Wenzhou Accelerated The Elimination Of Backward Production Capacity Of &Nbsp, Including Tannery, Paper And Textile.
Wenzhou will improve its elimination of backward production capacity policy System, increase the pace of energy conservation and emission reduction, and promote industrial restructuring. The Standing Committee of the Wenzhou municipal government deliberated and adopted in principle the opinions on strengthening the elimination of backward production capacity. It is clear that Wenzhou will eliminate iron and steel, nonferrous metals and building materials this year. To curry leather Paper making, Spin The main tasks of such industries are backward production capacity, and brick and tile kilns in the building materials industry are listed as the focus of elimination.
據《意見》,2011年前,鋼鐵行業將淘汰30噸及以下煉鋼轉爐、電爐,淘汰工頻爐和中頻感應爐生產的地條鋼、鋼錠或連鑄坯;在有色金屬行業,電解鋁淘汰100千安及以下電解鋁小預焙槽,銅冶煉淘汰沖天爐、鼓風爐、電爐、反射爐煉銅工藝及設備,鉛冶煉淘汰采用燒結鍋、燒結盤、簡易高爐等落后方式煉鉛工藝及設備,淘汰未配套建設制酸及尾氣吸收系統的燒結煉鋁工藝,鋅冶煉淘汰采用馬弗爐、馬槽爐、橫罐、小豎罐(單日單罐產量8噸以下)等進行焙燒、采用簡易冷凝設施進行收塵等落后方式煉鋅或生產氧化鋅制品的生產工藝及設備;建材行業將淘汰磚瓦18門以下輪窯以及立窯、無頂輪窯、馬蹄窯等土窯;制革行業將淘汰年加工皮革20萬張(折牛皮標張)以下的生產線;造紙行業將淘汰單條年產1萬噸以下以廢紙為原料的造紙生產線;紡織行業將淘汰年加工能力在30 The printing and dyeing production line less than 00 meters is to eliminate R531 acidic old viscose spinning machine, the annual production of viscose production line below 20 thousand tons, the wet process and DMF solvent spandex production process, the DMF solvent acrylic production process, the semi-automatic winding equipment of polyester filament spindle 900 mm below, the intermittent polyester equipment and other backward fiber production capacity.
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