The Price Of Cotton Yarn Is Not Stable. Manufacturers Choose To Watch Vegetables And Rice According To Needs.
It is understood that in early November, the number of cotton yarn and polyester cotton yarn from India, Pakistan, Vietnam, Uzbekistan and other places arriving in Hong Kong and bonded warehouses increased gradually. The varieties were mainly C20S-C32S and siro spinning 10S-16S in Pakistan.
OE yarn shipment and delivery volume has declined. India produces C21S, C32S jet and rapier.
The pre-sale is more active. Some traders' ports have just boarded the ship, and domestic sales have been signed.
Weaving factories and middlemen of Zibo, Weifang and other places in Shandong said that the signing price of India C21S A and C32S A yarn in mid November was 2.42-2.45 USD / kg, 2.58-2.62 USD / kg, and the price of RMB after clearance was lower than that of the same number of domestic middle grade cotton yarn, which was priced at about 1000 yuan / ton, thus causing high attention and positive response from domestic buyers.
However, JC21, JC32, JC21S/2, JC32S/2 and other combed yarn and high count yarn were not very popular in the inquiry and paction. Although the cloth factory and garment factory approved the quotation of 2.85-2.92 / kg for JC32S printing yarn, the internal and external sales orders were not ideal so that buyers could only choose to "Watch vegetables for dinner" and produce them on demand.
The analysis of the industry has triggered a strong rebound in import yarn signing recently: first, the domestic cotton prices rose at a high level, especially in November, 10 and 11, the Zhengzhou CF1701 contract broke through 16000 yuan / ton, 17000 yuan / ton, which led to the "appetite" of Cotton Traders and traders on the spot price, and the quotations of "double 29/ double 30" machine cotton picking and "double 28/ double 29" hand picked cotton prices were all above 15800 yuan / ton (gross weight). The cotton mills raised cotton yarn quotations 200-300 yuan / ton, and the difference between the internal and external yarn prices increased because of the cost pressure and market trend; two, because of 10 and November Xinjiang cotton export Xinjiang encountered "bottleneck", the price was generally higher.
Cotton mill
The ability to digest and the quality of cotton in the market is slow and the quality is low. Therefore, the influence of cotton yarn and cotton production on C32S and above has become more and more obvious. The supply of goods has been declining, and the purchasing of textile mills in Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Guangdong and Shandong has shifted ahead of schedule, which has favored the printing and dyeing of bags. Three, after entering the November, the situation of tight cash flow in domestic cotton textile factories, garment factories and foreign trade companies has been aggravated. Owing to the loan, clearing material charges, wages and bonuses and other expenses, many enterprises are out of breath. In order to maintain production, it is a feasible and reliable strategy to purchase imported cotton yarn with LC90 days, and some manufacturers and traders have strong plans for stocking 1/2/3 months.
By the end of November 15th, the storage of domestic bonded cotton yarn was about 8.2-8.5 million tons, an increase of 0.5-0.7 million tons compared with the end of October. The arrival of India and Pakistan yarn was more obvious, Vietnamese yarn shipping was relatively stable, and Uzbekistan, the United States, Thailand and other places of yarn were declining.
The industry believes that because the price difference between inside and outside cotton yarns is difficult to narrow in the short term, the supply of domestic OE yarn, C32S and below count cotton yarn is declining, and the export volume of India and Pakistan is strong. Therefore, the total amount of bonded yarn will break through 90 thousand tons or even 100 thousand tons in 11 and December. Meanwhile, the competitiveness of India Pakistan yarn will decline and the hot selling momentum will be curbed.
On the one hand, India's rupee exchange rate is lower and demand is supported, in recent days.
India ginning factory
The ex factory price of S-6 and J34 rose by 1.5-2 cents / pound; the difference between S-6 1-5/32 and EMOT SM of 12/1 month was narrowed to 1.50-1.60 cents / pound; the cost of the mill increased, resulting in the increase of FOB and CNF prices; on the other hand, according to the regulations, after March 2017, the Chinese government would restart the national cotton storage wheel, and a large number of low grade, low quality and low price cotton flow into the cotton spinning mill, and the start-up rate of small and medium-sized cotton mills increased, and the supply of cotton yarn with the number of cotton below and below increased significantly.
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