Post American Girl Group And Set Up The First Registered Artist Trademark
Today, the Orange world is a brokering company releasing the 09 edition two posters of the "seven princesses" of the 80 after girls' artists group, and reveals that the name of the artist team is registered. It is reported that this is a new attempt of Chinese brokers.
橙天推出的這組80后美少女組合“七公主”的兩款海報中,其中一款北斗七星主打海報,橙天一直力推的唐嫣位于天樞位,今年是她的大收之年,不僅有份出任周杰倫的《熊貓人》女主,更有年中即將播映的《仙劍三》和年底的電影大片《風云2》;天璇位上的是橙天新人李念,憑借與陳道明合作的《茉莉花》成功出道,由她與文章主演的《蝸居》即將在全國熱播,而在剛剛拍完建國60周年獻禮片《沂蒙六姐妹》中,李念扮演一位最美的紅嫂;位于天璣星位的是橙天新人陳瑞,北京電影學院畢業的她不僅在胡玫的大戲《望族》中有出色的表現,更在商界發展得順風順水,以演員與修身堂老板的雙重身份成為京城最受關注的社交名媛;橙天剛剛簽下新人的錢柳吟位于天權位,現在還是電影學院大二學生的她雖然是“七公主”中資歷最淺的,但已經參演了《尋找劉三 姐》和新版《紅樓夢》,潛力無限;俏皮可愛的大眼美女楊婷婷穩坐玉衡星位,頗有觀眾眼緣的她經過《舞臺姐妹》《中國往事》兩部年代大戲的鍛煉更加出類拔萃,成為臺灣八點檔收視率第一的電視劇《娘家》新女主,09年更進軍電視綜藝界,攜手劉謙、汪涵擔綱湖南衛視重磅推出的黃金欄目《金牌魔術團》中“謙女郎”;開陽位上的沅希也是剛剛加盟橙天的影視歌三棲新人,曾在郭寶昌執導的《粉墨王侯》中有過出挑表現,今年全力進軍歌壇,將重磅推出自己的全新大碟;最后位于在搖光位上閃耀星光的是陰奕彤,曾主演過《新上海灘》《媳婦的眼淚》《青春之歌》等年代大戲的她以端莊古典的氣質贏得了廣泛好評,而個性沉穩踏實也令她的星途不可限量。
For the industry, it is not important to sign the post-80s newcomers. It is important to sign 7 in one breath, indicating that the determination and intensity of orange day's training for the later generation is the foundation to win the future. It is said that orange is still investigating new people continuously, and intends to use the Title of "seven princesses" to replace the new girls in the 3 years. At the same time, orange day has been declared in the name registration of artist team name, which is said to be a new attempt of Chinese brokerage.
Yi Mei, general manager of orange day brokerage, told reporters that orange has been trying out a new mode of artist brokers. This time, it will register trademarks in the form of an entertainment team. First, it hopes to better protect the value of all aspects of brokers for training and developing their artists. Meanwhile, through the brand effect of trademarks, the commercial value of artists can be diversified, such as developing brand products with corresponding manufacturers. At the same time, she confirmed that in the future, the "seven princesses" will be adjusted in time according to the development of the company's artistes. Therefore, the registration of the "seven princess" trademark will promote the competition and cooperation of the artists of orange sky.
It is reported that following the "seven princesses", the corresponding details of the trademark registration of the male artists team under the orange sky are also being fully promoted.
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