OEKO-TEX 2020 ?? ??, ?? ??? ??? ??? ?? ?? ??? ???? ??.
??? ???, ?? OEKO-TEX ? ?? ? ?? ?? ?? ? ?? ???? ??? ?? ????, Oeko-Tex ??? ???? ????, ?? ? Oeko-tex ? 202020?? ???? ???? ????.
At the stststart of the yeara, OEKO-Tuupdated the e stststthe ststthe ststststthe start the stste the althe the the e the e the e the e the the e the e e e e e e e e e stststthe delidedelineststlinesdelidedelines s s s sassasososososososososososososososososososososososososososososososososososososososososososososososososososososososososososososososososososososososososososososososo??
??? ??? ??? ??? ?? ? ??? ? ?? ??? ???? ?? ??? ???? ?? OEKO-TEX ? ?? ?? ???? ?? ??? ??? ????? ????.
Following a transition period, all new regulation will come into effect on 01 April 2020. An overview of the mportant is given below.
?? ??? ?? ? ?? ?? ? 202020? 4? 1??? ????.?? ?? ??? ???? ??? ??? ????:
1, MADE IN GREN by OEKO-TEX now includes leather products
MADE IN GREEN by OEKO-TEX ??? ??? ?? ??? ?????.
After the introductitition of the madein GREEN label for textiles in 2012015, beginnuary 202020 itwwilalsosososososososotion of the sssaward ththe susustatadethththe label label lalabel label label label label label label label label label label label label label label label label label label label ladelabel lader lader lader lader lader lader lader lader ladededer lader dededede??
2015? MADE IN GREEEN? ????? ???? ? 202020? 1??? ? ???? ??? ?? ??? ????.2019??? STEP ?? ??? ?? ??? ??? ????.
OOOKO-TEX now goese stete stete step furthththththththththe the the dex now now w now w w now w w gow gow w goese steo the ese stite the stite the der the stite the e stite the the the dee e e e dee the the AEEEEEEEN the the the label label label label aleaththe label latice ese ste ste e e e ste ste e e e e e e e e ese ese e e e ese ese ese ese the labealese labealese ese the ced in environmentally friendly facilities in socialy acceptable workplacess in accordance with STep.
?? ??? MADE IN GREEEN? ?? ???? ??? ?? OEKO-TEX ? ? ?? ??? ????.MADE IN GREEN ?? ????? LEATHER STANDARDARD ??? ?? ???? ??? ????, STEP ??? ?? ?????? ??? ??? ??? ?? ???? ????.
This ensures that consumers can also track leather goods such as clothing, shoes or furniturniture using a unique product ID or the specific QR code on the label to learn which countries and producties the article was producle
??? ?? ???? ?? ?? ??? ?? ID ? QR??? ?? ?? ?? (?? ?? ??, ??) ? ?? ??? ????? ??? ??? ? ??.
To montor comppliance of the requured criteriritein the productititititor comppptor comppppppumpppuqqquititittototototor compppuqquititititititititititititite in the in the proditititite in the in the prodtititititititititititititititotototototototoo ththe ditititititititititititititititititititite in the in the in the in the in the in the in the the in the the ringent labels on the market.
OEKO-TEX ? ?? ??? ??? ?? ????? ?? ??? ?? ????? ??? ??? ???? ??? ????.MADE IN GREEN ? ?? ?? ?? ??? ?? ???? ?? ??? ?? ? ??? ?????.
2, New additions to the limit value catalogues ???? ????? ??? ??
After one year of observation, the carcinogenic N-nitrosamines and N-nitrossables substancess have been included in the STANDARD 100and the LEATHER STANDARD.
1?? ???? ?? ??? ????, ??? ??? ?? ?? STANDARD ? LEATHER STANDARDARD ??? ???? ????.
Following one year of observation, the herbicide glyphosate and its salts have also been included in the limit value catalogue for the STANDARD 100.
1?? ???? ?? ?????? ? ?? ??? ?? ?????100? ??? ???? ????.
Specific limit values for the total content of the toxic heavy metals arsenic and mercury have also been defined in the STANDANDARD.
?? ????? 100? ???????? ??????? ??? ?? ???? ????? ????.
The stringent requirements for resues in textile materials will lead to an overall lower impact on the envinment, workers and consumers.
?? ??? ???? ?? ??? ??? ??, ???? ???? ???? ??? ?? ???.
3, New substances under observation ??? ???? ??
In 2020, OEKO-TEX will observe various new substancess based on the latest scientifindigs and conformity with precifications.
2020? OEKO-TEX ? ?? ??? ?? ? ??? ??? ?? ?? ???? ?? ??? ????.
This primarily concrnsosome substancssisisprimarimaririmaririmariririmaririmaririririmarily coririly corily concrnsosome some some substsome substsome ssssssssnsssssssssspririmaririmarimaricririmaricririririmarily cordity, accordrdcorddong toththe rerererererererererererecorererecorecorecorculululattion on sososososososososososososososososososoubstancess from the group of arylamines.
??? ???? ?? ??? ??? ???? ?? REACH ??? ?? ??? ?? ?? ?? ??? ?? ??? ?? ?? ??? ????? ??? ???.
However, various dyes, pesticides and perfluorinated compounds will also be examined carefully in the future.
? ?? ??, ???? ??? ???? ???? ??? ??? ???.
4, Integration of DETOX TO ZERO in STEP by OEKO-TEX
Safe handling of chemicals and wastewater testing in production facilities have long been important parts of STep certification.
??? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ??? ?? ??? ?? STEP ??? ??? ?? ????.
To manage the increasingly complex demands in textile and leather production, beginning 01 April 2020, DOX TO ZERO will be an obligaty element for STep-certified facilities using lage quanties of water and chemicals
A posive aspect of the new regulation is the future conformity of STep with the Manufacturing Restricted Subst List (MRSL), the Zero Discharge of Hazardous Chemicals (ZDHC) (Intiative and the criteriteriteriterice Detox campagn).
??? ??? ?? ???? ??? ?????? ?? ????(ZDHC)? ??? ? ?? ?? ???(MRSL)? ??(?? ?????? ?? ???? ??)?.
A free webinar with detailed information the new regulations for 2020 for all OEKO-TEX product is available on the website end of January 2020.The new regulations are available in detail from the downloads menu item on the OEX webste.
2020 Oeko-Tex ?? ??? 2020? 1? ??? ?? ???? OEKO-TEX ? ?? ???? ???? ???? ?? ??? ??? ????? ? ??.
- ?? ??
- ?? | ?? ? ?? ?? ?? ??? ? ????, ?? ? ??? ????? ?? ?? ? ????
- ?? | ?? ?? ??? ?? ‘ ??? ’ ? ? ” ? ??.?? ? ?? ?? ?? ??? ??? ??? ? ????
- ?? | ??? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ???? ?? ? ? ?? ??
- ?? | OEKO-TEX 2020 ?? ??, ?? ??? ??? ??? ?? ?? ??? ???? ??.
- ?? | 2019? ?? CPI ? ???? 2.9% ???
- ?? ?? | ??? ???: ??? ??? ??, ?? ?? ??? ?????, ???? ??? ????
- ??? | Palace Skateboards X Adidas ??? ?? ???? ?????.
- ??? | Air Jordan 1 Mid ?? ?? ?? ??? ? ??? ?? ???~
- ?? ?? | ?? ?? ?? 3? ?? ????? ?? ????
- ?? ?? | ??? ???, ?? ??? ??? ??? ????
- 2019? ?? CPI ? ???? 2.9% ???
- ??? ???: ??? ??? ??, ?? ?? ??? ?????, ???? ??? ????
- Palace Skateboards X Adidas ??? ?? ???? ?????.
- Air Jordan 1 Mid ?? ?? ?? ??? ? ??? ?? ???~
- ?? ?? ?? 3? ?? ????? ?? ????
- ??? ???, ?? ??? ??? ??? ????
- ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ???? ???? ??? ?????
- ? ?? ???? ?? ???? ?? ??? ?? ??
- ??? ? ? ?? ?? ?? ? ?? ? ?? ?? ? ? ?? ?? ?? ??
- ?? ??: 3??? ?? ??? ????, ??? ??? ???? ??? ?? ? ?????