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    China's Printing And Dyeing Wastewater Discharge Standards Are In Line With Developed Countries.

    2014/11/6 15:37:00 25

    China's Printing And Dyeing Wastewater Discharge StandardsDeveloped CountriesPrinting And Dyeing

    Our country Printing and dyeing industry The effluent COD is 200mg/L indirectly. The indirect discharge means that the waste water is discharged into the centralized sewage treatment system into the pipe network, that is to say, the standard of the take over is COD200mg/L.

    Industry experts said: "the domestic printing and dyeing wastewater discharge standards have basically been even even more than developed countries. standard Japan's national standard is COD120mg/L, and China's textile dyeing and finishing enterprise standard is first class standard COD100mg/L, environmental sensitive area limit 60mg/L, EU general area and sensitive area are 125mg/L only, the United States wool scouring wastewater discharge standard is 140mg/L, finishing wastewater standard is 160mg/L.

    In terms of total chromium emission standards, Japan is 20mg/L, Germany is 0.5mg/L, the EU does not have specific restrictions, and our country's textile dyeing and finishing industry existing enterprise emission standard is 0.5mg/L. Therefore, the domestic standards for printing and dyeing wastewater discharge have been in line with the developed countries, even more severe than some developed countries, and we are only developing countries.

    "The standard is relative to the domestic level. printing and dyeing The actual situation is very harsh, but in the implementation of the past two years, the domestic advanced dyeing and printing enterprises have fully met the standards, and some have even done indirect emission of COD to 150mg/L, but the pressure of the printing and dyeing enterprises is very heavy. Because the previous requirement is 500mg/L, however, the developed areas such as Jiangsu and Zhejiang have basically implemented the new standards in an all-round way, and have taken coercive measures for non-compliance. For example, the discharge system of Zhejiang Xiaoshan printing and dyeing enterprises has been upgraded comprehensively according to the requirements.

    Through testing and investigation, we decided to stop production and renovate 63 enterprises, and now we have shut down 12. " Industry experts said, "such a large span of stringent standards, domestic printing and dyeing enterprises can reach the standard, is paying a high price, it is worth affirming."

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    From the second central Xinjiang working forum held by the Ministry of industry and information, it was learned that this year the central and autonomous region has 3 billion 500 million yuan to support the development of Xinjiang's textile and garment industry.

    It is understood that the first batch of textile and clothing projects in Xinjiang has been supported by special funds, and the second batch of 111 projects has been launched, and 20 thousand people are expected to be employed. At present, the national development and Reform Commission and the Ministry of finance have made a clear statement. From 2014 to 2018, for 5 consecutive years, each year, they produced 1 billion yuan each year to support the development of Xinjiang's textile and garment industry. This year, the central government's funds have reached 1 billion yuan, and the autonomous region's fiscal expenditure has reached 2 billion 500 million and a total of 3 billion 500 million has been used to support the development of Xinjiang's textile and garment industry. The Ministry of finance has introduced policies and measures for value-added tax return of textile and garment enterprises in Xinjiang. At the level of the autonomous region, a series of specific policies and measures such as freight subsidy for deep-processing products of textile and clothing, cotton subsidies by cotton textile enterprises, and freight subsidy standards for Xinjiang cotton yarn are also put forward at the autonomous region.

    Gao Fu, deputy inspector of the consumer goods industry division, said that in July of this year, Xinjiang introduced the ten year plan for developing the textile and garment industry. The Ministry of industry and Commerce will strengthen the coordination of the development of Xinjiang's textile and garment industry with the development plan of the textile industry in 13th Five-Year. It will actively carry out work in Xinjiang's textile and garment industry development planning, industrial policy, industry management, economic operation, industrial transfer and other aspects. It will study the establishment of an upper and lower linkage mechanism, led by the consumer products division, the Yuanjiang provinces and cities, and the Xinjiang and BINGTUAN industry departments involved in the consumer goods field assistance liaison mechanism, so as to build a better platform for Xinjiang's textile industry development and internal and external cooperation.

    According to reports, the first three quarters of this year, Xinjiang textile industry completed investment of 6 billion 940 million yuan, an increase of 1 times compared to the same period last year. Next, the autonomous region will increase investment and attract more textile and garment enterprises from coastal areas to Xinjiang.

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