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    Patchwork, Keqiao Textile Is Unique.

    2018/10/29 11:43:00 455

    KeqiaoQuiltCreative DesignDesign CompetitionSymposium


    Clothing, bags, pillows, tablecloths, decorative paintings


    At the exhibition hall of Zhijiang college, Zhejiang University of Technology.

    Reporters saw that the quilt was being discarded.

    Piecemeal cloth "two times" to elegant handicrafts

    And gradually enter the family of ordinary people.

    Fashion industry

    Is rising day by day.

    At the end of the 2018 Fourth "SINGER Cup" Chinese quilt design competition and the China International quilt workshop, Yang Tiegang, deputy director of the Specialized Committee design and education of jigsaw design, shared a set of data: as early as 5 years ago, the United States had reached 4 billion dollars in the spelling market, and more than 20 million workers were involved.

    Currently on the market

    Patchwork fabric

    The most expensive one can be sold at 200 yuan per yard, and the ordinary quilt fabric is between 120~150 yuan per yard, and its added value is 5 times higher than that of ordinary fabric.

    "Quilting is the perfect embodiment of creative design. The quilt has formed a complete industrial chain abroad."

    Yang Tiegang said that the domestic patchwork industry is still in its infancy.

    Keqiao has strong foundation and strong textile industry.


    Developing atmosphere is the advantage area of developing patchwork industry in China.

    "We are committed to making Keqiao a base and center of the domestic industry, and using the creativity to push the Keqiao fabric to the world."

    As the new blue ocean of Keqiao's textile industry, how to develop this new cloth? The government, associations, universities and enterprises are actively exploring.

    As one of the important supporting activities of the fashion week in Keqiao, the quilt creative design competition has been held for 4 consecutive sessions in Keqiao, and the international mosaic seminar has been held. Since November 2015, the patchwork training course has entered various towns and streets in Keqiao. Since 2016, the Zhejiang province quilt association has regularly carried out the patchwork skills training course in Keqiao.

    At the same time, there are a lot of related activities such as the culture of patchwork, the exhibition of mosaic, the creative exposition and so on.

    It is understood that in September last year, the Zhejiang provincial patchwork Association, Shaoxing master culture and creative Co., Ltd. and the Keqiao Innovation Research Institute of Zhejiang University of Technology jointly established the Jianghua "patchwork +" design teaching and Research Center, which includes patchwork research, patchwork design, education training and international patchwork trade.

    Tool materials

    As a whole, production and other services provide a cooperative and innovative professional platform for teachers and students of Zhijiang College of Zhejiang University of Technology and Keqiao local enterprises.

    In our district, the first enterprise in the field of patchwork, Shaoxing master culture and creative Co., Ltd.

    Patchwork fabric

    Production is thriving.

    In the recently concluded Chinese mosaic design competition, the company's selected works won the gold award of the "Wen Chuang gifts design award".

    "In recent years, sales have been better every year."

    "Master culture" official told reporters that the company's confidence in the future of Keqiao's patchwork industry.

    Qiu Haisuo, Professor of The China Academy of Art and President of Zhejiang provincial quilting Association, said that the patchwork, which can not only make use of waste but also promote industrial development, caters to the current green and fashionable life concept, or will become Keqiao.

    textile industry

    The new blue ocean.

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