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    Humen Clothing Business Force Again

    2015/9/16 14:21:00 32

    HumenElectricity SupplierClothing

    Which do you know?


    Is it most popular?

    Let's take a look at the results of big data analysis in Humen.

    Following the previous acquisition of the first clothing class national electricity supplier demonstration base, the Humen electricity supplier once again worked hard.

    Nandu reporters learned yesterday that S oldC razy group's "sell crazy" Southern China District import and export operation and management center in China will officially open in Dongguan Humen today, the first operation management center set up in the mainland of China.

    In addition, the Humen electricity supplier association has announced that it will plan to build a big data application research center based on the textile and garment industry, and make full use of new technologies such as mobile Internet, cloud computing, big data and Internet of things to carry out comprehensive innovation in brand management and business mode.

    "Sell crazy music" to stay at home and sigh global products

    According to the briefing, "selling crazy music" is a cross border e-commerce platform for international merchandise sold by SoldC razy group.

    "SoldCrazy" is a multinational group engaged in cross-border e-commerce and services. It mainly serves producers, electricity suppliers, traders, terminal consumers and individuals and enterprises with entrepreneurial intentions.

    According to SoldCrazy group responsible person, "selling crazy music" is equivalent to a global localization of large international "supermarket".

    By selling crazy music, ordinary consumers can enjoy global goods without leaving home, and vendors sell products to markets around the world with a mouse click.

    At present, the development of cross-border electric business in China is in the ascendant, and the competition in the industry is becoming more intense.

    The number of overseas warehouses has become an important indicator to measure the competitive strength of cross-border e-commerce platforms.

    As early as in 2012, SoldCrazy group began to implement the "mad crazy" overseas warehouse strategy, which has invested 10 overseas intelligent warehouses in the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, Germany, Australia, New Zealand, Singapore, Japan, Tokyo, Japan, Osaka, China and Taiwan and other countries and regions. The regional layout is located in Eurasia and the United States, covering more than 80% of the mainstream consumer groups in the world. The number of self operated overseas warehouses occupies the leading level in the domestic cross-border electricity supplier industry.

    The Southern China center is the first operation and management center set up by SoldCrazy in mainland China.

    When asked about "what considerations for settling in Humen", the person in charge said: "Dongguan Humen cross-border e-commerce park is located in the core area of the Pearl River Delta, located in the central location of the Guangdong free trade zone. It has unique location, convenient pportation and well-developed logistics, and has strong support from Shenzhen manufacturing and Dongguan manufacturing. The advantage of the industrial cluster is obvious, which will provide strong support for the" sell crazy music "supply chain products.

    At present, the "mad mad" Southern China center has established a partnership with Dongguan post, China shipping, Sinop, DH L, U PS, Fedex, rhyme, and overseas logistics companies such as overseas intelligent warehouses, and has built Shenzhen and Zhuhai logistics distribution centers, forming a perfect logistics system.

    SoldCrazy group responsible person said that in the domestic market, "selling crazy music" will take Humen, Dongguan as the Southern China operation management center, radiate nationwide, expand to central and Northern China by the end of 2016, complete the domestic strategic layout, and become the leading cross-border e-commerce platform in the country.

    Humen will implement "five 100" e-commerce brand cultivation project

    According to the plan of Humen town government, next, the town will implement Humen's "five 100" e-commerce brand cultivation project.

    That is to train 100 cross border electricity supplier brands, support 100 sales benchmark companies with over 50 million yuan of sales, set up 100 example models of traditional clothing brands to integrate e-commerce, strengthen 100 Amoy factory enterprises, build 100 offshore industrial parks, strive to cultivate a number of influential brand of electric business, and strive to build an e-commerce brand cluster with Humen characteristics.

    It is noteworthy that Humen will also make use of big data technology to promote the pformation and upgrading of the garment industry.

    The town plans to establish a big data application research center based on the textile and garment industry jointly with Donghua University and the Shenzhen advanced technology research institute of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. It will make full use of new technologies such as mobile Internet, cloud computing, big data and Internet of things to develop brand, management, business mode and other aspects, so as to accelerate the pformation and upgrading of the garment industry.

    "The big data research is very useful," explained the head of the Humen electricity supplier Association.

    Nowadays, many people buy clothing through online and offline to Humen, but which style of clothing is most popular, which clothing is the most attractive to which area, and which areas are the largest buyers, and so on, there is no system to collect and analyze these information for a time, and this big data application research center is to solve these problems.

    Through the analysis of big data, we can make more precise recommendation, or make more targeted improvements to clothing products.

    In addition, Humen also plans to build online.


    Design cloud platform.

    Collect the fashion design resources at home and abroad to improve the level of clothing design and development in Humen.

    By creating a fashion design cloud platform and learning from the experience and techniques that suit the environment of Humen's clothing and apparel industry, we have integrated the innovative fashion design with Humen characteristics.

    "With this cloud platform, we can achieve remote use."

    The person in charge said, "for example, when a designer is in Korea, after we contact him, he can put his design plan on the cloud platform in South Korea for our manufacturers to use or designers to learn."

    It will also continue to exert itself in production, teaching and research. The town will set up an E-Commerce Research Institute for textile and clothing.

    We plan to jointly establish research institutes of textile and clothing e-commerce with China spinning Union and Donghua University, strengthen the application research of textile and clothing e-commerce, strengthen the cooperation of production, teaching and research of clothing e-commerce, and let the research results be applied to the actual business operation as quickly as possible, so as to improve the level of e-commerce services.

    In addition, the town will establish online brand application promotion agencies, online and other regional offline Humen clothing distribution centers, e-commerce business incubators, e-commerce talents training and talent introduction system, and build intelligent warehousing logistics system.

    Humen's "five 100"

    Cultivating 100 cross border e-commerce brands

    To support 100 electric power benchmarking enterprises with sales exceeding 50 million yuan;

    Building up 100 traditional clothing brands

    Electronic Commerce

    Exemplary example;

    Strengthen the 100 Amoy factory enterprises;

    Build 100 offshore industrial parks.

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