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    Businesses Do Not Want To Be Forced To Compete In The "Two Elections" Mode Of The E-Commerce Platform.

    2017/11/7 15:03:00 91

    Electricity SupplierClothingBrand

    According to the world clothing shoes and hats net,

    Online retailers

    The huge traffic brought by the head platform includes


    And many other industry brands have been relying heavily on the e-commerce platform, but now the electronic business platform has begun to rack its brains.


    The viscosity of business to the platform.

    In June this year, the "two choice one" competition mode of the electronic business platform has brought a lot of pressure to businesses.

     E-commerce platform two choose a competitive mode, clothing brand manufacturers do not want to be forced.

    "From our point of view, it is best to do so. We can choose one and not stand in the queue.

    And we don't want any of our teams to want to stop. "

    A clothing brand related personage said.

    He said with emotion, "two elections and one pair of industries is a state of destruction."

    The brand believes that, first, the brand side has become an independent right, and the second one is that it is not good for the industry.

    But in the face of huge traffic pressure, brands are forced to choose among them.

    According to the world clothing and shoe net, the clothing brands told reporters that the competition between businesses is very clear for businessmen.

    In 2015, if you choose to sell products on other platforms, another platform will not do any intervention, but it will do other things, such as lowering the location of the venue, or showing no goods in the venue.

    "We were dropped many times in 2015, so we can only rely on consumers' daily search for commodities."

    He said.

    And the increasing number of business figures on the e-commerce platform makes businesses dare not act rashly.

    The clothing brands said that they have achieved 70 million in 2014 from an electronic business platform, and that this year's running water should be 750 million yuan.

    He believes that "the most injured in this business competition must be considered as a small and medium-sized brand. Small brands belong to the awkward position and contribute less to the profit of the e-commerce platform, so the strength of the platform's support is limited."

    For clothing brands affected by "two choices", the brand said they were basically 3 hundred million to 5 hundred million of body size and 7 hundred million to 8 hundred million of body weight.

    "This volume is actually very awkward, just at the time of rapid development."

    He believes that consumers should choose where to contact brands, where brands should contact, rather than artificial barriers.

    The brand believes that the brand should be an object of service.

    He stressed that "order itself is what we need to maintain, and ultimately the customers and brand sides."

    However, he also admitted to reporters that there is no real evidence to prove that the platform is reducing traffic volume.

    "It is hard to say that it is a monopoly, more platform to support businesses, in turn, let businesses only cooperate with their own platform, offline sales is also so."

    He said.

    Liu Junhai, vice president of the China Consumer Association and director of the Institute of commercial law of Renmin University of China, believes that if a super platform enterprise has absolute market dominance, it also needs to use the "two choice one" business strategy, which directly infringes the fair trading rights and contractual spirit of suppliers.

    "The weak position of small and medium-sized businesses should arouse the concern of legislators, regulators and associations."

    More interesting reports, please pay attention to the world clothing shoes and hats net.

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