" >
< p > SPAN = lang = "en - US" > 21600 < span / p >
< td >
< tr >
< tr height = "13" >
< td = height = "13" with = "144" style = "font - size: 12px" >
"P", "p", "p", "p"
< td >
< td = height = "13" with = "117" style = "font - size: 12px" >
< p > SPAN = lang = "en - US" > 32S < span / p >
< td >
< td = height = "13" with = "168" style = "font - size: 12px" >
< p > SPAN = lang = "en - US" > 25500 < span / p >
< td >
< tr >
< tr height = "14" >
< td = height = "14" with = "144" style = "font - size: 12px" >
"P", "fil de soie en coton", "p"
< td >
< td = height = "14" with = "117" style = "font - size: 12px" >
< p > SPAN = lang = "en - US" > 32S < span / p >
< td >
< td = height = "14" with = "168" style = "font - size: 12px" >
< p > SPAN = lang = "en - US" > 28500 < span / p >
< td >
< tr >
< tr height = "9" >
< td = height = "9" with = "144" style = "font - size: 12px" >
"P", "fil de soie en coton", "p"
< td >
< td = height = "9" with = "117" style = "font - size: 12px" >
< p > SPAN = lang = "en - US" > 40s < span / p >
< td >
< td = height = "9" with = "168" style = "font - size: 12px" >
< p > SPAN = lang = "en - US" > 30500 < span / p >
< td >
< tr >
< tr height = "14" >
< td = height = "14" with = "144" style = "font - size: 12px" >
< p > fil de polyester = Span - lang = "en - US" > 65 / 35 < span > p >
< td >
< td = height = "14" with = "117" style = "font - size: 12px" >
< p > SPAN = lang = "en - US" > 32S < span / p >
< td >
< td = height = "14" with = "168" style = "font - size: 12px" >
< p > SPAN = lang = "en - US" > 19500 < span / p >
< td >
< tr >
< tr height = "14" >
< td = height = "14" with = "144" style = "font - size: 12px" >
"P", "p", "p", "p"
< td >
< td = height = "14" with = "117" style = "font - size: 12px" >
< p > SPAN = lang = "en - US" > 32S < span / p >
< td >
< td = height = "14" with = "168" style = "font - size: 12px" >
< p > SPAN = lang = "en - US" > 14250 < span / p >
< td >
< tr >
< tr height = "3" >
< td = height = "3" with = "144" style = "font - size: 12px" >
"P", "p", "p", "p"
< td >
< td = height = "3" with = "117" style = "font - size: 12px" >
< p > SPAN = lang = "en - US" > 45S < span / p >
< td >
< td = height = "3" with = "168" style = "font - size: 12px" >
< p > SPAN = lang = "en - US" > 15300 < span / p >
< td >
< tr >
< tr height = "27" >
< td = height = "27" with = "144" style = "font - size: 12px" >
"P", "p", "p".
< td >
< td = height = "27" with = "117" style = "font - size: 12px" >
< p > SPAN = lang = "en - US" > 20S < span / p >
< td >
< td = height = "27" with = "168" style = "font - size: 12px" >
< p class = "style1" > SPAN = lang = "en - US" > 16200 < span > < p >
< td >
< tr >
< tr height = "3" >
< td = height = "3" with = "144" style = "font - size: 12px" >
"P", "p", "p".
< td >
< td = height = "3" with = "117" style = "font - size: 12px" >
< p > SPAN = lang = "en - US" > 30s < span / p >
< td >
< td = height = "3" with = "168" style = "font - size: 12px" >
< p class = "style1" > SPAN = lang = "en - US" > 17 300 < span / p >
< td >
< tr >
< tbody >
< table >
< p >
< p > 13 décembre, a = href = "http: / / sjfzxm.Com / News / index \ \ US.A s p" > Full Cotton wire / a > market prices Stability, 32S Maintenance of Mobile Market, pulvérisation of a good Requirements; the purpose gaze, 32S / 35, 21S Requirements, can be Stabilized and prices.
Fils de lavage de viscose 32S / 2 best - seller de produits.
Les conditions de fonctionnement des différentes variétés sont stables, le fil de lavage pur sur le marché de 50s, à l 'opposé de 45S volumes d' échanges, principalement pour la production de ? http: / / sjfzxm.Com / News / index \ \ US.Asp ?, < polyester coton / a > s érie de matières premières, les prix des fibres de polyester sont à l 'heure actuelle de 9 900 yuan / t.
Les ventes de coton sur le marché des 10 s, principalement pour la production de tissu de coton de diamants, d 'autres spécifications sur le marché du coton de faible volume, les prix des produits sont en train de s' ajuster.
Viscose fiber Short - fiber prix de l 'état de ralentissement du disque, actuellement le prix moyen est de 12 450 yuan / tonne.
On s' attend également à ce que la tendance à l 'ajustement modéré soit observée chez les personnes du marché de l' arrière (< http: / / sjfzxm.Com / News / index u.Asp >).
< p >
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