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    Do You Want To Be Brand Younger, Or Do You Want To Be A Brand For Young People?

    2019/7/4 12:10:00 2

    National Tide

    Brand aging is a marketing topic that can not be bypassed in the past two years. In 2018, with the advance of Tmall tide Festival, the domestic marketing field set off a wave of national wind and joint name fever, Lao Gan Ma, Wang Zi, RIO, big white rabbit, the Imperial Palace and other old brands, which triggered a social topic discussion with a "net red" appearance.

    The younger generation of brands is naturally the younger generation of users. With the maturity of the Z generation, they represent the near future consumer market and compete for the Z generation consumer group, becoming a crucial battle for brand development. But how should the brand be younger? What is the misunderstanding of brand younger? Do you do the right thing to make the brand younger? This article will sort out some major misunderstanding of the brand younger, which may answer your doubts.

    Brand aging and brand rejuvenation have become popular words in recent years. Under the impact of the mobile Internet, great changes have taken place in the communication path, communication mode and cultural context. This is also the reason why many traditional brands are not acclimatized. Brand aging seems to be a life-saving straw.

    For many brands, it is necessary to be younger, but people often misunderstand the essence of brand aging. Making social as a joint name is not the real core of being younger. Below we will collate four common brands of youth misunderstanding.

    Myth 1: in order to impress young users, we need to brand younger.

    The brand is often used to impress young people and seize the young user groups to promote the brand younger. This sounds reasonable, but the truth is that not all brands and all industries need to be younger. Younger age may not solve the business problems your brand is facing.

    In other words, brand younger is only a means rather than an end. On the whole, brand aging needs to lock in the industry. 2B industry is not necessarily suitable for the younger generation, because for 2B companies, it is important to give customers a sense of security and trust, and the significance of brand being younger is not big. For fast moving products, brand younger is more important, because it can solve a lot of problems such as brand perception, traffic acquisition, product sales and so on on the 2C side. Therefore, the brand younger is actually a false proposition.

    For the brand, the prerequisite for making the brand younger is whether it is necessary to identify whether or not its brand is younger. What business needs to be solved is younger, but younger is only the surface of brand strategy, and the core is still the commercial appeal of the brand in the new internal and external environment.

    Externally, users may see nothing more than packaging and new social users. But the whole set of communication moves to solve the business problem: how to make the brand new product enhance the product premium.

    Many brands tend to put the cart before the horse when they are younger. They do not need to impress young people to make brands younger. They are based on your brand business purpose and use the means of brand aging.

    Myth two: brand younger, communication is younger.

    For our ordinary users, the perceived brand younger action is usually at the level of communication, but for the whole brand, the younger age of communication may be the most superficial dimension.

    There are three dimensions of brand younger perception of consumers. The farthest level is the communication dimension. What we see today is "double micro trembling" content output, personified external image and so on, all belong to the level of communication. The communication level is the most easily adjusted level of brand, but the relationship with users is weakly related. The content of your brand communication is very difficult to have a close connection with users. Users will ask, "what is your communication with me?" which requires that the content of the brand should be exported with high quality, so that users will take the initiative to pay attention to your communication content.

    The second level is the visual dimension, that is, the attractiveness of products. The product's outer packaging and visual expression can give users a sense of intuition. The younger packaging can give users different brand perception. If your brand is still packaged fifty years ago, it will be difficult for users to perceive the brand changes directly. However, visual renewal is not a visual subversion. On the one hand, the brand needs to update the product's visual experience, and on the other hand, it must retain its original brand characteristics.

    The third level is the product dimension, which is the key to decide whether or not to pay the bill. Brand younger is not to do some publicity and packaging, but to make your product more in line with the needs of new users. For example, for the food industry, young people need greener and healthier food. The key to brand aging is to provide products and prices that are suitable for the current lifestyle of people.

    In fact, in the deep sense, younger enterprises are also involved in the whole management and process aspects of the enterprise, because the problem is not simply the dissemination or marketing of products. It may even be said that brand communication is only a minor part of brand younger.

    It is precisely because of this that when brands are younger, they usually test the water at the level of communication, because the communication level is the easiest to make adjustments, and even if they are not well done, they will not have too many risks. Another way is to set up a new sub brand to try to become younger, which is a trial and error strategy with low cost.

    Myth three: the brand is younger, and the goal is young people.

    The target group of young brands is not only young people, but all users. The motivation of brand younger is usually the change of external marketing environment, rather than the intergenerational change of user groups. There are young people in any era, but not at any time.

    We take the case of Lining in the early 1990s, which is a classic negative example of brand younger. In fact, when the name "Lining 90" is called out, it means offending other user groups. If "Lining 90" is designed for the post-90s crowd, what will the other 80 and 70 users think of the brand? They may think that they have been abandoned by the brand.

    So brand younger is not only aimed at young people, but should be aimed at all potential users. Brand younger is not the younger age of the crowd, but a younger way of life and the concept of life, often irrelevant to age.

    Another point is that the brand younger needs to express the original brand core in a new way. Still, taking three yuan, the brand perception of three yuan is humane, safe and quality. In the transformation of young people, we should retain the brand image that distinguishes them from competing products, rather than blindly cater to the aesthetic preferences of young people.

    Misunderstanding four: follow the trend of the country, do you really want to do it?

    Finally, I want to talk about the dissemination form of brand aging. The tide of the country is the way of foreign communication used by many brands in the past two years. But nowadays, the spread of the national tide and joint names has been used too much. Is the national tide still effective?

    There are two main views on this issue: one is that the national tide is the marketing bonus in the past two years, and the brands like big white rabbit and Wangwang have been washed up because of the tide of the country. The brand younger needs to catch the trend of the national tide. The other thinks that the high frequency national wave screen has made the users form an aesthetic fatigue. The content of homogeneity can not arouse users' novelty. If the brand is to be younger, the tide of the country may not be a good choice.

    In fact, neither of these two views has touched on the essence of the problem. The tide of the country itself is the tide of the country. It does not matter whether it is good or bad. The key lies in whether the brand needs the concept and how to make use of it.

    If we regard the national tide as a channel, this kind of problem will be solved. For example, the national tide is just like the WeChat micro-blog as the communication channel. The brand's consideration is whether it can achieve the commercial purpose in this channel, and can we get a higher ROI. In the general direction, the cultural confidence behind China is a big trend. With many dividends, it can be excavated. But from the brand itself, how to make use of the tide of the country, how to do business alienation, and what the purpose of the brand is to do is to be more qualitative.

    Source: time interest Author: E Jianhua

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