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    Sun Ruizhe: Make Concerted Efforts To Seize The Day And Make New Contributions To Building A Well-Off Society In An All-Round Way.

    2020/1/13 17:29:00 97

    Sun RuizheChina Textile UnionAnnual Work Summary Conference

    Make concerted efforts to make new contributions to building a well-off society in an all-round way

    Sun Ruizhe, President of China Textile Industry Federation

    January 10, 2020

    Distinguished leaders and colleagues: Hello!

    2020 is the key year for building a well-off society in an all-round way and achieving the goal of the first centenary. Standing at the key point of history, looking back at the past 2019, it is not easy to come. There is a sense of "unlimited scenery in dangerous peaks".

    2019 is a year of gloomy economic and trade relations. Sino US trade conflicts have suddenly escalated and repeated several times; Britain has been dragging on Europe; WTO and other multilateral trading systems have been in crisis. Uncertainty has caused actual harm to investment and supply chain.

    2019 is a year of downward pressure on the world economy. In 4 years, the global economic growth was downgraded in IMF; the growth rate of 90% of the world's economy was slower than that of 2018; the vulnerability of the emerging economies increased, and the global economic growth momentum slowed down.

    2019 is a year when corporate risk is concentrated. P2P has gone through a retreat; the Bank of Jinzhou, the Hengfeng bank and the Bank of Jinzhou have been hit by thunder and lightning; the default scale of the domestic enterprises has reached 130 billion yuan, breaking the record of 2018.

    In this year, we feel the pressure from inside and outside. However, our industry has played a constructive role in the development of pressure, and has played a constructive role in "steady growth, benefiting people's livelihood, preventing risks and maintaining stability", and has made due contributions to the success of building a well-off society in an all-round way.

    1. Economic operation of textile industry since 2019

    In 2019, facing the pressure of insufficient market demand and increasing trade risks, the industry persisted in taking the structural reform of supply side as the main line, changing the way, optimizing the structure and changing the motive force to achieve a relatively stable development.

    (1) market pressures at home and abroad will not be reduced, and market structure will continue to adjust.

    Since 2019, the growth rate of domestic textile and clothing in China has slowed down compared with 2018. According to the National Bureau of statistics, from 1 to November, the retail sales of clothing, shoes and hats and needle textiles increased by 3% over the same period last year. The growth rate slowed down 5.1 percentage points over the same period last year, lower than the 0.7 percentage point of the retail sales growth above the same period. Online retail is still growing well, but there has been a monthly slowdown since June. From 1 to November, the online retail sales of apparel products increased by 16.5% over the same period last year, and the growth rate slowed down 4.7 percentage points over the same period last year. In the face of pressure, the industry has deeply explored the potential of domestic demand, improved the supply capability, laid down the market and subdivided the market. With Lining and Bosideng as the representative of the "state card" rapid rise, market recognition significantly improved.

    In terms of exports, according to China Customs data, from 1 to November, China's textile and clothing exports amounted to US $255 billion 190 million, down 2.3% from the same period last year, accounting for 11.29% of the total export volume. The industry earned a net foreign exchange of 231 billion 868 million US dollars, accounting for 61.41% of the country's total. The structure of export products has been continuously adjusted. From 1 to November, textile exports amounted to US $115 billion 690 million, an increase of 0.5% over the previous year, accounting for 45.3% of total exports of textiles and clothing, and 139 billion 500 million of us clothing exports, representing a decrease of 4.5% over the same period last year, accounting for 54.7% of the total export volume of the industry. From the point of view of volume and price relations, it shows a trend of "price volume and price drop". From 1 to November, export prices of textile and clothing decreased by 1.9% compared with the same period last year, and the number of exports decreased by 0.4% over the same period last year. Under the normalization of trade frictions, enterprises should actively adjust their export market structure and diversify their international markets. From 1 to November, China's exports of textiles and clothing to the United States, Japan and the European Union decreased by 5.7%, 5.2% and 5.2%, respectively. The export volume of textile and garment industries along the "one belt along the way", ASEAN and Africa increased by 2.1%, 1.3% and 5.5%, respectively, and the total export volume has reached 56.5% of the total industry export volume. Textile industry exports to emerging market performance is better than traditional market.

    (two) production keeps low growth and industry shows strong toughness.

    Since 2019, the industrial added value of the textile industry has maintained a low growth rate, and has entered a recovery trend in November. According to the National Bureau of statistics, from 1 to November, the industrial added value of textile enterprises above designated size increased by 2.5% over the same period last year, and the growth rate in November was 2.8%, the highest monthly growth rate since the second half of 2019. In the various links of the industrial chain, the added value of chemical fiber and filament weaving industry increased by 11.8% and 15.9% respectively over the same period, significantly higher than the growth rate of 4.2 and 7.9 percentage points in the same period last year. The terminal link pressure is relatively large. From 1 to November, the added value of the industrial and garment industry increased by 7.1% and 1% respectively, the growth rate slowed by 1.3 and 3.5 percentage points respectively from the same period last year. The added value of the textile industry even showed a negative growth. The added value of the 1 to November decreased by 1% compared to the same period last year, and the growth rate decreased by 4.8 percentage points compared with the same period last year. Since 2019, the growth rate of textile machinery industry has continued to decline, due to the decline in orders and the cyclical adjustment of the textile industry chain. The growth rate in the textile industry decreased by 7.2% from 1 to November, and the growth rate slowed sharply by 17.9 percentage points over the same period last year.

    (three) investment performance continues to be sluggish, and the external environment for investment is expected to improve.

    Since 2019, due to the uncertainty of market demand and trade environment, the textile industry's willingness to invest has been sluggish, and the decline in investment growth has gradually deepened since June. According to the National Bureau of statistics, from 1 to November, the fixed assets investment volume of China's textile industry decreased by 7.3% compared to the same period last year, an increase of 0.3 percentage points over the first three quarters. Among them, the textile industry dropped 8.7% compared to the same period last year; the clothing industry dropped 1.3% compared with the same period last year; the chemical fiber manufacturing industry dropped 18% compared to the same period last year. The regional layout of the industry has been adjusted continuously, and the central region has been increasing steadily. Among them, Anhui, Jiangxi, Hubei and Hunan are achieving positive growth in the whole industry chain. The chemical fiber industry in Anhui, Hubei and Hunan increased by 93.7%, 44.2% and 123.5% respectively. In the future, as the structural reform of the financial supply side deepens and the transmission mechanism of monetary policy is further cleared, the problem of financing the industry will be further resolved, and the medium and long-term financing of the industry will be expected to increase. Investment in the external environment is expected to improve.

    (four) the quality and efficiency of the operation fluctuate, and the industry is faced with arduous tests.

    From 1 to November in 2019, 34 thousand Textile Enterprises above Designated Size achieved operating income of 4 trillion and 449 billion 350 million yuan, an increase of 0.04% over the same period last year, a 4 percentage point slower than the same period last year, accounting for 4.68% of the total industry, 192 billion 610 million yuan in profits, 8.6% percentage points lower than the same period last year, the growth rate decreased by 16.5 percentage points over the same period last year, accounting for 3.43% of the regulated industries, and the loss of loss companies amounted to 27 billion 710 million yuan, an increase of 8.6% over the same period last year.

    Operation efficiency fluctuates. From 1 to November, the operating profit margin of textile enterprises above designated size was 4.3%, which was 0.4 percentage points lower than that of the same period of last year, and the profitability of enterprises decreased compared with the same period last year. The turnover rate of finished products inventory in textile enterprises above the whole scale was 14.3 times / year, a decrease of 0.4% compared with the same period last year, and the stock pressure increased over the previous year. The total assets turnover rate was 1.2 times / year, which was basically the same as that of the same period last year. The three fee ratio was 6.8%, which was 0.1 percentage points higher than that of the same period last year, and the pressure of enterprise management has been improved.

    Generally speaking, during the past year, the textile industry still embodies the pressure under pressure, and achieves "steady growth, people's livelihood, risk prevention and stability" in the wave. Focusing on the overall requirements for building a moderately prosperous society, the industry has carried out industrial poverty alleviation, accelerated the innovation and industrialization of green manufacturing technology, and made important contributions to the three major battle areas. The industry actively develops diversified markets and plays a constructive role in stabilizing foreign trade. At present, most of the indicators of China's textile industry have reached or even advanced the world's advanced level. The goal of "textile power" planned in the outline of building a textile power (2011-2020 years) has basically been achieved.

    Two, the main tasks carried out by China Textile Corporation in 2019

    In 2019, in the face of the complex situation of risks and challenges rising at home and abroad, the China Textile Federation persisted in the general keynote of steady progress and implemented the new orientation of "science, technology, fashion and green" industry, and steadily promoted the development of high quality industries.

    (1) promoting party building and institutional building to ensure the correct development direction of the industry.

    The work of Party building is deepening. In 2019, the China Textile Federation conscientiously implemented the general requirements of the party building in the new era. The theme education reading class and Yanan Thematic Party Day training activities were carried out around the theme of "never forget the original mind and remember the mission". We will seriously convene activities such as thematic democratic life meetings, organizing life meetings and seminars, and examine problems and clear directions. According to the requirements of the SASAC inspection team, report the rectification list and rectification work ledgers, constantly improve the rules and regulations, standardize the behavior of leading cadres, and further promote the implementation of the rectification. The completion of the work of the Party committee, trade union, League Committee and relevant grass-roots party organizations has provided solid support for the effective development of all work in the industry. During the 70 years since the founding of new China, the industry achievements and publicity work has achieved good results. We have carried out activities such as celebrating the 70th anniversary literature and art exhibition in the founding of new China, large-scale photo exhibition with the motherland. Two training courses for party workers were held. Solid and meticulous work of Party building has further strengthened the party's leading role in the industry.

    Notable achievements were made in institutional building. Efficient organization is an important guarantee for enhancing the cohesive force and fighting capacity of the industry. In accordance with the development needs of the new age trade association, China Textile Federation has constantly improved its own construction. On the system, the rules and regulations are more standardized, and the relationship between "people, wealth, things and things" has been straightened out, and the document of the China Federation of textile industry's comprehensive implementation of budget performance management has been formulated. On the management, the relationship between the internal and members of the Federation has been further clarified, a more reasonable functional arrangement and orderly cooperation mechanism has been established, and the measures for the organization and management of the SPC and the escrow units have been revised and improved. The office of the Party committee has been adjusted, the office of the China Textile Commission for Discipline Inspection has been set up, and personnel management, property management, and file management have been continuously optimized.

    (two) adhere to innovation and guide, and effectively enhance industrial basic ability.

    Enhance industrial technology innovation capability. Perfect top-level planning. We should carry out the strategic research on "14th Five-Year" science and technology development plan, "Research on the strategy of science and technology development in the field of materials in 2035" and "green development strategy of manufacturing industry". Optimize the technological innovation system. To promote the establishment and development of state key laboratories, engineering research centers and enterprise technology centers, in 2019, we identified 26 key industry laboratories and 13 textile technology innovation centers, and successfully promoted the construction of the national advanced functional fiber innovation center, the state printing and dyeing technology innovation center, and so on. Strengthening cooperation in science and technology. Around the transformation and upgrading and high quality development, we held the "textile light" key scientific and technological achievements promotion conference, the fifteenth Asian Textile Conference and the Ninth China Textile academic annual meeting and other forums. New breakthrough has been made in standard work. In 2019, China Textile Federation issued 30 national standard plans, 102 industry standard plans, 52 group standard plans, set up 2 standard working groups of engineering construction and plant dyeing, set up ISO/TC221 domestic technical counterpart working group, set up 6 first standard verification laboratories, and set up national chemical fiber Standardization Technical Committee. The protection of intellectual property rights has opened up a new situation. The launching ceremony of the China fashion industry intellectual property conference and the China Fashion intellectual property protection center was held, and the intellectual property rights declaration and research work of the State Intellectual Property Office was carried out. Science and technology awards continue to improve, and the demonstration and guidance effect of the selection work is increasing. The association actively recommends outstanding cases in the industry to participate in the national science and Technology Progress Award and the ho Liang Ho Li fund science and technology award. In 2019, 2 projects were awarded the two prize of national science and technology progress. The textile light foundation has played a constructive role in promoting scientific and technological innovation, applied basic research and promotion of key scientific and technological achievements.

    Enhance the industry's fashion and innovation capability. Research and release color, fiber, yarn, fabrics, clothing, home textiles and other popular trends, guide product development. Using AI technology to complete the 20/21 autumn and winter color trend analysis report. China International Fashion Week, China International Fashion Week, China Fashion convention, SIUF2019 China underwear culture week and other activities continue to enhance professionalism. Through the fashion publishing, professional competitions, fashion forums, press releases, commercial docking, creative performances and other content innovation, the influence of activities continues to improve. Promote the docking of fashion resources and regions. The trend of excipient fashion, children's clothing and fashion trends were released in Shishi and Humen for the first time. The fashion Research Institute of Keqiao women's wear fabric in China has injected fashion elements into regional development. The "city light" Fashion Star program has effectively promoted the integration of production and city development. Industry manufacturing brand, consumer brand and regional brand construction are coordinated. A Chinese brand fabric alliance was established, a 2019 China Textile and clothing brand conference, a series of Chinese textile and apparel industry activities, etc., were launched, and the pilot projects of regional brand of apparel textiles and the evaluation of creative industries of the Ministry of industry were launched. Promoting the cultural development of textile industry. To carry out research projects commissioned by the Ministry of industry and culture to promote the development path of the textile industry, and to study the status quo and path of international cooperation in textile and garment industry design, and to guide the construction of "greenbelt Suining 1958 cultural and creative industry project", and to protect and utilize the textile industrial heritage; Textile non heritage work has been deepened. Visit Inner Mongolia Xingan Meng Ke Right Banner and other places to carry out textile heritage technology and innovation and entrepreneurship research; successfully organized the third China Textile intangible cultural heritage conference, 2019 non heritage exhibition, Chinese Textile Engineering Society Hanfu and Sinology culture development alliance and Hanfu Development Summit and other activities; organized textile intangible cultural show and related exhibitions; issued the "2018/2019 China Textile intangible cultural heritage development report".

    Enhance sustainable development capacity. Promoting the construction of green manufacturing system. We will guide the creation of green factories, green products, green parks and green supply chains. As of the end of November 2019, the textile industry has 89 green design products, 69 green factories, and 6 green supply chain enterprises. The Ministry of industry has been listed in the green manufacturing system construction list. A wide range of "textile lights" energy-saving emission reduction and environmental protection key technology promotion activities. A number of energy saving, low-carbon, water-saving, green manufacturing, energy saving and low carbon industries and other national, industry and group standards have been formulated. "Green fiber" certification has achieved positive results, and market recognition has been continuously improved. The collection and promotion of the "recommended catalogue of advanced technologies for energy saving and emission reduction in China's printing and dyeing industry" was launched, and the list of harmful chemical substances in the production process of textile industry was launched. The report on "sustainable development of regenerated cellulose fiber industry" was released, and the compilation of "sewage permit application and technical specification for chemical fiber manufacturing", "technical guide for green development of printing and dyeing industry", "green design product evaluation technical specification, wool worsted product", "water saving enterprise chemical fiber filament weaving industry" were issued. In 2019, the China Textile Federation introduced the upgraded version of the "old clothes zero abandonment" industrial chain action into Shanghai, built a pilot project of the public service platform based on the "Internet +" intelligent utilization of waste textiles, held a seminar, launched the "Research on China's textile circular economy", carried out pilot projects for the comprehensive utilization of resources, and went all the way to Henan and Hebei for the first time. To promote the construction of chemicals, carbon, water and recycling management platform in the industry, and enter the enterprise for training and promotion. The 2020 project of carbon management innovation has been upgraded to the 2030 item of fashion climate innovation. The goal and roadmap of climate management in textile industry have been formulated. The "fashion climate innovation special fund" has been launched, and the industry voice has been issued at the twenty-fifth session of the United Nations Conference on climate change.

    Guide and enhance product development capability. China Textile Federation continues to innovate its working mechanism, and constantly improves product development and service system from color, fiber, fabric to clothing, home textiles and industrial textiles. Expand recommendation and nurture. 2019 national industrial design centers recommended, China textile product development award award, and ten categories of textile innovation products were cultivated and promoted. The national excellent quality management team and the recommended quality evaluation team have been carried out, and the national quality benchmarking selection and experience exchange activities have been continued. The 2019 China Textile Innovation annual meeting, the Design Summit, the "Woolmark Studio 3 and Wool Innovation Summit", the China International fabric design competition, the trend alliance product development plan and so on, have promoted the exchanges and cooperation in the field of product development.

    Optimize personnel support system. Guide the development of industry education. We should give full play to the research, consultation, guidance and service role of the Teaching Committee and the Committee on the Internet, complete 7 professional teaching standard revision work and the mid-term inspection of China Textile union higher education reform project, and continue to promote the accreditation and Accreditation of engineering education for textile majors. In accordance with the requirements of the state to deepen vocational education reform and build a modern vocational education system, a pilot program for vocational education at undergraduate level is launched, and vocational skills competition is held. Integration of multi-party resources, innovative personnel training mode. The textile and garment virtual simulation expert committee has been set up to promote the deep integration of modern information technology and textile and clothing experimental teaching projects. Set up a platform for cooperation between government and enterprises, set up China's knitting technology education innovation center, and China Textile Engineering Society textile industry college. Strengthen international talent exchange and cooperation, and set up an International Federation of textile and garment vocational education. Textile industry vocational skills appraisal training, vocational skills standardization work in an orderly manner. We will offer advanced training courses for textile complex talents training, the first training course for new media in textile and garment industry, and professional skills training in color matching, so as to improve the quality of personnel training. We will carry out the first all cotton basketball league matches to promote talent exchange in textile industry chain. 2019 academician candidates were selected, the China Association for science and technology talent selection, and young talent lifting projects. In 2019, Professor Zhu Meifang and Professor Chen Wenxing were elected academicians of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and academicians of the Chinese Academy of engineering. Carry out activities such as labor model, craftsmen's advanced deeds report, unique skills, on-site communication, excellent textile entrepreneur evaluation, etc., and hold the "most beautiful striving people who carry forward the spirit of dream peach and strive for the new era" -- convey the conference of general Xi Jinping's gracious encouragement to Zhao Mengtao group.

    (three) deepen coordination and enhance the level of industrial chain collaboration.

    The integration of the two technologies is fruitful. China Textile Unicom has worked out plans, construction systems and pilot projects to promote the integration of the two industries. In 2019, 16 textile manufacturing intelligent manufacturing pilot enterprises and 12 outstanding integrators of textile manufacturing intelligent manufacturing system were identified. In conjunction with the Ministry of industry and information technology, we completed the recommendation of the key task of the new generation AI industry. Completed the action plan of the industrial Internet development (2018-2020 years), the white paper (2019) for the development and construction of the industrial Internet in the textile industry, and the two development of the textile industry in 14th Five-Year. The pilot project of the industrial Internet platform in the textile industry was launched, and the construction of the industrial Internet demonstration base in the textile industry of Tianning district and Shaoxing Keqiao District in Changzhou was promoted. 2019 China textile industry two integration conference, 2019 China textile industry Intelligent Manufacturing Conference, the first China Textile Industry Internet Summit Forum, the first "Datang Cup" international hosiery machinery and equipment competition, etc. Through the Chinese clothing intelligent manufacturing technology innovation strategy alliance, the Chinese textile industry industry Internet Alliance and other organizations, to build consensus and promote the development of intelligent manufacturing industry.

    Industrial and financial cooperation has been accelerated. Around the "textile industry integration for three years action plan", the industry has established and improved the key enterprise database of textile production and financing cooperation. In 2019, we successfully promoted the listing of three enterprises in Suzhou, namely, Long Jie, Zhong Jian Technology and Jiangsu Sheng Hong, and organized and coordinated 6 enterprises to report the listed materials. 24 key enterprises were selected to cultivate listed companies. The 2019 annual conference of China's textile and garment industry responsibility development and product integration will be held. China Textile Federation and the Shanghai stock exchange communicate with the "circular economy", "new fiber materials" and "integration of military and civilian" into the support area of the science and technology board. It released the "2018 annual report on the development of Listed Companies in textile and garment industry" and "the top ten of the comprehensive evaluation and evaluation of the operation and development of textile and apparel companies in Shanghai and Shenzhen two" in 2018.

    Civil and military integration continues to deepen. We should strengthen the system construction and function improvement of China Textile civil military integration Working Committee, and strengthen communication and docking with the military through institutional adjustment and platform construction. We have completed the collection and distribution of textile and dual-use products and technology catalogues. To start the compilation of the guiding opinions on the development of civil and civilian integration in China's textile industry; to participate in the key consultation projects of the "strategic research on the development of civil and military integration in China's textile industry"; to publish the catalogue of 2019 textile and dual-use technologies and products, and to recommend the catalogue of new materials and products for deep development of military and civilian integration (2019). We completed the Research Report on the development strategy of general materials and products in the textile field, the fifth edition of the national military standard system, and the textile standard system. China's textile and military dual use technology, Oriental fashion innovation and development fund, was set up. The Forum on the development and application of new materials for dual-use fiber in 2019 and the first "military uniform cultural creative design competition" were held. The 2019 China Textile civil military dual use technology development conference was successfully convened.

    The supply chain service system is constantly improving to promote the development of large and medium-sized enterprises. With the platform of textile product development base and fashion industrial park as the carrier, various docking activities are carried out to promote exchanges and cooperation between small and medium-sized enterprises in the supply chain. The global conference on textile and apparel supply chain, the development seminar of China's chemical fiber filament weaving supply chain, the third China clothing custom Summit Forum, the first functional fiber alliance deep integration development forum and other activities have been carried out to complement all resources and promote coordinated development. We will improve the public service platform for SMEs in the industry. To assist the Ministry of industry and information technology to carry out the first batch of special new "small giant" enterprise audit work, 11 textile enterprises get the title; carry out the textile industry "special new and special" small and micro enterprises to cultivate warehousing work, there are nearly 100 small and medium-sized micro enterprises warehousing; completed 4 "2019 national small and medium-sized enterprise public service demonstration platform" declaration work.

    A breakthrough has been made in social responsibility building. After years of development, China Textile Federation's social responsibility work is gaining increasing recognition and concern from global peers and the international community. We should carry out the "national textile labor relations and harmonious enterprises" activities to promote the construction of textile labor relations in the new era. We should actively promote gender equality in enterprises. We completed the development of "employer toolkit", one of the core tools of the project "building a gender sensitive enterprise system in overseas investment enterprises". Cooperate with OECD to carry out the research project of "responsible management of supply chain in China's textile and garment industry", and cooperate with international Labour Organization to support overseas social responsibility promotion. In April 2019, Vietnam released China's first overseas responsible investment guidelines based on the investment lifecycle.

    (four) guide the rational distribution of productive forces and optimize the industrial regional pattern continuously.

    The work of industrial clusters opens up a new prospect. In 2019, we completed the fourth national textile industrial cluster pilot area review work, and finally identified 204 pilot areas of textile industrial clusters. We should start the pilot work of Co Construction of the world's leading industrial clusters, and work out a management plan to promote the construction of the "leading area of the world's textile industry cluster". Up to now, China Textile Federation has established joint cooperation with 11 industrial clusters, namely, Shishi, Zhejiang, Huzhou, Zhili Town, Haining Xu village, Shaoxing Keqiao area, Tongxiang Pu Yuan Town, Zhuji Datang Town, Shandong Shandong and Shandong area, Yi City, Fujian, Haimen Industrial Park, and Haining industrial zone. In Wuxi, we will set up the exhibition space of China garment alliance, and build up China's apparel industry alliance. A seminar on high quality development of Shandong textile and garment industry, a three-dimensional docking with China Textile Federation, and the first "China (Humen) textile accessories excipient fair" will be provided to provide more targeted services for industrial clusters. The Apparel Association and Suning group have established a live broadcast platform to form a new service for the centralized service of industrial clusters. We completed the "2019 annual report on the development of textile industry cluster" and "the action plan for the upgrading and development of the fashion industry in 2019-2021 years".

    New progress has been made in industrial transfer. In connection with the Yangtze River Delta regional integration, Guangdong, Hongkong and Macau, and other national regional strategies, China Textile Alliance actively promotes the new pattern of regional industry with distinctive characteristics, complementary advantages and coordinated development. We will guide the development of high-end industries in the eastern region, and the development of industries in the Midwest and Northeast China. The establishment of the China textile construction and Planning Institute, Guangdong, Hongkong and Macau Research Institute, will vigorously promote the transformation and upgrading of the regional garment industry. Compile the guidance catalogue of industrial development and transfer (2018) interpretation of the textile industry, the development proposal of textile and garment industry in Yunnan Province, carry out the research on the evaluation system of regional development potential of textile industry; undertake the textile industry development planning of Jiangxi Ganzhou, Yunnan Dehong state and Jingzhou Shashi City; hold the first China Textile and garment enterprises media conference and the Yudu industrial transfer and upgrading docking conference, and the 2019 industry cooperation thematic activities: go to Liaoning Chaoyang and the regional cooperation and development conference of the national textile and garment industry. To assist the Ministry of industry and Commerce in carrying out the 2019 industry cooperation and docking thematic activities: walking into two activities in Xinjiang (including autonomous region and Corps) and Jiangxi and Ganzhou; organizing the 2019 industry cooperation thematic event -- entering the Liaoning Chaoyang and the regional cooperation and development conference of the national textile and garment industry; convening the 2019 China grey fabric new material exhibition; holding the first China Textile and garment enterprise media conference and the Yudu industrial transfer and upgrading docking conference. Under the lead organization of the China Textile union poverty alleviation Committee, we continue to explore a new model to help the poor in the textile industry, and effectively promote the orderly transfer of production capacity in the Midwest and Northeast China.

    The industry "going global" has entered a new stage. The long-term healthy development of China textile joint industry will help industry enterprises fully understand and make good use of the international market and scientifically guide the industry to go out. Conducting research work around key countries and regions, especially emerging market countries, and promoting regional cooperation and exchanges. We will further develop Lanmei cooperation project. We successfully applied for the Lanmei cooperation special fund to set up a dialogue mechanism for the textile and garment productivity cooperation in Lanmei River Basin, and set up a senior training class for Lanmei textile and garment industry development. A special event of Egypt and ASEAN Textile Industrial Park will be held to promote the healthy "going out" of Chinese enterprises.

    (five) stimulate market potential and expand industrial development space.

    Help develop the international market. In 2019, 12 overseas exhibitions, including China's textile and clothing trade exhibition held in New York, USA, were successfully held, with a net area of 21928 square meters and 1985 exhibitors. Organized 1817 enterprises to participate in 16 overseas exhibitions, including the newly launched Nigeria international textile and Garment Fair, Sri Lanka international yarn and fabric exhibition and textile machinery exhibition launched 6 exhibition projects, showing a net area of 26420 square meters. With the innovative exhibition of South Africa exhibition, Guangdong (South Africa) commodities fair and Zhejiang international trade (South Africa) exhibition were held. By creating a global high quality and professional exhibition platform, enterprises are encouraged to open the international market. The 2019 China textile industry "one belt and one road" conference, the second world cloth merchants conference and the Italian fashion summit will be held. Participated in the International Federation of spinning, international textile machinery symposium, the Ninth China Japan Korea fiber industry cooperation conference and other international conferences.

    (six) develop the pulse industry and promote industry research, statistics and research.

    Research work continues to deepen. Launched a large spring survey, a comprehensive look at the status quo of the industry. After investigation, the government put forward industrial development proposals to many governments, and received good feedback. In the daily work of various professional associations, research efforts are also intensified, focusing on various topics such as raw materials, technology, and brand to deepen key enterprises and industrial clusters. Related work has effectively guided the steady development of industry and enterprises in the new situation. Take Cotton Spinning Association as an example, in 2019, nearly 700 enterprises and industrial clusters were investigated, and more than 60 group research reports were formed.

    The work of statistics is constantly improving. In 2019, we completed the integration of personnel and work of statistical center and Industrial Economics Research Institute, and the data system work was further improved. The association continuously monitors and collects key data information, conducts regular business prosperity surveys, and surveys and analyses industrial clusters, and releases the prosperity index of textile and garment market. An orderly analysis of the economic operation of the industry provides strong support for government decision-making, enterprise operation and industrial decision-making in the new situation. Innovating the statistical tools, developing and constructing the cloud platform of China textile index, and realizing the interconnection and interconnection of the underlying data of each index. The professional associations have done more detailed and practical work in the field of data statistics in their respective fields.

    Thematic research has been carried out in depth. In 2019, the Federation focused on issues such as trade frictions, structural reforms on supply side, industrial culture, tax reduction, and green development. Forming a "textile industry to promote high-quality development path", "14th Five-Year" textile industry development situation analysis and countermeasures research, "textile international supply chain construction and Transnational Textile Group Development Path Research", "belt and road" key national textile industry development experience and related policy research, "textile industry industry transfer and regional cooperation", "textile industry investment direction research in 2019", "textile industry water environmental carrying capacity analysis and evaluation - take the Yangtze River economic belt as an example" and so on. Industry research results are transmitted to relevant departments of the state through various channels and become an important source and strong support for the national industrial policy system.

    Thank you for your duty, hard work and hard work. Through effective work in the industry, we have promoted the industry's steady progress on the road of high quality development.

    Three, the new situation facing the current industry development

    At present, the characteristics of accelerating evolution of the world's great changes are more obvious, and the sources of global turbulence and risk points have increased significantly. Domestic economic "structural, institutional, cyclical issues are intertwined". In 2019, China's per capita GDP exceeded 10 thousand US dollars, and China's demand for crossing the "middle income trap" was even more urgent. But on the whole, China's basic trend of "stabilizing steadily and improving for a long time" has not changed. In this regard, we must recognize the situation, strengthen confidence and make preparations.

    (1) the world economy is in a period of deep adjustment after the international financial crisis, and the industry must adapt to changes and adjustments.

    1, development logic changes from "competition" to "symbiosis". The global value chain has become an important form of organization in the world economy. Over the world trade of 2/3 has been generated through the global value chain, and the in-depth development of value chain cooperation has made the division of labor in the industry more detailed. Under the framework of the global value chain, the economies are evolving towards a more professional direction, and industrial cooperation and symbiosis become the norm. China's textile industry has a complete industrial system, and its pivotal role in traditional trade and global value chain network is increasingly prominent. The application of information technology has changed the resource constraints of the industry, the deep connection between the market and enterprises, and the extension of industrial efficiency from internal to external. Building a symbiotic space with system efficiency is the key to achieve collaborative value. However, it is inevitable that trade protectionism and unilateralism still have a market under the background of the continuous slowing down of world economic growth and the deep adjustment of industrial pattern. Although the text agreement of the first stage of Sino US trade negotiations has been achieved, in the long term, uncontrollable and uncertain factors still exist. We should be well prepared for this.

    2, the focus of development shifted from developed economies to emerging economies. Technology's old and new cloth reshaped the comparative advantages among regions. Emerging market countries and regions are rising in a group way. The textile and garment industry is mainly distributed in these areas. The prosperity and activity of the region and the development of the industry have formed positive feedback. Take Ethiopia as an example. Since 2009, GDP has increased by 146.7%, the fastest growing economy in the past ten years. Textile and garment industry is very important. The rapid rise of economies such as Vietnam and Bangladesh has changed the pattern of industrial division of labor and the pattern of trade. China's textile industry needs to seize such a trend and speed up the adjustment of product structure, productivity structure and trade structure. But at the same time, we should also guard against potential risks in some emerging markets. The world bank's latest report shows that the debt to GDP ratio of emerging markets reached 170%, which is more vulnerable than before the global financial crisis.

    3, trade cooperation focuses on globalization and regionalization. Regionalization has become a new feature of globalization. There are 481 regional FTA agreements currently in force at WTO. The simplification and unification of rules in regional agreements can promote the flow of resources in the region and reduce transaction costs and risks. Take the RCEP that will be reached this year as an example, the level of trade liberalization has reached over 90%. The agreement covers not only trade in goods, but also investment access, e-commerce and other modern contents. In 2018, RCEP countries and regions accounted for 26.5% of China's textile and clothing exports to the world and 42.1% of total imports. If the agreement is successfully signed, it will strengthen industrial cooperation in the region and reshape the supply chain relationship. The Eighth China Japan ROK leaders meeting held in December 24, 2019 also opened up new possibilities for deepening cooperation between China, Japan and Korea. What needs to be looked at objectively is that regional cooperation is not stable due to geopolitics, big power game, historical issues and economic and trade relations. We should pay close attention to it.

    (two) our country is in the key stage of changing development mode, optimizing the economic structure and changing the driving force of growth. The industry should enhance its resilience and confidence.

    1, toughness and confidence come from the strong leadership of the party and the remarkable advantages of the socialist system with Chinese characteristics. After years of exploration, especially since the eighteen Party's Congress, the system of socialism with Chinese characteristics has been continuously improved and its advantages have been brought into full play. In the fourth Plenary Session of the 19th CPC Central Committee, the party raised the modernization of governance system and governance capacity to a new height. The boundary between government management and social management and market coordination is clearer and the functions will be more coordinated and scientific. The state is continuing to create a competitive neutral market environment to support the development of private economy and real economy. In December 22, 2019, the CPC Central Committee and the State Council issued opinions on building better development environment to support the reform and development of private enterprises, which greatly encouraged confidence in the market and private enterprises. In the opinion, "further reducing tax burden on enterprises", "perfecting banking financial institutions serving private enterprise system", and "supporting private enterprises to enter oil and gas exploration and development, refining and marketing areas" have brought great benefits to the industry. Since January 6, 2020, the central bank has lowered the deposit reserve ratio of financial institutions by 0.5 percentage points to support the development of the real economy and reduce the actual cost of social financing. On December 28, 2019, the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress deliberated and adopted the newly revised Securities Law. Fully embodies the concept of registration system, emphasizes the principle of marketization, and dilute administrative control. The deepening of market-oriented reform will further stimulate the vitality of enterprises. With the continuous progress of the rule of law in China, special operations will be less and less, and there will be more and more balanced benefits. The management activities and business activities of enterprises will be more rule-based. At the same time, the barbaric growth of some industries and the "gray streak" of personal information will gradually disappear. Enterprises need to adjust their business models in time to adapt to a more legal and clear market environment.

    2, toughness and confidence come from a complete economic system and a solid material and technological foundation. The modernization process of China's entire economic system is accelerating. As the only country in the world that owns all the industrial categories of the UN industry classification, China's huge industrial system and supply chain system provide a huge stage for industrial innovation and development. Technological innovation and the continuous development and improvement of the digital economy provide strong support for the core competitiveness of the industry. Judging from the industry itself, China's textile industry has formed the largest and most complete industrial system in the world, and accounts for more than half of the total fiber processing. The technological innovation of the industry has gone from "running to running" to "cooperating with running, running and leading". In terms of materials, conventional fibers have been in the leading position in the world. High performance and high functional fibers have changed from quantity to quality. In terms of equipment, the level of intellectualization, service and greening of textile equipment has been greatly improved, and the overall level and manufacturing capability rank the top in the world. The textile industry has become one of the few industrial sectors in China that has the closed-loop innovation capability of the whole industry chain. Systematic innovation advantages make China's textile industry increasingly becoming an important source of global textile technology innovation.

    3, toughness and confidence come from the super market advantage and domestic demand potential. In the process of great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, the quality of life and consumption capacity of the Chinese people are constantly improving. In 2019, the total retail sales of consumer goods is expected to exceed 40 trillion yuan for the first time. The contribution rate of consumption to economic growth is more than 60%, and will continue to be the first driving force for economic growth for 6 consecutive years. China has the largest middle income group in the world. Consumption upgrading has become a trend. With the deepening of urbanization, coordinated regional development and precise poverty alleviation, the potential of the sinking market is also being released. At the same time, the training of Chinese consumers' online habits has been completed. As of November 2019, online retail sales of physical commodities amounted to 7 trillion and 600 billion yuan, up 19.7% over the same period last year. From 2012 to 2018, the proportion of China's cross-border electricity supplier exports to foreign trade increased from 2.2% to 7.7%, while women's wear and clothing accessories were the best sellers. The upgrading of consumption, the rise of the sinking market, the maturity of the Internet market and the extension of the international market are shaping the market opportunities for the development of the industry in the new era.

    (three) conform to the changes in international and domestic situations, and grasp the direction and outlet of industry development.

    With the change of international and domestic situation, realizing the goal of building a well-off society in an all-round way and the goal of the 13th Five-Year plan has become the top priority of the work in 2020, and the development of the industry is ushering in a new outlet.

    The first is the digital economy. In 2019, the central economic work conference made clear for the first time that we should vigorously develop the digital economy. At present, the economy and society are speeding up the construction of information infrastructure, and the paradigm of production and lifestyle, innovation and development is changing to the direction of digitalization, networking and intellectualization. The industry needs to grasp opportunities and conform to the trend. We should strive to achieve intelligent manufacturing, interconnected manufacturing, customized manufacturing and green manufacturing under the framework of digital economy. Whether the transformation of production mode is successful or not will determine whether the future will occupy the commanding heights. We should pay attention to artificial intelligence, block chain and so on. We have the platform technology to change the potential of the whole industrial chain, respect the law of technological development, and maintain an active, prudent, rational and pragmatic attitude.

    The two is cluster economy. Cluster development is one of the most distinctive features of the textile and garment industry. At present, the spatial structure of China's economic development is undergoing profound changes. Central cities and urban agglomerations have become the main form of space for carrying out development elements. As a key power system of regional economy, industrial cluster is of great significance for building urban agglomerations. In December 1, 2019, the CPC Central Committee and the State Council issued the "outline of the Yangtze River Delta regional integration development plan", clearly proposed that we should focus on the ten major areas of new materials, textile and clothing, and create "the national advanced manufacturing agglomeration area". The central economic work conference once again clearly stated that it is necessary to build a group of advanced manufacturing clusters with international competitiveness to upgrade the industrial basic capability and the modernization level of the industrial chain. Cluster development is ushering in a historic opportunity.

    The three is the inclusive economy. To achieve the goal of building a well-off society in an all-round way, the development of "universality and sustainability" will become an important indicator of social evaluation industry and assessment enterprises. This evaluation will play a role through policies and regulations, supply chain mechanism, consumption choice, capital valuation and so on. It will be promising to promote enterprise development around the construction of social responsibility. The central economic work conference stressed that "policies and funds should be tilted to the" three districts, three states "and other deep poverty-stricken areas, to implement measures such as poverty alleviation, relocation, poverty alleviation and other measures. Industry should do well with this.

    The four is the hard core economy. The trend of technology encapsulation, modularization and integration has increased the technological gap. The Sino US trade conflict has made many people feel the risk of "decoupling of technology" and the passivity of core technology. If we can not keep up with the trend of technology, the future will be locked in the low end of the innovation chain. The central economic work conference proposed to "speed up the upgrading of technological innovation capability of enterprises" and "support the development of strategic industries". It is the future direction of the industry to strengthen hard core innovation, reduce necking projects and achieve independent control.

    Four. The next stage of the China Textile union plan.

    2020 is the year of building a well-off society in an all-round way and ending the 13th Five-Year plan. The greatest danger in changing times is not changing itself, but still using the logic of the past. Facing the future, we must adapt to the development environment full of uncertainty, complexity and fuzziness. We should adapt to the times of technological change, enterprise innovation and demand adjustment, and adapt to the pressure of the emergence of various industrial services platforms and the tide of "re intermediation" in the new situation. We need to keep pace with the times and constantly improve our capabilities.

    In January 3rd this year, the first session of the executive session of the State Council was to determine measures to promote steady growth of the manufacturing sector and stabilize the basic market for economic development. We must carry out the spirit of the central economic work conference and do the right thing at the right time. The next step is to strengthen systematic thinking, strengthen risk awareness, persist in problem oriented, goal oriented, result oriented, identify the center of gravity and balance, grasp the rhythm and strength, and make due contributions to the high quality development of the industry.

    (1) strengthening internal construction of institutions

    Around the theme of "not forget the original mind, remember the mission" theme of education and inspection rectification implementation, the China Textile Union Party committee has made the deployment. The clear requirements for Party members and leading cadres are: firm ideals and beliefs, adhering to organizational principles, strengthening system norms, improving working procedures, weakening personal will, safeguarding collective interests, strengthening overall consciousness and grasping practical matters.

    The next step is to strengthen the following aspects:

    First, we should strengthen overall awareness and political awareness and create service oriented organizations. Trade associations are an important component of the socialist system with Chinese characteristics and an important carrier to promote the modernization of the state governance system and governance capacity. The association should fully implement Xi Jinping's socialist ideology with Chinese characteristics in ideology, politics, organization and action, take the people as the center, understand the work of the industry at the height of social productivity, adhere to the thinking of "one game of chess" and fully mobilize the enthusiasm of all sides. We should do more things that our country, industry and enterprises need. We should do more things that people respect and expect from the masses, and do more things that are conducive to the fundamental interests and long-term development of the industry. We should constantly deepen our sense of service, broaden the scope of industrial services and enhance our service capabilities.

    Two, we should improve the working mechanism and structure and create a symbiotic organization. Organizational efficiency comes not only from division of labor, but from synergy. We should form the ability of "high permeability" and "strong link" as soon as possible, so as to achieve resource synergy and value symbiosis among organizations, organizations, organizations and the environment. We should learn from the "middle platform mode" to explore the "encapsulation" of universal resources and capabilities, and open the "interface" to achieve a win-win situation. To create a "middle stage", give full play to the comparative advantages of each member unit, and constantly enhance the modularity, specialization and differentiation of business so as to achieve dynamic precipitation and comprehensive upgrading of capabilities, and "build cars together" instead of "duplication of wheels". Build "backstage", further rationalize the mechanism, co-ordinate "people, money, things, things", forming resources support and management guarantee. Build "front desk", enhance executive power, enhance flexibility and agility by enhancing flat and increasing flexibility, making service more effective and more grounded.

    Three is forging professional ability and talent team, creating growing organization. Growth is primary. If the industry organization can not grow together with the times and industry, it will lose the space for survival and development. Therefore, we must continue to enhance the professionalism and irreplaceable nature of services. We should not only rely on people for a while, but also give people a long-term trend. We should constantly deepen our understanding of industrial problems, enrich the ways to solve problems, and continuously create real values. We should deepen innovation and effectively promote the docking of specific work with new strategies, new policies and new spirit, and strengthen the understanding and landing of new models, new technologies and new concepts. We should overcome the aging and solidification of knowledge and ability, and create a learning and empowering organization. We should do a good job of educating people, employing people and tree people, and balance the relationship between accumulation and development, inheritance and innovation, endogeny and extension. We should respect the law of the flow and development of talents, enhance the attraction and cultivation of talents and young talents, and build a multi gradient, diversified and open talent system.

    (two) promoting the work of the industry

    The most important task of the industry in 2020 is to make analysis, judgement and guidance for the medium and long-term development of the industry in the future, and initiate the compilation of the guiding opinions on the development of the 2021-2025 textile industry. At the same time, the development guidelines for major professional fields should be launched, and the medium and long term development plans for key work areas should be developed, such as: scientific and technological progress, industrial and financial cooperation, civil military integration, and integration of two technologies.

    1, strengthen our vision and talk about the real story of the textile industry.

    People's recognition of an industry vision has a profound impact on the resources and future development space of the industry. Industry needs to create an exciting vision and give it meaning.

    From a strategic height and historical dimension, we can tell a good industry story. To integrate the development of the industry into the process of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, we should take the five development concepts as the commanding point and enhance the social productive forces to meet the needs of people's better life. Development momentum is changing from factor driven to innovation driven, constantly breaking the "necking" link, and constantly upgrading the status of the industry in the international value chain; coordinating the transfer of industries, promoting the rational flow of all kinds of elements, and better serving the coordinated development of the Yangtze River Delta and other regions; boosting the coordinated development of urban and rural areas and industries; and promoting the construction of a beautiful China with green, sustainable development and social responsibility construction, and promoting the construction of beautiful China; opening up, actively responding to the "one belt and one road" initiative, and promoting the construction of the fate community of human beings; sharing, combining industrial development with poverty alleviation and Rural Revitalization Strategy, so as to stabilize employment and ensure the improvement of people's livelihood, so that people can gain more sense of happiness and happiness. Innovate and promote industry

    Tell a good industry story in a scientific, rational and objective way. Speak with facts and speak with data. Deepen industry statistics. Standardizing data work, strengthening the internal data management standards of the Federation, broadening the channels for collecting statistical data, improving the efficiency of data services, and monitoring and tracking enterprises, clusters and specialized markets, and improving the accuracy, depth and breadth of statistical analysis. Promoting industry research. The research work will be deeply integrated with the industry services of various units, and we should go deep into key enterprises, industrial clusters, specialized markets, and scientific research institutes, organize, target and focus on the development of industry, find problems and sum up experience. Carry out industrial research with foresight, pertinence and effectiveness. We should do a good job in top-level guidance and study the "14th Five-Year" development guidance of textile industry and sub sectors. We should pay close attention to the progress of Sino US trade frictions and the layout of international production capacity in the textile industry, and timely judge the impact on the industry; pay close attention to the implementation of the national tax reduction and tax reduction policy; pay close attention to the problems such as "micro plastic" of chemical fiber, the layout of the western region of the weaving industry, and poverty alleviation by industry, and carry out the study of normalization of trade frictions.

    We should talk about a good industry story from more perspectives and more forms. We should make good publicity and guidance so that the society can correctly understand the contribution of the textile industry to the national economy and its role in the national strategy. Strengthen the capacity building and resource support of the journal and industry media. We should constantly expand our work ideas, improve the quality of reporting, and constantly enhance the dissemination power, guidance and influence of the industry media. We should speed up the construction of financial media and boldly apply new technologies, mechanisms and modes to achieve the maximization and optimization of publicity effectiveness. We should strengthen cooperation with mainstream media such as the people's daily and CCTV, and intensify propaganda on important events and important events in the industry.

    2, innovation and guidance, consolidate the basic ability of the textile industry.

    Promoting scientific and technological innovation. Strengthen the top-level planning. To organize the compilation of the "outline of scientific and technological progress for 14th Five-Year" of the textile industry. We should encourage basic research and original innovation, and strengthen the service capability and support for the industry's independent innovation. Focus on the development of strategic industries. We will promote the development of the national advanced functional fiber innovation center and the national printing and dyeing technology innovation center, and promote the R & D and application transformation of new technologies, such as new fiber, intelligent manufacturing, green manufacturing, and other related technologies. Improve the quality of science and technology services. We should speed up the construction of the industry innovation system and identify a number of key laboratories and innovation centers. Accelerate the transformation and application of scientific and technological achievements, and innovate and develop the technology extension mode. We will carry out technical innovation evaluation and carry out relevant consulting projects. We will strengthen the protection of intellectual property rights in the industry, select the recommended patent awards, and hold an exchange meeting on intellectual property rights. Improve the discovery, cultivation and incentive mechanism of scientific and technological talents. We should do a good job of recommending scientific and technological talents to the China Association for science and technology, and young talents' lifting projects of China Association for science and technology, so as to improve the rewarding work of scientific and technological achievements in the industry. Promote standard work. We should improve the working mechanism and system construction of the industry standards, and complete the project research on the streamlining and optimization of the standard system of textile and garment industry, and compile the revision plan of the national and industrial standards in 2020.

    Promoting fashion innovation. Around the establishment of cultural self-confidence, with "masters, big cards, events" as the starting point, we will accelerate the formation of a fashionable environment with Chinese characteristics, world influence and the characteristics of the times. Efforts should be made to increase brand cultivation, speed up the development of manufacturing brand, consumer brand and regional brand, strengthen the basic research of brand building, and carry out the evaluation system of brand competitiveness. Study and publish the popular trend of the whole industry chain, promote the more systematic and synergistic research of the fashion trend, guide the transformation of product innovation and cluster fashion, and strengthen the combination of technology and trend analysis of big data and artificial intelligence. We should do our best to strengthen China International Fashion Week, China International Fashion Week, China International fabric design competition and other activities, continue to promote exchanges and cooperation with the international fashion industry, and constantly enhance the global fashion discourse. We should strengthen the training of design talents and integrate more resources to serve young, cutting-edge, independent designers with fashion transformation ability. With industrial culture boosting industrial development, promoting the innovative application of Chinese excellent culture in the contemporary era, we organize the compilation of a group standard for clothing guidelines based on Contemporary Chinese dress culture. We should deepen the investigation of intangible heritage projects, do a good job in the series of activities such as non heritage meetings, exhibitions and shows, and promote the branding and marketization of textile intangible cultural heritage in the protection and inheritance. Pay attention to the trend culture and lifestyle, and take the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympic Games as an opportunity to promote the development of sports and leisure textile and garment products.

    Promoting sustainable development. We should strengthen the influence and impetus of industry organizations in sustainable development, deepen the construction of people-oriented responsibility, environmental responsibility and market responsibility, and accelerate the standardization of green development and the construction of enterprise's ecological civilization. We should gradually implement the roadmap for sustainable development in various professional fields, and deepen the subdivision of industries such as the cellulose fiber industry social responsibility report on the basis of corporate social responsibility report and regional social responsibility report. We will continue to promote energy saving, low carbon, green environmental protection and comprehensive utilization of resources, and guide enterprises to eliminate backward production capacity and develop cleaner production. We should actively promote the certification of green fibers, increase the publicity and promotion of green fiber signs, compile the catalogue of green technologies in textile industry, and continuously promote the selection, demonstration and popularization of green manufacturing technology. We should promote the application and transformation of green key technologies, develop the circular economy of the industry, further carry out the ecological civilization, Wanli and Shanshui actions in the textile and old clothes zero abandonment activities, organize the China Fashion Recycling Conference, and continue to track and promote the waste military uniform recycling and reuse projects.

    3, balance the internal and external markets, and open up the development space of the textile industry.

    To balance the two international and domestic markets, we should pay close attention to the impact of the transfer industry on the economy, society and ecology, balance the relationship between the three local development, regional transfer and international industrial transfer, and prevent Industrial Hollowing.

    Stimulating effective demand helps to form a strong domestic market. We should fully tap the advantages of large scale market, release the potential of domestic market demand, and promote industrial upgrading with the upgrading of consumption. Do excellent exhibition. We will adjust the exhibition structure, speed up the market segmentation of the exhibition, build the whole industrial chain and international brand exhibition, and expand the market of the big bay area and the exhibition market in the central and western regions. We should deepen the track, cultivation and research work of e-commerce and specialized markets, promote the development of e-commerce in the industry, and guide the transformation of professional market to digitalization, networking and intellectualization. We completed the guiding opinions on the integration of textile and apparel specialized market lines and completed the first phase of the textile and apparel professional market service system. We will continue to promote quality management and organize quality management teams and quality assurance team training. We will deepen the research, revision and promotion of product related standards. Guide enterprises to actively respond to market changes and adapt to consumption upgrading. Opening up new markets and actively promoting military and civilian integration. We should improve the working mechanism, smooth communication channels, strengthen docking services, and continue to do a good job in the strategic consulting projects of China's textile industry's civil military integration development, and constantly expand the depth and breadth of the development of the industry's civil military integration. We should actively guide the orderly transfer of industries, take into account factors such as natural endowments, environmental capacity, social needs, and so on, so as to drive investment through industrial transfer and seek new market space in regional coordinated development. Guide and support enterprises and clusters to increase investment in equipment upgrading and technical transformation, and increase investment in new and old energy conversion.

    We should scientifically guide trade and investment and build a new pattern of comprehensive opening up of industries. To promote international cooperation in industries, expand to a wider scope, wider fields and deeper levels, and open up vast space for the upgrading of industrial chains. We should make good judgments and provide strong support for enterprises to effectively cope with the risks and challenges of international trade and cross-border investment. We should carry out research on the major issues of "going out" in the textile and garment industry under the new situation, "the international development of textile industry and the analysis of the trade situation", and continue to follow the study of Sino US economic and trade frictions. To promote foreign trade in the industry, improve quality and guide enterprises to develop diversified export markets. Continuously enhance the professionalism and influence of international exhibitions, enrich product categories of exhibition, refine exhibition area, and strengthen exhibition mode innovation and content innovation. Consolidate the traditional international exhibition market, open up new markets, and further optimize the international layout of the exhibition. Organize enterprises to participate in various international exhibitions or events, and promote more brands to go out with products. The Sino Italian fashion summit was held in Milan; the tenth Japan China Korea fiber industry cooperation conference was held in Osaka, Japan; and the "one belt and one road" investment survey was organized to hold the annual meeting of "Lanmei six countries' textile and garment industry dialogue" in 2020. To promote the construction of overseas social responsibility of industry enterprises, and continue to cooperate with international organizations and brand enterprises to carry out multi field thematic research.

    4. Intensive development and the great strength of the textile industry.

    The industry should build a global comparative advantage with a higher quality and efficiency, explore the integration of social resources and the power of the whole industry, and combine the three advantages of concentrating power on major events, super large scale industries and markets, and the decisive role of the market in the allocation of resources, so as to promote intensive development.

    Develop platform economy. We should guide the construction of various platforms in enterprises, regions and industries, and give full play to the role of resource integration and integration in the platform so as to promote the development of large and medium-sized enterprises. We will continue to enrich and strengthen the services such as industry technology innovation alliance, product innovation alliance, green development alliance, Vocational Education Alliance and collaborative innovation consortium. Promote the whole industry chain trend release, product development synergy and supply chain social responsibility management. Focusing on the fields of creative design, quality management, industry and finance cooperation, and integration of two technologies, we will constantly improve the construction of public service platform, and help industry enterprises, especially small and medium-sized enterprises, develop fast and well. Completed the first batch of textile industry specialized new small and medium-sized micro enterprise cultivation and warehousing work. We should gradually form a targeted, systematic and long-term industry service.

    Develop cluster economy. Deepening cluster training, tracking and service work. We will continue to promote the construction of world-class advanced textile and garment industry clusters. We should do a good job in the related services in the leading areas, give full play to the demonstration effects and leading effects of these regions; connect with the requirements of the "outline of the Yangtze River Delta regional integration development plan" to build the national advanced manufacturing agglomeration area, and promote the construction of the national strategic base for textile and clothing and the construction of world-class advanced textile and garment industrial clusters. We should speed up the upgrading of the basic capabilities and industrial chain modernization of key industrial clusters. Through the promotion of technology promotion, professional training and Exhibition docking in clustered areas, we should guide high-quality resources into clusters. Discovering and cultivating new industry clusters with the characteristics of the times, foresight and guidance. Focusing on the requirements of ecological protection and high quality development, we should actively promote the cluster development of key areas in the the Yellow River River Basin. Deepening research, guiding and assisting industrial clusters and industrial parks to do a good job in the "14th Five-Year" development plan and medium and long-term development strategy.

    Developing digital economy. We should deepen the integration of the two technologies and promote the digitalized transformation of enterprises in organizational management, manufacturing and business models. We will implement the action plan for the industrial Internet development of the textile industry, continue to promote the construction of the industrial Internet platform, and accelerate the application in key industrial clusters, specialized markets and enterprises. We will promote the construction of large data centers in the industry and form a number of big data demonstration platform projects and demonstration bases. We should do a good job in the two integration of the textile industry in the "14th Five-Year plan" and its basic research work in the early stage. We will continue to promote the standardization and development of the two integration management system. We will continue to promote textile and garment enterprises to carry out self assessment, self diagnosis and self enhancement actions in accordance with the two assessment standards.

    Promoting industrial and financial cooperation. We should explore ways and means to increase the medium and long term financing in the industry, and solve the problem of financing difficulties. We will continue to implement the three year plan of integration of industry and finance in the textile industry, and cultivate, recommend and promote the realization of IPO in textile enterprises. We should encourage and guide mergers, acquisitions and joint ventures among enterprises so as to improve the concentration and efficiency of industries. Through the organization of related agencies to leading enterprises, the establishment of key enterprises database, and so on, to promote the integration of production and financing. We should do a good job in tracking, cultivating and serving key enterprises in the field of science and technology board support. Ramming realizes the basis of consulting business and enriches and expands the content of services constantly.

    Wisdom comes from practice, strength comes from unity, and honor comes from collectives. Let's work together and seize the day to promote the high quality development of China's textile industry and make new contributions to the building of a well-off society in an all-round way.

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