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    Semir Apparel First Quarter Net Profit Fell 9 To Less Than 22 Million, Guaranteed Performance Also Got These Two Cards?

    2020/4/15 10:10:00 2

    Semir Apparel

    Zhejiang Semir apparel Limited by Share Ltd (hereinafter referred to as Semir apparel) released a quarterly earnings forecast today (April 14th), which is expected to be net profit of 15 million to 22 million yuan attributable to shareholders of listed companies, compared with the same period last year. Three point four six Less than 100 million yuan 93.66% - 95.68% 。

    For the reasons for the change in performance during the reporting period, Semir apparel explained that the first quarter revenue was expected to be reduced by more than 30% compared with the same period last year, with domestic business profits decreasing and the French Kidiliz group losing more.

    Earlier in late March, Semir clothing has publicly stated that with the effective control of the epidemic situation in China, the epidemic situation has improved significantly. The retail business has been recovering rapidly in recent years. The proportion of children's wear and adult clothing shops represented by Barbara and Semir is nearly 90%, and the average retail sales in recent days have returned to about 70% of normal level, about 60%-80% at normal level. Fluctuate between. That time, Semir clothing believes that the future retail level will further resume upward.

    First textile network reporter learned that during the epidemic period, the retail sales under the line were further pressurized. Semir clothing will increase the dealer's return ratio by 20%-25%, and join hands to resist the epidemic situation together. During this period, Semir apparel is also developing new retail business rapidly, such as selling through the small program, live broadcast and friends circle, weakening sales under the line.

    Shi Hongmei, an analyst at Orient Securities, stressed that the epidemic had a significant impact on the online and offline channels in the first quarter, and the decline in earnings would be greater than the decline in revenues. From the perspective of the recent sales of the clothing industry, the retail sales of the terminal industry gradually recovered to about 7-8 of the same period last year from March to early April. The sports clothing is warmer than other categories such as leisure. Taking into account the epidemic prevention and control and the recovery of consumer confidence, retail sales in the middle and the near future are expected to gradually recover to the same period last year. Uncertainty will have a certain degree of suppression on the consumption of medium term industries, and the survival of the fittest among the industries will intensify. This outbreak will push the leading companies to speed up the improvement of inventory management, operation efficiency, precision marketing and other aspects, and the new retail mode with full channel integration will be further accelerated.

    Public information shows that Semir group is the leading multi brand clothing enterprise in China. Its predecessor, Semir children's clothing in Wenzhou, was founded in Zhejiang in 2002. It has cultivated more than 20 years in the field of garment industry. It has cultivated two brands, represented by Semir and Barbara, and has become a leader in the field of leisure wear and children's wear.

    Guo Qing, a researcher at Huachang securities, said that Semir clothing is firmly committed to multi brand strategy. In the process of expanding its brand clusters, it has adjusted the market feedback according to the brand, eliminated the brands that are not suitable for transformation, and pushed the high-quality brands that have been tested and screened through the market. For example, casual wear, the CHULFVEAN brand has been adjusted from the original comfortable underwear location to the baby brand, and Tmall flag. The warship store was formally launched in April 2019. Three brands of e-commerce channels U.T.B The "origin" and "ID&T" were stripped or adjusted at the beginning of 2017; Korean high-end imports of women's clothing LEWITT were stripped; children's clothing, the company upgraded the original Mini balbala to focus on 0-7 year old boys and girls clothing brand Ma Ma Le, in the subsequent development process, mini balbala specializes in online channels, many dreams are adjusted to children's shoes; 3) In terms of electronic commerce platform, at the end of 2018, Semir clothing divestiture the ISE share of the Korean electricity supplier held at the original price, and its main operation cross border e-commerce website WConcept also stopped domestic services. The firm has steadfast and steadfast multi brand strategy for many years and has actively adjusted its layout. Now it has formed two main brands of Semir and Barbara, and high potential brands such as mini balbala and Macal.

    In the focus of traffic hotspots, especially in the brand image spokesperson, it is at all costs to keep up with the flow, quickly arouse concern and discussion, and make use of the fans economy to create revenue. Semir clothing has signed the stars of Nicholas Tse, Show Luo, Han Geng, Lee Min Ho, Kim Su Hyon, Li Zhongshuo, Yang Yang, Yang Yang, and so on at the time when all stars are popular. Publicity and attention, which closely follow the flow of marketing, at all stages show strong brand promotion power, brand power is continuously saved. At the same time, Semir apparel plans to try the platform of young groups such as electric games, games, B stations and so on, so as to make sure that the brand of casual wear is expected to continue to improve. For children's clothing business, we grasp the Expo, through posters, animations and other forms of marketing force, successfully Semir and Barbara two brands mature, Semir ranks top, balbala leading position continued to strengthen, the market share increased to 2019. 6.9% The growth rate is faster than that of the second. In recent years, the market share of both brands has increased steadily, and the brand strength has continued to rise. The dual leading brands are expected to drive other brands to develop and form effective competitiveness.

    In Guo Qing's view, the children's wear plate is becoming the mainstay of Semir's clothing, and the electricity supplier business has become the engine of its transformation, especially the brand image of "young", "fashion" and "cost-effective" that Semir clothing has coincided with the needs of the electricity supplier audience. It is expected that through the live broadcast, short video and other marketing methods, the volume will be fast, driving the growth of revenue, and the importance of Semir clothing. The development of the electricity supplier is closely following the trend, constantly adjusting the layout of the electricity supplier. The performance of Semir's electricity supplier continues to lead. It has become the benchmark and backbone of the industry. Its growth rate has maintained a rapid growth of 25%-30% in 2019, and the future increment space can be expected.

    Guo Qing predicted that children's clothing business and e-commerce channels are becoming the main focus of Semir apparel's future revenue growth. The increase in the number of children under the "two child policy" and the promotion of children's consumption are expected to drive the expansion of children's clothing market in China. At the same time, our children's clothing industry is still in the growth stage, the industry concentration has been improved, and the industry structure is good. From the point of view, Semir clothing has the advantages of first mover advantage and scale advantage in children's clothing business. Abundant product line, brand matrix and channel size are expected to help the Barbara City continue to improve its share and drive the growth of its revenue. In terms of e-commerce channels, Semir apparel has been distributing fashion content marketing through independent subsidiary companies. And live broadcast, social networking business in-depth attempts, business channel is expected to become Semir's revenue engine.

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