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    How To Tie Your Boss To A Line?

    2008/11/14 10:47:00 41906

    What kind of person is your boss?

    Is your boss a person who only wants to grasp the overall situation, or is he a person who does not relax at all?

    If you report to a person who only wishes to grasp the big picture, you will soon be upset.

    You may think that you are so careful about a job, and your boss is indifferent. In fact, it is wrong to think so.

    A leader who is only willing to grasp the overall situation will think that you should do all the basic work, otherwise the party will not trust you.

    Your boss may only focus on the results.

    If you know the personality of the boss earlier, you will enjoy much more cooperation.


    If you have a clear idea of what your boss wants to accomplish, you'd better help.

    Knowing those special goals will help you better grasp the direction of the Department.

    With this information, you can take proactive measures to help your boss achieve your goals, and your boss will see you as a valuable member of the Department, so when it comes to promotion, you will also be promoted.


    If you know that your boss is not a person who likes to deal with problems in the morning, you should try to avoid being the first person to be summoned - especially when the two of you do have problems to discuss.

    You will find that your boss is more likely to listen to ideas at two o'clock p.m., and more likely to help you solve problems. Never disturb them before they drink second cups of coffee.

    Are you clear about your expectations of your boss?

    In fact, only a few lucky people will be expected by their leaders and delineate goals for them.

    Everyone sharpened their brains to become one of them.

    If your boss is a detail oriented person, you should simply write down what you think the other person expects of you and then send it to the other person for advice.

    If your boss is a dizzy person who sees more paper, you'd better talk to your partner informally about your role and responsibilities in the Department.

    Write down the content of the conversation so that you can check it regularly and make sure that you are helping your boss achieve the goal.


    You know, if your boss looks great, you will also look great.

    You should always try to make your boss look good.

    If you have the idea of improving the Department's work, let the other person know.

    But we must talk privately and do not conflict with each other.

    If the Department's work is improved, you will get more trust, which is good for your career.

    Once you really get in touch with your boss, you will feel that you are more like a partner than a subordinate.

    As a partner, your boss will entrust you with more responsibilities so that you can make progress and work more satisfactorily.

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    Don'T Talk On The Phone.

    If it's more difficult to talk with the other side, you'd better not use the phone. Because no one can see anyone on the phone, so it's easier to say "no". The other person sees your anxious eyes, does not see your praying expression, says "no", will not be embarrassed, he will very gently reject you. Therefore, be sure not to talk on the phone for things that are easily rejected.

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