Office Etiquette Criteria To Report To Superiors
stay Business activities Supervisor instruct or command Past work After proceeding or ending, they should be reported one by one. Usually, the result should be reported first, and then the process should be stated.
In doing Presentation When it is time, it is necessary to clearly return 5W2H, namely, WHAT, WHEN, WHERE, WHO, WHY, HOW and HOW MUCH.
stay Daily office A lot of things don't need to be done. Written report Some of the following situations can be found in oral reports:
At the end of a day's work, routine work reports should be made.
After the work done according to instructions or orders,
In accordance with Instructions Or when the command job is not successful.
A long-term work report;
When accidents or accidents happen suddenly at work.
Usually, we have to Boss When reporting complex and tedious matters, you should first ask your boss: "I want to report something to you. Is that convenient for you now?"
If you need to submit a written report, you should submit a report within the prescribed time limit to your supervisor in accordance with the prescribed written report format.
* the main content of a written report is usually:
Contents of the code of conduct and business requirements;
Matters that have been customary in the office;
Matters already stated in oral reports;
Record the correct figures and statistics.
* the form of written report
The title is striking and the theme is clear.
Do not adulterate individual subjective views, only record facts;
In the report, we should first make a conclusion and then write it in the order of reason.
The report should be smooth and concise.
The important thing is to list the titles or sub items.
If necessary, attach a chart to the report.
Doing something alone work When we have to do everything, we must Boss Get in touch and do not filter information without authorization, so as not to cause mistakes.
We must consult with our superiors about things that are not certain.
Editor: vivi
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