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    How To Become A Master Of Marketing?

    2014/7/18 12:45:00 60

    MarketingDemandProfessional KnowledgeStory

    < p > in fact, in this age of information, let us have three heads and six arms, and where to find so many new tricks to satisfy consumers' hobbies that have been spoiled by them.

    And the marketing innovation that is obsessed with technological progress and the naked utilitarian drive are no longer needed. Consumers are beginning to get tired of all kinds of marketing gimmicks. They even hate it, or may eventually be far away from the brand.

    < /p >

    < p > taking social marketing as an example, intelligent marketing service provider webpower is also helping enterprises to launch social media < a href= "http://www.91se91.com/business/" > marketing < /a > activities. Two findings have aroused my concern.

    First, the Henan daily newspaper group's big Yu network survey shows that over 70% of consumers do not buy WeChat marketing.

    Two, a new span of 10 years has been conducted by professors from the Department of integrated marketing communication of the Medill School of journalism, Northwestern University, with more than 1100000 questionnaires, 73 new fast consumer categories and 1500 independent brands. The subjects who frequently used social media were more inclined to "brand preference" when asked about their brand preferences in many product categories than those who used less social media.

    In addition, along with the passage of time, subjects' use of social media increased, and their preferences for specific brands in a certain category of products decreased considerably.

    This is also in line with the view of Don Schulz, a famous integrated marketing master and professor of Northwestern University, who recently made a presentation at CCTV tender site: although consumers spend more and more time on social media, their choice of brand will be weaker.

    Although we all know that social media marketing is indispensable, it is no doubt a great channel for the brand in the long run. But at the present time, these surveys will undoubtedly throw a cold water on the marketing staff who are now in full swing in social marketing.

    < /p >

    Besides mastering excellent high-tech capabilities and various marketing strategies, what else do we need to do to capture "a href=" http://www.91se91.com/business/ "consumer" /a "today's increasingly sensitive suspicious heart and impress consumers' hearts?" I believe that in modern market environment, the key to the success of marketers is to cultivate their ability to work with "high sensibility" and "high perception". (Daniel author H. Daniel, in the book "waiting for talents", mentioned that the world will belong to a highly perceptual group), that is, being keen on discerning trends and opportunities, and having the ability to understand subtle changes, to understand all kinds of interpersonal relationships and to explore the deep meaning of things. < p > under such circumstances, what do we need to do to save our marketing efforts and make marketing more effective? Marketers

    Specifically, marketers can make efforts in the following 4 aspects: < /p >

    < p > < strong > 1., highlighting the uniqueness of products, and telling the pleasant story < /strong > /p >

    < p > Apple Corp is undoubtedly the master of product uniqueness and a href= "http://www.91se91.com/business/" > story < /a >. Jobs's success tells us that the information overload age of consumers is not enough to publicize the functionality of products. We must do our best to tell consumers the uniqueness of products. According to the accumulated experience of webpower in intelligent marketing service providers, we should also pay attention to the artistry of the way of disclosure: don't just put arguments and reason, want to persuade others, instilling information, or even convince yourself, we must weave a fascinating story, combine your product characteristics with seemingly irrelevant concepts, and turn them into new things of concern.

    This process requires marketers to observe the trend and understand the sensitivity of consumer psychology.

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    < p > < strong > 2. do not always be serious and learn to delight the consumer < /strong > < /p >

    < p > there is too much evidence to show that laughing, keeping cheerful, playing games and having a sense of humor are of great benefit to health and work.

    Too serious can sometimes make consumers feel tall and unapproachable.

    Through webpower's practical research in mail, text messaging, WeChat, APP and other multi-channel marketing, in the perceptual age, consumers need to have fun regardless of work or home.

    Therefore, marketers should be aware of other people's feelings, be familiar with the subtle interaction between people, know how to find joy for themselves and others, and make your marketing activities enjoyable to consumers, so consumers will also like you.

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    < p > < strong > 3. reveals the deep meaning of brand humanity in the process of marketing, < /strong > /p >

    < p > consumers now live in a relatively rich world. They are not only satisfied with the basic "a href=" http://www.91se91.com/business/ "demand" /a, but begin to pursue deeper desires: the purpose of life, the meaning of life, and the satisfaction of the soul.

    Therefore, in marketing, on the basis of understanding the needs of consumers and respecting consumers, marketers need to show the side of the brand human nature, explore the brand of humanity, show the meaning of brand, and meet the needs of users.

    < /p >

    < p > < strong > 4. precipitation professional ability, temper global thinking < /strong > /p >

    < p > the marketing industry is changing rapidly, learning new things and mastering new marketing a href= "http://www.91se91.com/business/" > professional knowledge < /a > essential. However, at present, marketing outsourcing has been popularized in enterprises, and the division of labor in society is more elaborate. Enterprises need talents with integrated thinking on the basis of marketing personnel who need professional talents.

    Therefore, in a complex and changeable marketing environment, marketers who integrate all kinds of marketing resources and overall marketing strategy will be more likely to achieve their own success and lead enterprises to move forward.

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