?? ?? ?? ?? ?? 4
??? ????
Please understand we are processing your order as quickly as we can
??? ??? ??? ? ?? ?? ?? ??? ?? ?? ?? ????
I will check and see what went wrong
?? ??? ?? ?????.
It would better if one of engiers a look at the machine
?? ? ?? ????? ? ??? ?? ?? ??? ? ???.
Please accept our apologies for the delay
??? ?????. ??? ?????.
I am sorry to hear that, there must be some errors in the production process
?????. ????? ?? ? ???.
?? ?? (7)
??? ??? ??.
What exactly is the problem?
??? ??? ??????
Can you give me the order number?
?? ?? ????????
What is the actitual quantity statted?
?? ??? ??? ??????
??? (8)
?? ??? ????.
When can we discuss the contract?
?? ??? ??? ??? ? ????
We would like to discuss the means of delivery detail
??? ?? ?? ??? ???? ???? ??
The are some points we have not worked out
?? ? ? ??? ?? ???. ?? ??? ? ???.
??? (9)
?? ??? ? ??
I can not give you a definte answer right now
?? ?? ??? ??? ?? ? ??
Please let me think it over
? ? ??????.
Would it be all right to give you an answer this afternoon?
??? ?? ??? ?????
??? (10)
???? ??
When can we sign the contract?
?? ?? ?????
Are you ready to sign?
??? ?? ?????
Are you satisfied to the contract?
? ??? ??????
- ?? ??
- ?? ?? | ?? ?? ?? ? ? ?? ? ????
- ?? ?? | ?? ?? ? ?? ? ???? ?? ? ?? ? ??
- ?? ?? | ?????? ???? ??? ??? ? ? ??? ????
- ?? ?? | ??? ?3? ?? ?? ??
- ?? ?? | ?? ??? ?? ??? ?? ??????
- ??? ?? | ?? ?? ???'?? ?? '?? ??? RFID ??
- ?? ?? | ??? ??? 9? 8?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ??
- ?? ?? | 11? 6? ?? ?? ?? ??: ?? ?? ?? ??
- ?? ?? | 11? 6? ????? ??? ????? ????? ???? ???
- ?? ?? | 11? ?? ??? ????? ?? ?? ?? ??