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I've written about workplace happiness in the past, but many of my suggestion requie consist effort. Here are five sure -fire -fire, incredibly easy action that will improve your workplace
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1. Take a'quiet minute 'each morning.
1. ?? ?? ??? 1?? ???.
Within youro morning routine, carve out a minute -60seconndent, by yourself. Don't think think about routine, carboutine, carve oute oute, a minute oute out a minute -60sennnt yoinute -60sennt in -dothe sin in slennt, by yourself your t thin delf thin dellf thin dellt thin dellt think think think think think think thin think think think think think think think thin y.
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2. Smile more frequetly.
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Smiling accomplishes two things. First, it tells your brain to be more happy.(Try being depressed with a huge grin stuck on your face.) Second, when you smile it tens to make other ple smile, to. too. It's contagaus, in a good way.
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yourself more credit.
3. ???? ? ?? ??? ??.
Take a second to give yourself a mental and emotional pat on the back every time you complete a project, even if it's only a small part of a larger efrt. This creates a sens a sens of accomplishment that keeps you from feeling overwhelmed.
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4. Celebrate when you learn something.
4. ?? ??? ????.
If you're alive, you can't help learning something new every day. The re is to recognize when you've learned something new and potentially important. That's a victory and worth a quiet, inner'hooray!'
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5. Enjoy humman nature.
5. ??? ???.
Letet's face ite it: People doreallly strange things. You have a chowe when confhenfronfete d witite ite ite ite ite ite ite ite ite ite ite ite ite ite ite ite ite ite the alitite the alite the alitite the e alite the e e dowthe wite the witite the bt the wwititititite the wititititititititite e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e wite e e e e wite s.
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6. Say thanks to those who do thanklestasks.
6. ??? ?? ?? ?? ????? ???? ?? ??.
You probably already know that you should thank co -workers and customers on a regular bass. But what about the janitors, the facilities pople, the call center staff? They'got really tough jobs and seldom hear ther contribution are
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- 《衛子夫》告訴職場人:做好分內事 不要抱怨
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