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    Kate Spade Released Fourth Quarter Earnings Expected To Buy Customized Applications Announced To Enter India

    2016/3/5 13:37:00 31

    Kate SpadeAcquisitionCustom ApplicationIndia

    With the expansion of the personalized demand market, Luxury goods The industry has also begun to move closer to personalized demand services. Not long ago, Kate Spade took the personalized application Bag Bar in one fell swoop. Kate Spade, which recently released its four quarter earnings report, has gained more than expected earnings data.

    The group's expected target for net sales in fiscal year 2016 is $13.85 to $1 billion 410 million, but contrast. Market expectations The US $1 billion 440 million declined slightly. However, the group's 240 base points in the fourth quarter increased from 57.8% in the same period last year to 60.2%.

    Meanwhile, Kate Spade announced its march recently. India Market 。 Despite the public impression that India was once synonymous with danger and poverty, its huge middle class group is still a potential consumer group that can not be ignored. Due to the global economic slowdown and the demand for handbag Market, Kate Spade has sought new growth points through regional expansion and vigorously expanding product categories. Since last year, the group has introduced categories including leisure sportswear, household clothing, desktop video and stationery. In 2016, the group said it will lead women's wear, men's wear, children's wear and household products as the four pillar businesses of group growth.

    Although sales in the four quarter holiday season were worse than expected, and the outlook for the 2016 fiscal year could not meet the market expectations, the excellent performance of the same store and the expected growth figures still saved Kate Spade. In the four quarter of January 2, 2016, Kate Spade recorded an increase of 14% in its same store sales, with a net sales of $428 million 960 thousand, but still slightly worse than the $441 million expected by the market.

    In the fourth quarter, the net profit of group continuing operations fell sharply from 51.4% to 61 million 500 thousand US dollars, mainly due to the high net base of the net profit of the previous year, which contained 88 million dollars in tax revenue. And some time ago, Kate Spade acquired Bag Bar is the flagship personalized customization service. Therefore, in light of the luxury industry, the pursuit of a high degree of personalized customization service, in the face of the growing new middle class, can better win the favor of consumers.

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