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    Actively Respond To Friction, Promote Steady Growth Jiaxing Vigorously Cultivates New Kinetics Of Foreign Trade

    2018/11/20 10:55:00 268

    JiaxingForeign TradeBrand ProtectionMarket DevelopmentResponse ModeChannelTrade Friction

    At the just concluded 124th Canton Fair Jiaxing enterprises reached an intention to trade US $261 million, up 4.4% over the same period last year. Actively adapt to the complex and volatile international trade environment Jiaxing's foreign trade enterprises, by increasing product technology innovation and intellectual property protection, opened up multiple markets, actively and effectively responded to trade frictions, cultivated new impetus for Jiaxing's foreign trade, and promoted the steady growth of the city's foreign trade.

       Expand the market with innovation and pay attention to brand protection

    Innovation is the first driving force. To open up the market with product innovation, to attract attention with the "global debut", to realize the transformation from "Jiaxing quality manufacturing" to "Jiaxing intelligent manufacturing", Jiaxing foreign trade enterprises increased investment in scientific and technological innovation, to create new demand and open up new markets with innovative products. Innovation is becoming a sharp tool for enterprises to actively respond to external challenges.

    At this Canton Fair, Tongxiang Zhongxiang Textile Co., Ltd. showed a new technology called OUTLAST. The person in charge of the company said that the biggest selling point of this technology is that it can continuously adjust the microclimate on the skin surface. "When the skin surface is overheated Material Science It will absorb heat, and the material will release heat when the skin surface temperature is low. At the Canton Fair, the products using this new technology were favored by businessmen from Britain, Italy, Turkey and other countries. "

    Haiyan Huashuaite Plastic Electrical Appliance Co., Ltd. mainly produces building materials and road infrastructure. In recent years, the company has continuously increased its investment in scientific and technological research and development, successfully developed more than 30 new products, and many products have been included in the national Spark Program and the National Innovation Fund, which has greatly increased the competitiveness and bargaining power of products. With the newly developed environment-friendly building materials, the company won an order of 400000 dollars from old customers in Europe and the United States at the Canton Fair.

    Scientific and technological innovation goes hand in hand with intellectual property protection. Zhejiang Yate Electric Appliance Co., Ltd. is a well-known enterprise in the world of agricultural and garden machinery. The global sales volume of electric chain saws alone exceeds 1 million. This also leads to malicious infringement of bad businesses. The relevant person in charge of the company said that the company has strengthened the global registration of trademarks, timely discovered the infringement of trademarks such as rush registration, and protected the brands that have worked hard.

    The person in charge of the Foreign Trade Department of the Municipal Bureau of Commerce said that in recent years, foreign trade enterprises have become more and more aware of "going global". The commerce department also actively encourages enterprises to cultivate export brands and improve the gold content and competitiveness of export products.

      Actively open up multiple markets through multiple channels

    At present, Jiaxing has more than 6300 enterprises with foreign trade achievements. In order to cope with the intensification of global trade frictions and reduce the risk of the single market, Jiaxing foreign trade enterprises adjusted their global layout, deepened Eurasian cooperation, and actively responded to the "Belt and Road" initiative to open up emerging markets.

    Jiaxibera Compressor Co., Ltd. is a professional R&D manufacturer of global environmental protection, energy saving and efficient refrigerator compressors. At present, exports from the Middle East and South Africa account for 20% of the company's total exports. The relevant person in charge of the company said that the company is trying to change the situation of relying solely on the European market in the past, accelerate the layout of the "Belt and Road" market, and will focus on the Middle East, North America, Southeast Asia and South Africa in the future.

    The development of cross-border e-commerce and the cultivation of new forms of foreign trade have become a new starting point for the steady growth of Jiaxing's foreign trade. Last year, Jiaxing's cross-border e-commerce exports grew by more than 50% year on year. Haining leather, Puyuan sweater, Pinghu luggage and bags Cross border e-commerce in blocky industries such as e-commerce has been promoted. In addition, the commerce department will also vigorously support the development of foreign trade comprehensive service enterprises, optimize the ecosystem for foreign trade enterprises to "go global", and drive the development of small, medium-sized and micro enterprises international market 。

    Statistics show that Jiaxing's foreign trade grew by nearly 40% in the first three quarters of this year. Zhang Jiansheng, Director of the Municipal Bureau of Commerce, believes that the continued expansion of global market demand is the main reason for the growth of foreign trade, excluding the factor of preemptive ordering due to Sino US trade frictions. With the intensification of trade frictions, Jiaxing foreign trade enterprises have been more determined and proactive in opening up diversified markets, which has also led to the rise of the overall foreign trade situation.

    Actively respond to trade frictions and take the initiative to fight back

    After the escalation of Sino US trade friction, Jiaxing foreign trade enterprises took positive countermeasures. Mao Xuerong, President of the Council for the Promotion of International Trade of Jiaxing, said that after the US issued a tax list of 200 billion dollars, the Council and the municipal commerce department actively organized enterprise verification, and at the same time, jointly launched a complaint with the US dealers, which achieved good results. A total of 100 enterprises and 17 tax shops in the city were removed from the list. The removed enterprises and tax brands rank first in the province.

    At the same time, Jiaxing actively changed its response mode from passive to active. The government and enterprises jointly launched anti-dumping investigations on imported products, and achieved positive results. Recently, the Ministry of Commerce issued an announcement that it decided to implement an anti-dumping tax rate of 10.1%~97.1% on ethanolamine, among which US funded companies will implement the highest tax rate of 76% and 97.1%, which will be implemented from October 30, 2018 for a period of five years.

    The relevant person in charge of the Municipal Bureau of Commerce said that the case was a follow-up to this August Jiaxing Zhejiang Xinhui New Material Co., Ltd After the Company won the anti-dumping investigation on imported halogenated butyl rubber originating in the United States and the European Union, Jiaxing enterprises led the national counterparts to launch another successful final case of anti-dumping investigation on imported products, which won valuable development opportunities for industry related enterprises.

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