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    Outsourcing Serves As An Important Trend In Sino ROK Economic And Trade Cooperation

    2014/8/31 12:50:00 36



    Service Outsourcing

    Industry is an important part of economic cooperation between China and South Korea.

    Cui Xing, director of the Information Research Institute of Northeast Asia, said that outsourcing of software and animation and other information services has brought tremendous opportunities for development of Chinese and Korean enterprises.

    At the tenth Yanji Tumen River international investment and trade fair, the officials and scholars from China and South Korea have great interest in the cooperation between the two countries.

    In fact, the cooperation between the two countries has already started.

    In Yanji, a city in Northeast China's Jilin Province, the development goal of the borderland town is to become a first-class information service outsourcing industry base in Northeast Asia.

    "Yanji has obvious advantages in location, language and humanities, and has the ability to undertake the pfer of service industry in Korea."

    Cao Yongji, vice mayor of Yanji, said.

    Like Yanji, China


    Cities such as Dalian are also gradually expanding their cooperation with South Korea in outsourcing services.

    Nan Chenggen, Deputy Secretary General of the Yanbian Korean Autonomous Prefecture, believes that undertaking service outsourcing has become an important strategic choice for developing countries to participate in international competition.

    In 2013, Yanbian signed an offshore outsourcing amount of $10 million 410 thousand, of which China and Korea accounted for a larger proportion of outsourcing services.

    Some experts believe that the relatively underdeveloped Yanbian state already has nearly $10 million in the amount of outsourcing execution. The future of China's service outsourcing market has great potential and deserves more attention from Korean enterprises.

    "We set up subsidiaries in China, mainly for web page design and production and software writing."

    Xu Changning, chairman of Yanji Asda Technology Development Co., Ltd. said that its products are popular in Korea, and have many websites and game company customers.

    In order to enable Korea's service outsourcing projects to develop smoothly in China, many Korean businesses have set up specialized intermediary companies to help local enterprises adapt to the "rules of the game" in the Chinese market.

    "How the office, the speed of the Internet, the richness of talents and the level of wages are all factors that we can help to consider."

    The Republic of Korea

    Jin Longqi, director of the "China way" consulting company, said.

    Zhong Zeyu, Deputy Secretary General of China Association for trade in services, believes that China faces many challenges when undertaking service outsourcing industries such as Korea.

    "The rising cost of manpower, the low investment in scientific research, and the absence of intellectual property protection have become an important factor restricting the development of industry."

    Chung said.

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