Who Is Defining The Trend Of Swedish Fashion Design?
What do you think of Swedish fashion first? Is it a H&M friendly price, or a Acne style leisure style? Or both, like a 400 kroner Cheap Monday jeans? Frankly speaking, the Nordic design always has the impression that IKEA gives people the impression of simplicity, parity, environmental protection and practicality. But in the early February fashion week in Stockholm, some young designers are trying to change your view.
Soft, light, feminine, and sometimes vulgar. As the unveiling of fashion week, a series of pink skirts and light skirts of Ida Sjosedt are far from the hard cut and neutral image of Swedish fashion. However, more and more conferences like this are now in Sweden. "Attending the local fashion week is the most natural decision for me, not only because Stockholm is my hometown, but also because my most valued target customers live in this city." Sjosedt launched the first personal series in 2002.
This season, there are about 30 designers and brands in the 4 day 2011 autumn and winter fashion week in Stockholm. Apart from the internationally renowned Anne Sofie Back and Cheap Monday, there are still more unfamiliar names such as Dagmar, Carin Wester, Josefin Strid, etc. "Regardless of the media or designers, the number of participants in this fashion week has broken the record." Fashion Week organizer ASFB Anna Eriksson said.
Thanks to the success of H&M, Acne and other brands, Swedish fashion has gained a great reputation over the past 10 years, but Stockholm fashion Zhou Zhenzheng has only been shaping for nearly two or three years. As a leader of local designers, Anne Sofie Back usually shows up in London Fashion Week, and actually shows her Back in Sweden. Nonetheless, her press conference still shows a high standard: from bright colors to descending skirts, and then to the 1980s wide shoulder suit, Back keeps her rebellious style while touching the trend of the trend.
Considering that fashion is popular in the form of Celine's rational aesthetics, Swedish fashion, which has always been pragmatic, seems to be in a very advantageous position. Like Back, Whyred's new series also hit several major autumn and winter trend points including Chinese skirts, long coats and jujubes. It was voted the best in Sweden this season by the international media. Speaking of creative techniques, Whyred designer Roland Hjort says Swedish people attach importance to functionality, so the dramatic style is almost useless here.
However, if you pay close attention to the works of other designers, you will find that Whyred and Back are the so-called minorities. Of course, J. Lindeberg and Filippa K represent the classic side of Swedish fashion, but their popularity has been overshadowed by more upbeat rising stars. Take Local Firm as an example, this latest fashion inspired by the Soviet Union's art and Design: Painted Models with exaggerated red Eyeshadow are wearing rhombus cardigan and cashmere dress with long knees. Different fabrics are stacked on them to make them look like night animals and computer hackers. Cheap Monday is no longer satisfied with the label of "T-shirt plus jeans", using rubber and PVC sportswear to express their future proposition.
The new series of Hope is presented in the form of short films: Although the designer has incorporated some traditional Swedish elements, such as the edge of a skirt, he uses the local characteristics of silvery weave, but his interpretation of Swedish style is not narrow. At the same time, at the exhibition of Beckmans Fashion Design Institute held by NK department store, the complex works of students' tribute to Paris have no trace of the Scandinavian design. These young people have their own ideas about the future of Swedish fashion.
Swedish fashion writer Daniel Bjork commented on Stockholm's current "anti Swedish" trend: "when Style.com's fashion commentator Tim Blanks said Acne's design was not" Sweden ", he did not have no reason. Creative workers in our country always like to look outside, so they are not insulting, but rather a compliment.
"Although the Gothic and avant-garde people generally describe Belgian fashion, the famous Six Gentlemen in Antwerp are different in style." Bjork points out. He believes that Swedish fashion also has its multifaceted nature, covering both the darkness of Nakkna and the romance of Sjostedt, including the simplicity of Filippa K and the avant-garde of Sandra Backlund.
The show of the new brand Altewai.Samoe is one of the most satisfying press releases this season for Bjork. The two designers, Natalia Altewai and Randa Samoe, used their experience of working for luxury brands in Italy for their complicated details. After deviating from the minimalist way, they opened up new ideas for Swedish fashion.
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