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    Focus: The Worry Of Road Painter'S "Zero Protection" Operation

    2017/5/17 21:51:00 33

    Zero ProtectionLabor LawLabor Relations

    Rubber shoes, dark colored casual clothes and a cap, the clothes are old and white, and this is the "fully armed" work of Wang Xiaomei, a painter.

    In the early morning of April 18th, as usual, she came to the "old stronghold" in Yatai street, Changchun, carrying a brand of "iron scraping white" and "brush painting".

    Everyone knows that the newly renovated house has to be put in for a while to live, for fear that all kinds of residual chemicals will cause harm to health.

    However, reporter survey found that those who paint the paint all day "intimate contact" life beauticians, their labor protection situation is not optimistic, especially some road paint workers, almost all "zero protection" homework.

    After 9 years as a painter, Lao Tan, in the past two years, gets up early every morning. He will cough up sputum: "feel the immunity is reduced, often cough, limb weakness, but blood routine examination is not abnormal."

    Lao Tan was worried about his health.

    Paint is widely used in furniture, home decoration, machinery manufacturing, toy production and other fields, and the number of employees is huge.

    Because paint contains formaldehyde, benzene, alcohols, ketones and other toxic and harmful substances, regular contact can cause damage to the central nervous system, blood system and respiratory system.

    Because the paint has a latent period of injury to the human body, it needs to be discovered through examination or serious illness, so the occupational hazards of the painter are often neglected.

    Steel has been engaged in automobile sheet metal painting for 15 years. It used to work for others, but now he has opened a car repair shop.

    When painting, the protective clothing is only a common respirator.

    Steel son said, last physical examination or 3 years ago, did not find unusual, in recent years in order to save money, did not go again.

    Physical examination

    He confessed that the private enterprises and small private enterprises in the industry did very little on occupational protection, but they all knew that the paint was harmful, and they often eat some kinds of legends that would help detoxify.

    "No physical examination, everyone is doing this. Some have scraped for thirty or forty years, and there is nothing wrong with it."

    Wang Xiaomei told reporters without care.

    For occupational health protection, the easiest to neglect is like Wang Xiaomei, who wanders around the city streets to find jobs for himself.

    When painting, Wang Xiaomei didn't even wear the most basic cotton masks and gloves. After finishing, the paint that had been glued to the body had to wait for home before it could be washed away.

    Previous investigations showed that over 10 years old paint workers had symptoms such as cough, fatigue, headache, chest tightness and so on, and this group suffered from a higher proportion of aplastic anemia, leukemia, tuberculosis, pleurisy and other diseases.

    She has been painting and painting in equipment manufacturing enterprises for 10 years. Personal protective clothing is only respirator and gloves.

    After presenting symptoms such as dizziness, headache, fatigue, and aggravating year after year, they went to the hospital for examination, checked routine leukocyte abnormality, and were diagnosed as occupational chronic moderate benzene poisoning.

    Mr. Wang, who engaged in painting and painting for 22 years, found abnormal white blood cells in occupational health examination and was subsequently diagnosed as chronic myelogenous leukemia.

    According to the history of occupational hazards and clinical manifestations, Wang was diagnosed as occupational benzene induced leukemia.

    The above two cases are all from the Jilin occupational disease prevention and treatment hospital (Jilin province).

    Over the past 10 years, the hospital has received 11 occupational diseases related to painting. In the past 5 years, a total of 2600 painters have undergone occupational health checks.

    Among them, 116 people had abnormal examination results. After reexamination, the Jilin Provincial Vocational and technical college put forward the competent opinions on painting work for personal conditions.

    "China's occupational disease prevention and control law" clearly stipulates that for the workers engaging in occupational hazards, the employer should organize occupational health examination before, during and after departure, according to the provisions of the administrative department of health, and the cost is borne by the employer.

    Jilin Provincial Vocational defense expert told reporters that if the painter before the physical examination found occupational contraindications, suggested that should not engage in exposure to benzene system operations, inter post physical examination found that target disease personnel, the employer must be removed from the paint job post, suspected cases, to the specialist hospital for further diagnosis and treatment.

    In fact, most of the occupational disease prevention workers who are able to take preventive measures or timely diagnosis and treatment are mostly employed by state-owned enterprises.

    In decorating and other industries, painters are mainly short-term workers. They usually work with contractors only temporarily or simply do their own work. Most of them do not have regular physical examinations.

    The staff of the Legal Aid Department of the Changchun Federation of trade unions Staff Service Center said that many of the painters were "self-taught" and lacked the common sense of labor protection and occupational health.

    At the same time, this group has a large mobility and a long incubation period.

    Rights protection

    There are difficulties.

    The experts of Jilin Provincial Vocational Defense Institute believe that at present, there are two main difficulties in occupational disease prevention and treatment: first, the employer's commitment to occupational disease prevention is not in place, and there are many problems in early prevention, safety precautions, propaganda and training of occupational disease prevention, and financial input. Two, the workers' consciousness of occupational health is weak, and their consciousness of self-protection and rights protection is poor.

    In addition, because of the large mobility of migrant workers and scattered workers, their cardinal numbers and related situations are difficult to master. There is no effective management tool for occupational disease prevention and cure in this group.

    "For employers, there is no sound management system for the procurement, acceptance, storage, distribution, training, use, maintenance, replacement and scrapping of labour protective articles, and strict implementation. Or the use of labour protective equipment instead of engineering protection facilities and other management measures will create serious occupational safety and health risks for practitioners."

    An expert of Jilin Provincial Vocational defense hospital said.

    Jilin Provincial Vocational Defense Institute suggests that supervision departments should strengthen supervision and law enforcement, standardize the employing units' strict enforcement of relevant laws and regulations, increase the management of the source of occupational disease prevention and control, and guide them to increase their special funds, and provide full-time and part-time occupational health and technical personnel, and establish occupational health management system and occupational health archives.


    Health monitoring files and emergency plans for occupational hazards.

    In view of the labor protection problems of the scattered individual painters without stable labor relations, the Jilin Provincial Vocational and preventive hospital recommended that the departments concerned conduct a thorough inspection of the paint industry, and establish a complete painter's file, so that the occupational health examination of the group can be carried out regularly in the form of purchasing services, so as to ensure their occupational safety and health.

    For more information, please pay attention to the world clothing shoes and hats and Internet cafes.

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