Alternative Installation Of The Five Input Method
If we want to install five font input method in NT 4, we can first choose to use the method of modifying the registry, because this method is relatively simple and fast.
由于在Windows NT 4.0中文版中內置了一些其他中文輸入法如鄭碼、表形碼、拼音等,這些內置輸入法可能是你平時用得很少或者根本就不用的;那么我們可以通過修改注冊表,把那些平時不用或者少用的輸入法用Windows 9x系統中的五筆輸入法文件來代換,從而“曲線”達到在NT 4.0中安裝五筆輸入法的目的,其具體的操作步驟如下: 1、首先在Windows 9x系統中,利用查找功能找到五筆字型輸入法的文件wbx.mb、wbx.ime、wbx.txt、wbx.hlp,把這些文件全部復制到NT 4.0操作系統中的winnt\sysytem32目錄下; 2、接著在NT 4.0操作系統中,利用regedit命令來打開注冊表編輯器操作窗口,然后在該窗口的文件菜單欄中,找到備份注冊表的命令,將注冊表進行完整備份,以避免在修改注冊表的過程中,一不小心發生誤操作而導致整個NT系統癱瘓; 3、接下來,我們應該在注冊表編輯
Keyboard Layouts \ \; Layouts 4; under this key value, we can see that there are some sub key values like E0XX0804 in the sub key value of keyboard Layouts. These sub keys are all corresponding to Chinese input method. We can use mouse to select one click to see its key value, which has a key value of "input name", which reflects the name of the input method. We choose an input method that we usually use very little or not at all, according to our own needs, such as "form code", then change the IME IME in the substring to "Current", and change it into "five font input method", and the rest settings remain unchanged. In the window, click the following key values with mouse: my computer \ HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SYSTEM \ \ Current ControsSet \ \ Control \ \
5, set up, after the completion of the registry, exit the registry editor operation window, return to the desktop of the system; 6, on the desktop, open the control panel operation window, and double-click the input icon in the window, the system will open an input method setting dialog box, in the dialog box, click the Add button to add the input method, select the "China" in the area, at this time, the five stroke font input method appears in the list of the optional input method. After adding, we can complete the task of installing five font input method in the Windows NT 4 Chinese version.
Two, input method generator, by modifying the registry to install five input methods, compared with other installation methods, although it is relatively simple and convenient, this method may pose a great threat to the system, and a little carelessness may lead to the collapse of the whole system. In addition, this method is at the expense of other input methods, so if we do not want to sacrifice any other input method because of the five font input method, or are afraid to modify the registry, it will become an ideal choice for us to generate five input methods through the input generator.
這種方法是將Windows 9x系統下的五筆安裝程序安裝在Windows 9x后,用Windows 9x“輸入法生成器”的“逆轉換”功能,將五筆字型輸入法詞庫文件轉換成五筆字型碼表源文件;轉換成的碼表源文件在Windows NT的輸入法生成器中認為非法,不能讀入,其關鍵原因在于該文件為GB代碼,而不是NT可直接支持的Unicode代碼,可用NT的“代碼轉換器”實現由GB碼向Unicode代碼轉換;最后用NT的輸入法生成器即可安裝成功,具體操作過程為: 1、在Windows 9x系統中,按照普通的安裝方法把五筆輸入法程序安裝好; 2、接著在Windows 9x系統的桌面中,用鼠標依次單擊“開始”/“程序”/“附件”命令,在彈出的附件菜單中找到“輸入法生成器”菜單項,并從隨后彈出的子菜單項中選擇“逆轉換”命令; 3、接著系統將彈出一個設置框,在該設置框中輸入碼表源文件C:\Windows\System\
Wbx.mb, and then generate the wbx.txt file.
The file is composed of three parts: [Description], [Rule] and [Text]. The format of the file is the same as that of the input code table source file in Windows NT system.
4, because the source code of the code table can not be correctly identified by Windows NT 4, the file must be converted into NT recognized code file, that is, in the desktop of NT 4, click the "start" / "program" / "attachment" menu item with mouse click; after 5, then click the code converter command from the pop-up submenu, select wbx.txt in the conversion source file name settings box, the converter automatically identifies the file as GB code, click the "conversion" label, and generate the target file wbzx.txt, select the default Unicode code of the system, and store it under Windows sub directory of Windows NT boot partition NT main directory, for example,
6, below, go back to the desktop of NT operating system, click the "start" / "program" / "appendix" menu item with mouse click, then click "input method generator" / "create input method" command, enter the code table source file wbzx.txt in the pop-up settings dialog box, and after conversion, you can create the five font input method.
三、替換字型碼表源文件內容 這種生成五筆字型的方法與輸入法生成器的方法有點類似,它先逆轉換NT 4.0中文版中的某一“閑置”漢字輸入法,例如表形碼輸入法的內置碼表文件,然后用五筆字型的碼表源文件的某些區段替換逆轉換后生成的表形碼表源文件相應字段,然后將表形碼碼表源文件改名存盤后,通過輸入法生成器將此碼表源文件生成五筆字型輸入法文件,其具體的設置步驟如下: 1、首先在Windows系統中,利用輸入法生成器中的“逆轉換”功能,生成一個五筆字型的碼表源文件wbx.txt; 2、其次,將五筆字型的碼表源文件wbx.txt復制NT4.0操作系統中,隨后用寫字板或者其他的文本編輯器來打開該文件; 3、接著在NT4.0系統的桌面中,用鼠標依次單擊“開始”/“程序”/“附件”命令,在彈出的附件菜單中找到“輸入法生成器”菜
Table source file winbxm.txt; 4, double click winzm.txt to open the file, then replace [Desccription], [Rule] and [Text] segments in winzm.txt by using the corresponding segments in wbx.txt; after the replacement of 5, replace winbxm.txt with wb.txt, copy the winbxm.txt to the directory; 6, then open the "general input method editor", select "create input method" label, then click browse, select "click", click "convert", generate code table file, convert, click create, then enter other relevant information; 7, after all information is set up, click the "confirm" button with mouse, and generate input method file. Single item, and from the subsequent sub menu item to select the "reverse conversion" command, to convert a "idle" code table file in NT, such as the form code winbxm.mb file, to generate a code.
Finally, the five pen input method is added, that is, the five installation task has been completed.
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