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    How To Do More And More Old Clothes At Home?

    2014/3/31 23:36:00 3623

    Old ClothesClothesClothes

    < p > spring blossoms, and another wonderful spring begins. Many citizens, especially the women who love beauty, have bought new clothes for themselves and their families early.

    Can be bought back to find that the old a target= "_blank" href= "http://www.91se91.com/" > clothes < /a > too much, the size of the inappropriate old style clothes quietly lying in the wardrobe, occupy a place, throw it too bad, after all, many clothes are half new, really annoying.

    How did you handle your old clothes? Recently, the reporter conducted an investigation.

    < /p >

    < p > < strong > more and more old clothes at home < /strong > < /p >

    Below P, and now to the season changing season, many people start buying new clothes.

    "Some days ago, new clothes came on the market. I took up several spring clothes while I had some activities."

    The leaf seed, who lives in Shuangjing street, told reporters that she likes to buy new clothes. Whenever she likes to have a new listing of her brand, she quickly buys it. Some clothes are not necessarily bought, and she throws them in the closet.

    "There are too many clothes in the closet, seventy percent of which are usually not worn at all. I want to give them away, and I don't know who to give them. It's too bad to throw them away. There are many clothes and even the business signs have not yet been removed."

    < /p >

    Less than P, there are many people who are distressed like leaf seeds.

    Miss Cao, who works at a bank in Central China, is also worried about her old clothes at home.

    "I started working last year. There are a lot of clothes in my school days, and I can't wear them now.

    I wanted to hang on the Internet before selling second-hand goods, but the result was not ideal, and I didn't know how to deal with it.

    < /p >

    Zhang Lan, who lives in Baiyun lane, has a pair of clever hands. He can tear down the old sweater in the family to make all kinds of little things. P

    "Look, my coat is made of old wool."

    Zhang Lan pointed to her pet dog and told reporters that she often dismantled the old sweater that she did not wear. After she was finished, she had to steam the wool in the rice cooker, straighten the wool, and then re weave the vest and dog clothes. She also ticked off several pairs of a target= "_blank" href= "http://www.91se91.com/".

    "Some materials can also be used to make cloth, but others are not easy to handle."

    Zhang Lan said.

    < /p >

    < p > < strong > send to civil affairs department and have to wait for < /strong > < /p >.

    < p > in addition to the use of other old clothes, how to deal with it? Many people think of the Civil Affairs Department, the old clothes donated to the past, by the Civil Affairs Department unified treatment, to help those in need, not only offer love, but also solve the problem of old clothes at home, and kill two birds with one stone.

    In March 11th, the reporter learned from the Anqing civil affairs department that the Civil Affairs Bureau has been very grateful to the public for their love and has always encouraged and supported everyone to offer their love. As long as the clothes sent by the public, they will take all the clothes, classify, wash and disinfect the clothes uniformly, and keep them properly, and send them to those who need help.

    However, at present, the warehouse of our civil affairs department has been filled with emergency supplies, and the new warehouse is still being built. Therefore, it is best for the citizens to wait for some time to donate clothes.

    < /p >

    < p > "every year, enthusiastic citizens come to ask for donations of old clothes."

    Cao Longxi, director of the disaster relief office of the Anqing Civil Affairs Bureau (the office of the city's production and disaster relief leading group), told reporters that an elderly man living near the railway station last year brought over two bags of old clothes. Although there were more than ten clothes, there was still little for production and disaster relief. The Civil Affairs Bureau needed to accumulate a certain number of clothes before it could be processed uniformly. It is impossible for the public to send a Civil Affairs Bureau to disinfect and process one. The cost is too high and too wasteful.

    "In order to make the old man round his love, we contacted the home for the elderly, and sent the appropriate clothes to them."

    < /p >

    < p > "in fact, there are many difficult people in our city. There are many low security families in every community. If the citizens want to donate clothes, they can send them to the social donation points nearby, or they can send them to the community to arrange for them to send them to the needy."

    Cao said.

    < /p >

    < p > < strong > social donation receiving point can not digest too much old clothes < /strong > /p >

    < p > it is understood that there are 12 social donation recipients in our city. Apart from the office of the municipal charity office, there are several other offices in the district or town, either the Social Housing Commission, the German wide social housing committee, the high Flower Society Committee and the Linghu New Village Social Housing Commission.

    < /p >

    < p > there is a "love supermarket" in the Linghu community, which is established on the basis of the approved "social donation work receiving point".

    Every year, many love people come to donate money, and the community workers display the items donated by the love people in the supermarket, so that there are nearby difficult people in the community to choose the items they need.

    < /p >

    < p > "the enthusiasm of the citizens is very high. Our donation registration book is almost written."

    Yuan Fang, director of Linghu new village community, told reporters that many people came to donate every year, most of whom donated clothes.

    "Many people know that we have a" love supermarket ". The old clothes that we collate at home are sent to us. The right clothes are distributed to the needy families around the city, but the urban area can not digest so many old clothes, and the rest will be sent to the poverty-stricken areas.

    < /p >

    < p > < strong > it seems inappropriate to send old clothes to poor areas < /strong > < /p >

    < p > since the urban area can not digest the old clothes donated by the citizens, it has to be sent out.

    In the field of University Liu Fang is very loving, often on the Internet to see pictures of poor mountain children feel very sad.

    Last year, she saw in a web forum that a middle school in the deep mountain of Yunnan needed clothes and books. She immediately collated the clothes that were not very old, and bought several books for the past. Although she never answered, she still insisted on offering love.

    "Some friends told me that the requirements on the Internet may be false, but I'd like to believe they really need help."

    Liu Fang said she would still love her when she encountered similar things later.

    < /p >

    Mr. Cao, who engaged in social assistance work at P, said he had encountered many embarrassment in his work no matter whether the online demand was genuine or not. Some of the old clothes donated by some social benevolent people were not popular with people in poor areas or affected areas.

    "I often encounter in my work. Nowadays people are not like the old people. With the development and progress of society, people in poor areas will pick out old clothes donated."

    Mr. Cao said that due to the difference in the quality and price of old clothes donated by the society, it was difficult to distribute in the poor areas. Some people had been assigned well, and some had been assigned a little difference, which would easily lead to contradictions and turn bad things into good ones. Another thing was that clothes donated by society would need to be cleaned and sterilized before they could be sent to poverty-stricken areas or disaster areas.

    Therefore, it is generally suggested that people in the community should donate money, and that the social assistance departments should buy materials together, and do not advocate donating clothes.

    < /p >

    < p > < strong > to friends and relatives may be a good choice. < /strong > /p >

    < p > in order to make the old clothes continue to play its mission and not be spoiled, many people choose to choose some good quality and good old clothes for the children of their relatives and friends.

    "My daughter likes to buy, what is" a target= "_blank" href= "http://www.91se91.com/" hat "/a", scarf, skirt, a pile of piles at home, particularly annoying.

    Last time I picked up some kids for my friends. Anyway, they put them in their homes, and they were more likely to be given to others.

    Lin aunt, who lives in the Grand View mall, said, "although it is good to give clothes to others, it is after all the old clothes worn out. Sometimes, we should pay attention to it. Now that everyone's living conditions are good, people do not want others to wear old clothes, and people close to others can accept it, and others will not be able to speak."

    < /p >

    < p >, however, there are also people who take the initiative to ask for old clothes.

    Ms. Qi, who lives in Jinghai garden, told reporters that her daughter was admitted to Fudan University in the past few years. Now she has gone abroad for further education. Her friends and family sometimes come to ask for a piece of old clothes that her daughter used to wear. She is lucky enough to have a good school for her children.

    "During the new year last year, I packed my closet, arranged a lot of old clothes, and some of the clothes I could wear were all taken away by relatives, which saved a lot of space for my family."

    Mrs. Qi said with a smile.

    < /p >

    Su Yuan Yuan, who lives in the Grand View Pavilion in P, is very happy recently because she has added many new clothes in her wardrobe.

    "I am still at school, not so much money to buy new clothes. Just when my cousin got married, she gave me all her old clothes, and many of them were 80% new. The style was also my favorite." /p! "

    < p > < strong > selling to recycle bin is also a destination. < /strong > /p >

    < p > Wang Longfeng, a dustman in the District, told reporters that there were not many people who threw away the old clothes. She could often pick up old clothes.

    "Last year, there were more people throwing old clothes in the twelfth lunar month. Every year, every household was cleaning up. Many people put their old clothes" a target= "_blank" href= "http://www.91se91.com/" > clothing < /a > in a big bag beside the garbage bin. Sometimes I saw them pick up, pick up some clothes that could be left behind, and others sell them to the recycle bin.

    < /p >

    < p > however, not all the recycle bin used old clothes to look for. Yesterday, at a waste recycling station on the south of the Hu Xin Road, the reporter saw the big sign on the front door sign saying "recycling old clothes".

    "Master, do you accept old clothes?" asked aunt Wu who came to consult.

    "Ah, you see, I'm not all in it, as long as it's not dirty, broken, and clothes for dogs."

    The owner of the recycle bin, Master Wu, said that the old clothes he received were not divided into materials and old ones. They were all calculated according to the Jin Jin, which was sold at a catty of 30 Fen and sold to some factories as mops.

    Aunt Wu told reporters that it was a pity that some of her new clothes were sold, but there was no good way to use them, or to recycle them, and eventually sold a bag of clothes she brought.

    < /p >

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