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    Italy'S Fashion Industry Is Ushering In A Full Recovery And Calls For Continued Support From The New Cabinet.

    2018/9/11 12:48:00 50

    ItalyFashion IndustryRecovery


    Fashion industry

    We are in full recovery and hope to continue to benefit from the support of the public power of the government.

    With the end of the Italy government after more than 2 months after the election, the joint cabinet was formed by the Movimento Cinque Stelle five star Movement Party and the Lega alliance party. The industry is generally concerned about whether the new cabinet of Italy will continue to promote the development of Made in Italy "Italy manufacturing" as a priority of governance.

    Camerca Nazionale della Moda Italiana, Italy state fashion house (Milan fashion week sponsor, referred to as CNMI) chairman Carlo Capasa said: "Italy's

    Fashion industry

    Overall sales in 2018 are expected to reach nearly 90 billion euros, which has been restored to the level before the financial crisis in 2008.

    Of course, the recovery of our industry in ten years may also be related to the support of the Italy government.

    If the government no longer pays equal attention to the fashion industry, it will be devastating for our entire industry. "

    Milano Moda Donna Milan fashion week women's wear exhibition will be held from 18 to 24 September. During the period, more than 60 shows, more than 80 conferences and 44 other events will be staged in Milan, the fashion capital. Recently, the organizers called the news conference of Milan fashion week women's Wear Exhibition. At the press conference, Carlo Capasa commented: "I hope the current government cabinet can be consistent with the previous administration strategy and give the fashion industry the attention it deserves.

    Because fashion industry has shown its strong vitality in the process of national economic development, it is an important driving force for Italy's economic growth.

    In the face of the financial crisis, enterprises in the fashion industry have been deeply reorganized and committed to innovation for a long time.

    As the second largest industry, the fashion industry in Italy is absolutely an integral part of the national economy. "

    Mario Boselli, former chairman of CNMI, added: "the government's help and support are crucial to our industry, because most of the enterprises in the fashion industry are small and medium-sized enterprises.

    Many times, however, statistics can be misleading, giving people the illusion that there is no need for help in the fashion industry, because they feel that the industry is running well.

    The large luxury group can still be able to cope with the crisis, but it is not easy for smaller businesses. Especially if they want to export fashion products to overseas, we need to attract buyers from all over the world to Milan.

    It is precisely for this reason that assistance from the government is very important. "

    In fact, Italy's top 50 fashion industry companies have accounted for about 40% of the entire industry.

    The supply chain of fashion industry in Italy covers more than 6.7 enterprises and employs more than 620 thousand people.

    If we consider glasses, cosmetics and jewellery and other sub sectors, the total sales volume of Italy's fashion system in 2018 will reach 897 in euros, which is expected to increase by 2.8% over 2017.

    In terms of textile and garment industry, Italy's sales volume will reach 66 billion 700 million euros in 2018, accounting for about 74.4% of the whole fashion industry, which is about 3% higher than that in 2017, especially in the second quarter.

    According to CNMI statistics, Italy textile in 2018

    Garment industry

    The export volume is expected to grow by 4.3% to 52 billion 240 million euros, and the trade surplus will reach 18 billion 700 million euros.

    "The new cabinet of the government takes office in June, and we should give them a little time," concluded Massimiliano Bizzi, founder of WHITE Milano, a leading fashion show in Italy.

    Personally, I am more optimistic about this. I believe they will understand the value of the fashion industry and support it in an appropriate way.

    During the period from 2016 to 2018, the government of Italy specifically approved the allocation of investment amounting to 520 million euros in value for "Italy made", which allocated 135 million euros (26%) to the fashion industry, mainly supporting the Pitti Uomo men's Wear Exhibition and Milano Moda Milan fashion week, and promoting related fashion systems.

    With the change of government, the formulation of new strategy is inevitable.



    Many leading figures of the industry are expected to hold the first meeting with Michele Geraci, Vice Minister of economic development of Ministero dello Sviluppo Economico in Italy in September.

    It is worth noting that the Italy government will announce its economic growth and budget targets by the end of September, and the relevant proposals must be approved by the end of the year.

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