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    Hubei Xiangyang A Number Of Textile Projects To Promote Rapid Progress

    2014/7/25 11:11:00 30

    HubeiXiangyangTextile Project

    < p > July 24th, < a href= "http:// www.91se91.com/news/index_c.asp" > investment of < /a > 2 billion yuan for the new Xiangmian retreat garden relocation and spanformation project, 1 months ahead of the original plan to complete the main building capping, and is expected to be put into production by the end of the year. This is a microcosm of the rapid development of Xiangyang textile project in Hubei. < /p >
    < p > it is understood that in addition to the total investment of 60 million yuan in Gucheng Park, the total investment of Fu Shi textile 50 thousand spindles compact spinning expansion project is 30 million yuan. The world's weaving 500 looms project, with a total investment of 300 million yuan, the shalai shoe industry project and the total investment of 500 million yuan, Zheng Chun Wei Textile 100 thousand spindles spinning, 2000 looms project and the total investment of 150 million yuan Zhong LAN textile new 1000 loom project. < /p >
    < p > > the project will build full-automatic "a href=" http:// "www.91se91.com/news/index_c.asp" > rotor spinning < /a > 30, which can achieve an annual output of 35000 tons < a href= "http:// www.91se91.com/news/index_c.asp" > special yarn < /a >. At the same time, we should build compact spinning 100 thousand spindle production line. After the project is completed, the annual sales revenue is expected to reach 5 billion yuan. < /p >
    < p > there are also 570 million yuan high rise textile projects, 200 thousand new spindles and 300 new air-jet looms. After the project is completed, the annual output of cotton yarn is 40 thousand tons, and the grey cloth is 40 million meters. The output value is 1 billion 240 million yuan and the tax revenue is 36 million yuan. < /p >
    < p > related links: < /p >
    Pan Daojin, member of the Standing Committee of the Yancheng Municipal Committee and Secretary of the Sheyang county Party committee, introduced the economic development of Sheyang County: Sheyang county is the eastern starting point of the North-South Geographical Demarcation line of the mainland of China, with unique traffic conditions and obvious advantages of river and sea intermodal spanportation. At present, the county has initially formed textile dyeing and finishing, machinery manufacturing, new energy and equipment and other special industries. < /p >
    < p > Pan Daojin said that through years of development, Sheyang's textile dyeing and finishing industry has initially formed a cluster scale, and the goal of building a Chinese textile industrial base county will soon become a reality. Sheyang county will carry out the policy implementation in accordance with the requirements of the national, provincial and Municipal Textile associations, and make efforts to create characteristics, cultivate clusters, make progress in science and technology, and brand building, and make the textile industry truly become a pillar industry in Sheyang, making new and greater contributions to enriching the people and strengthening the county and building a new well-off Sheyang. Through on-the-spot investigation and listening to reports, the expert group and his party fully affirmed the development of Sheyang's textile industry. < /p >
    < p > the expert group thinks that the development of Sheyang's textile industry is early, well based, comprehensive and characteristic, especially through the development in recent years, the structure of enterprises is becoming more reasonable, the industrial chain and value chain are constantly improving, which is in line with the conditions of China's textile industry base counties. I hope Sheyang county will unswervingly develop the textile and garment industry in the process of building China's textile industry base county, adhere to the high starting point plan, sustainable development, insist on grasping the characteristics, cluster development, rely on scientific and technological progress, continuously improve labor productivity, and promote the spanformation and upgrading of existing enterprises. We should learn from the advanced experience of other countries, persist in scientific and technological innovation, elongate and enhance the industrial chain, create specialty industries such as printing, dyeing, Yao and down products, and form the brand effect of Sheyang region, and urge the textile industry base to gain fame both at home and abroad. < /p >
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