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    European Fashion Brands Are Changing And Developing

    2012/4/7 12:55:00 12

    EuropeFashionMarketHomeFashion Industry

    According to media reports, with the constant upgrading of China's garment industry, some European fashion brands begin to "West withdraw" and find suitable manufacturers around their borders. Many neighboring countries and regions are becoming new fashion manufacturing centers.

    Because the main market is still in Europe, some European fashion brands "West withdrawal" is mainly aimed at coping with changing consumer preferences in the local fashion industry.

    Because the fashion trend is more and more changeable, if the origin is too far away, the trend may have changed after long distance pportation, and the clothing on the ship has not yet been unloaded. It has become a bright future and can only be disposed of at a discount, which is the last thing that fashion companies want to see.

    Moving the manufacturing base to some areas closer to the market can greatly shorten the supply chain and facilitate fashion companies to quickly grasp the new trend of the trend and respond in a timely manner.

    In addition, the relocation of manufacturing base to the surrounding areas is also a matter of cultural proximity. The communication between production management and quality control will be more smooth.

    However, the withdrawal of some manufacturing bases from China is only part of the action of European fashion brands.

    In recent years, European fashion brands have been demonstrating the Chinese market by continuously accelerating the opening of physical stores and steadily expanding to the two or three tier cities.

    It is particularly noteworthy that, with the rapid development of the Internet market, the expansion in China has become more and more important.

    European fashion brands

    Also began to cautiously "touch the net", want to borrow the net shopping Dongfeng further expand the market share.

    For local fashion brands, the retreat of European fashion brands is a mixed blessing: after the end of manufacturing, some of the OEM products are withdrawn, the independent brands will get better development space, and facilitate the movement of domestic fashion brands to the upstream industry chain; and at the end of the market, as European fashion brands accelerate the layout of the Chinese market, competition will become more intense, and the survival pressure of local enterprises will also increase.

    In this context, local fashion brands should not only grasp the new trend of consumption trend in time, but also grasp the new trend of the industry, study and deal with it as early as possible, and win the opportunity.

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