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    The Overall Beauty Of Body And Clothing

    2015/3/13 11:47:00 31




    People of different sizes wear different effects.

    Human body structure affects the design of clothing.

    The basic elements of human body structure are bones, muscles, subcutaneous fat and skin.

    Because of the interconnections between the parts of the human body, the basic skeleton of the human body is formed. The motion characteristics of the basic skeleton form the basic structural points related to the costume design.

    Bone is the scaffold of human body, which determines the volume, proportion and movement mode of human body. They mainly affect the movement function of clothing design.

    Muscles, subcutaneous fat and skin determine the shape of the human body.

    The degree of muscle development and the amount of fat are exclusive in the laws of the human body.

    Muscular development means less fat. This is a muscular body with a X shape.

    Fat means muscle underdevelopment, which is obese and tends to be rhomboid.

    For a certain part of the body that is not ideal, such as upper body obesity, chest fullness, leg fat and so on, it should be diluted as far as possible, clothing to cover it up, and clothing to foil it, so it can distract the attention of the undesirable part, reveal the individual.

    Be dressed in

    The overall beauty.

    To judge the normal shape of the body, pass it again.

    Clothing collocation

    This is the key to understanding the type of clothing.

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