"Socks Shoes" That Can Walk On Any Hard Road Surface.
Nowadays, more and more people like outdoor sports such as mountaineering and diving. Outdoors equipment is indispensable, and sometimes they worry that the equipment is too heavy and annoying.
It is said that soon you will be able to get rid of your shoes, walk on any hard road, and even take outdoor activities such as mountaineering and diving.
According to foreign media reports, the barefoot campaign continued to gain support in mainstream consumer groups, and more and more manufacturers began to look at this emerging market.
In addition to the relatively common Vibram five finger shoes, including
Many companies, including the production of running shoes, have joined the ranks of five fingers.
Recently, a new member, --FYF, was originally designed from Sweden's Swiss Barefoot Company.
Unlike Vibram's lightweight five finger shoes, FYF (Free Your Feet) is like a pair of wool socks in the space age, but it has one.
Toughened sole

FYF is handled by a special technology.
Wool building
It is much more tenacious than the wool stockings worn by people.
The fibers are --Dyneema, which has super high strength.

In addition to having a higher tensile strength than braided steel wire, FYF also has good abrasion resistance, hydrophobicity and flexibility, and its weight is also very light.
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