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    Home Textiles Borrow "Internet +" Dongfeng Smart Home E-Commerce Development

    2015/6/19 9:48:00 80

    Internet +Luo Lai Home TextileE-CommerceSmart HomeMicro Shop

       "Internet +" It is the new form and new format of the integration and development of the Internet and traditional industries under the 2 innovation. For the traditional industry of home textiles, the Internet has long been a strange word. From the "double 11" to the popular "thumb family" favorite mobile phone APP, and then to the new smart home field, the home textile brand can be seen everywhere.

    In the upcoming China International Home Textiles and accessories (Qiu Dong) fair, which will be held in August, the use and development of "Internet +" in the home textile industry has been highlighted by the organizers as an important part of the exhibition. To this end, this year selected some Internet pioneer companies to show the magic of "Internet +" in home textile enterprises.

       Roley: smart home navigator

    Compared with other home textile enterprises in the industry, Luo Lai should be the most active home textile brand promoted by the Internet strategy. This year, Home textile In particular, it accelerated the strategic layout of "Internet +" driven by capital, and co operated with industry leaders and professional investment institutions, and entered into the field of bedroom smart home.

    Looking back at the "Internet +" process of Roley's home textiles, it is easy to see that every step has been quite ingenious, which has made adequate preparations and foreshadowing for the subsequent development. At the end of last year, Luo Lai home textile signed a strategic cooperation agreement with the new net home textile brand "big Piao net". Luo Lai home textile shares the big Piao net. The two sides took advantage of capital cooperation as an opportunity to form a home textile three-dimensional ecological circle under the online and offline resources through complementary advantages, and create a new profit growth mode to achieve the win-win situation of mutual influence between the two sides and consumers. In late March of this year, the first 100 sets of RestOn smart sleep monitors on rolls home were sold on its WeChat mall and sold out in 7 minutes. In mid April, Luo Lai home textile and Shenzhen and the Thai intelligent control Limited by Share Ltd signed the strategic cooperation agreement, working together to research and develop products, collaborate to develop domestic and foreign markets, and serve terminal customers through the smart home Internet platform. In early May, Luo Lai home textile issued a "micro recruitment order", which openly recruited the brand agent for the public, and sold some consumers into salesmen by way of distribution Commission. In late May, Luo Lai home textile invested 200 million yuan to jointly establish industrial investment fund with Yuhua (Tianjin) equity investment management partnership. The fund, through market-oriented operation and management, focused on the layout of home textiles, large household industrial chain and related ecological circles, and focused on acquiring excellent enterprises in home textile and home furnishing industry with good growth and compatibility. Through industrial integration and mergers and acquisitions, it provided high-quality project resources reserve for Luo Lai home textiles and continuously promoted the leading position of the home textile industry in the industry.

    From the various trends of Luo Lai, it is undoubtedly the leader of the industry in the home textile "cloud age". In this regard, industry analysts believe that at present, the domestic smart home screen has apparently been opened, smart bedroom is accelerating. With the growing demand for intelligent home life, smart home Internet service and operation has undoubtedly become a new hot spot, and Luo Lai only made the right choice in the right time.

    For this argument, Dong Mitianlin, vice president of home textiles, agrees that "with the maturity of IT and Internet technology, smart home has come into reality from dreams. The industry generally believes that 2015 is the first year of smart home, which will usher in rare opportunities for development in the next few years. The bedroom as an indispensable part of family life, in the context of family health becoming the trend of development in the future, smart home to smart home textile layout conform to the residents' consumption trend. In this context, Luo Lai is both following the trend and leading the trend.

    It is reported that in the next 2~3 years, the company will continue to promote the transformation from home textiles to big home, and will take smart home, intelligent hardware and cloud computing as one of the main directions of future development, and will build a 100 billion brand retail companies through Dongfeng's "Internet +".

       Meng Jie: a great housekeeper

    As in the field of smart home, like Luo Lai home textile, there is another brand of the home textile listed company -- Meng Jie. Following the home textile of Luo Lai, Meng Jie home textile also followed closely. He signed the "smart bedroom strategic cooperation framework agreement" with he and Thailand, indicating that he will launch strategic cooperation in the series of intelligent bedroom products and big data management and operation, and develop and manufacture intelligent bedroom products with scientific, healthy and comfortable sleep as the core concept.

    It is reported that the two sides will jointly plan, research, develop and produce series of scientific sleep and intelligent bedroom products, including sleep state, vital signs, sleep quality monitoring products, sleeping, sleeping environment building, intelligent bedding products series, and intelligent sleeping monitoring system and management system for specific groups of women, children, elderly, patients and so on. The two sides open data to each other, share resources, and create a new generation of scientific sleep products with the leading edge in the industry.

    Meng Jie home textile chairman Jiang Tianwu said that in the smart home, Meng Jie set up a dedicated R & D team and he and Tai jointly develop smart home products, is currently in the research and development stage. The product that the company hopes to develop can help improve the sleep of customers, not just monitoring, but mainly how to solve the problem after monitoring the problem. It has been revealed that the samples have been unveiled at the Fairchild autumn and winter products fair. It is expected that the mature products will be listed at the end of the year and will begin to be sold in various channels of the company.

    In addition to March Smart home In addition, the dream home textile will also layout "Internet +CPS". In the "Internet +CPS" system, C is a customer, P is a product, S is a service, and Meng Jie home textile will use the Internet to connect the three seamlessly together, so as to provide consumers with the ultimate product and service experience. "At present, China's home textile has a market space of 1 trillion yuan, and the annual sales volume of several related home textile listed companies is less than 10 billion yuan. This shows that the blue ocean of the home textile market is vast." As a senior entrepreneur in the home textile industry, Jiang Tianwu never doubted the market prospect of his industry. What he is thinking now is how to solve the problem of low brand loyalty, increasing customer stickiness, and occupying the commanding height of the brand in the industry.

    Jiang Tianwu believes that the market of the home textile, household goods, and the future smart home and service value-added market is huge, but it is necessary to form a complete industrial chain through the serial collaboration of the "Internet +CPS" system. "In the near future, Meng Jie home textile is about to launch the" Seven Star housekeeper "APP service platform, which is the first attempt of Meng Jie to" Internet +CPS ". According to Jiang Tianwu, "Seven Star housekeeper" APP is the online sales platform for the products and services provided by Meng Jie home textiles. The APP will focus on housekeepers, such as bedding shops, wardrobes, mites, etc., for consumers to make online booking and offline outlets to provide door-to-door service to enhance customer experience and customer stickiness.

    "Internet +CPS" is only a system targeted at member services at the beginning. In Jiang Tianwu's plan, with the help of the system, Meng Jie home textile will rely on the accumulated millions of customer resources and focus on housekeepers. The service products will cover bedding, bedding, Simmons, washing products, children's toys and even luxuries. In the late stage, after integrating related domestic service resources, Meng Jie will build the Internet +CPS system into a life service platform, and increase customer stickiness through full range of value-added services. It is learned that according to the company's "Internet +CPS" platform construction needs, the dream home textile year will also expand in e-commerce, vertical platform and other aspects.

       Sun: a pioneer of the electricity supplier

    In the home textile industry, vu is a pioneer in home textile business. As early as 2012, the home of the Fu sun home textile online store was launched, and the group launched the group. Electronic Commerce New era.

    In terms of the distribution of electricity providers, Sun Rigui, chairman of the home textile company of Sun Fu, is unique. He believes that the home textile business market contains unlimited business opportunities. The use of e-commerce in home textile industry has a revolutionary role in traditional home textile enterprises, and is a revolution of new technology. In order to make progress, we must innovate. In the future, we will build a one-stop B2C e-commerce product experience platform based on "China supporting soft home leading brand" by means of science and technology, and strive to provide consumers with convenient, honest service and enjoyable shopping experience. Sun Rigui said.

    Nowadays, under the impetus of "Internet +", the group has expanded continuously in the field of e-commerce, aiming at the characteristics of the target consumer groups of the two leading brands of "Fu sun" and "Jie Yu", and adopting different e-commerce operation strategies. Among them, the positioning of high-end market "Jieyu" brand, mainly through the third party business platform for sale, successively in Tmall, Jingdong mall, Amazon, Dangdang network and other well-known e-commerce platform on-line. The high-end brand of "Fu sun" is sold in the official flagship store of Taobao, and the self made brand home of Fu sun home textile online store.

    Sun Rigui said that after many years of development and operation, today, the home textile online shopping mall of Fu Tian has passed the perfect soft home product system, efficient system operation support and high quality customer service, becoming a win-win home textile online mall. On this platform, the home textile of Fu sun has provided a convenient and comfortable shopping experience to consumers by means of science and technology, so that consumers can experience it before deciding whether to buy it or not. This new e-commerce marketing mode has opened up wider space for the development of the brand of the sun. In the current hot cross border e-commerce field, Fu sun home textiles is also unwilling to lag behind, actively applying cross border e-commerce, promoting export sales through domestic sales, and promoting the rapid growth of bed sales business. It is reported that the Japanese home textile company has worked with the Warner Bros. consumer product department to obtain the exclusive licensing of towel products, R & D and sales promotion in mainland China and Hong Kong and Macao, including Mickey Mouse, Superman and Batman.

    Under the impact of "Internet +", the group is the representative enterprise that takes the lead in transformation in the traditional home textile industry, and has encountered many bottlenecks in its transformation process. In this regard, Fu Shui home textile believes that the electricity supplier channel is a development trend, home textile enterprises can not afford to neglect, but to make the electricity supplier should be rational and tolerant, we must integrate the Internet gene with its own product characteristics, and accelerate the transformation of the traditional industries with the Internet.

       Paris spring: home textile "big V" in the micro Era

    A few days ago, Shanghai Paris spring Ecological Textile Technology Co., Ltd. was listed in Shanghai equity trading center. As a "dark horse" in the home textile industry, Paris spring brand has only been established for 3 years since its establishment. The more than 1000 day created a listed company, which has its way of winning for Paris spring home textiles.

    In recent days, Wu Gangrong, chairman of Paris spring home textile company, told the truth of the interview: first, unswervingly implement the brand strategy; two, adhere to the innovation drive, that is, product innovation, mode innovation, marketing innovation, cultural innovation, and boost the leap of enterprises through multi-dimensional and whole Party innovation; three, actively commit to cross border integration, implement multi legged walking, diversified operation and multi point flowering, and form a mutually complementary and complementary positive superposition effect. In these 3 aspects, cross border integration is the most important driving force for Spring Textile in Paris.

    It is reported that through the "Internet +" Dongfeng, Paris spring home textile industry and the Internet to carry out deep cross-border cooperation, the use of online sales, enhance the competitiveness of the entity. According to Lu Song, general manager of Paris spring home textile, Paris spring home textile will rely on the existing O2O mode to make a "smart store", which is about to integrate micro shops with physical stores. "At present, we have developed a WeChat payment method with Tencent Inc in respect of the phenomenon that 80 or 90% of the people do not bring money with cards. The WeChat payment method is used in our micro shop. This micro shop is a product display platform, and the products inside it do not conflict with the store products. In fact, the micro shop is more like the extension of Paris spring home textile shelf, and the shop operator is the shopkeeper of this micro shop, which not only enriches the display of the product, but also attracts some people who consume in the micro shop to the store. Lu Song said that Paris spring home textiles wanted to extend the idea of "Internet +" to entity management through this concept, attracting some customers from the Internet to the physical store.

    In fact, the establishment of micro shop is not the first "touches" of Paris spring textile. As early as 2013, Paris spring home textile opened online shops on Taobao, Tmall, Jingdong mall, vip.com, suning.com and other network sales platforms. In addition, it also launched the first Chinese home shopping guide program in Paris spring, "Paris spring happiness shopping", and openly recruiting male and female guests through micro-blog.

    Wu Gangrong has his unique views on the hot Internet plus topic. He said: "the Internet is a virtual business. Behind it," + "follows many things, such as creativity, real economy and so on. At present, many people think that the Internet has a great impact on the physical store. In fact, this is just an objective phenomenon. It is not terrible for Paris spring home textiles. After careful analysis, we can find that the consumer group of electric business is fixed. After 80, 90 or even 95, their consumption mentality can be summed up as "fashion psychology". In fact, such people do not have the real direction and goal when they buy things online. Most of them are looking for something cheap or interesting to blindly pick and buy. Such consumers need to rely on brands to guide consumption. To this end, Paris spring launched a special micro mall, put forward the concept of "light luxury" health sleep system customization, and combine the concept of "fashion psychology" and "home" to innovate.

    Wu Gangrong also said that in the future, Paris spring home textiles will pay more attention to enhancing brand awareness through micro-blog, WeChat and other micro marketing channels, and do "home V" under the "micro era".

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