Interpretation Of The Use Of Knife And Fork In Western Food
The spoon used for seasoning is the spoon used in seasoning, used for dessert or fish dishes. The tableware used nowadays varies constantly according to the cooking. In the formal western cuisine set, different shapes and knives and forks are often used in accordance with the characteristics of different dishes.
When it comes to the whole set, it is easy to think of the picture of silverware on the table, and now it is mostly used in 2-3 single dishes. Therefore, formal dining arrangements full of silverware on the table may only be seen at a wedding banquet.
Recently, the use of a group of knives and forks is getting less and less. Only 2-3 people eat more and more food, and knives and forks do not change. Most of them are eaten with a set of knives and forks. And the knife and fork (or spoon) placed on the knife and fork and placed on the right side of the dinner table are also increasing.
Meat Dish The shape of the knife used is almost the same in any restaurant, but the knife used in fish dishes often varies according to the restaurants. In particular, recently, fish dishes with the same width as meat cutters have been gradually increasing in the tendency to use knives, which are also more common than those with wider width. There are also some wider knife blades and a luxurious decorative fish carving knives on the edge of the knife.
Besides, there are Restaurant Use seasoning spoons instead of fish dishes. knife 。 Knives and forks are like Chinese chopsticks. Sometimes a knife and fork (or sometimes a knife and fork (or spoon)) are placed on a set of two, so that the blade of the knife and the front part of the fork will not touch the tablecloth.
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(1) take meals according to the direction set by restaurants, and queue up.
(2) according to the personal consumption of vegetables, it is not advisable to take too many dishes at a time. After eating the dishes, they should be used again, so as to avoid placing many food plates in front of them.
(3) if you are a banquet or a party, you should wait for everyone at the same table to pick up the dishes and start eating together.
(4) do not use used utensils when picking dishes again.
(5) do not take the food out of the restaurant. When taking vegetables, you should not speak, cough or sneeze, so as not to spit saliva into table dishes.
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