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    Why Is The Export Of Textile And Clothing "Retaliatory" Growth In September?

    2020/10/17 10:31:00 11

    Textile Clothing Export

    According to customs statistics, in September, China's textile and clothing exports were in an all-round way, with a year-on-year increase of 18.2% to 28.37 billion US dollars, of which 13.15 billion US dollars were textile exports, a year-on-year increase of 35.8%, and clothing exports of 15.22 billion US dollars, a year-on-year increase of 6.2%. Under the background that the domestic epidemic situation has been effectively controlled, orders from Europe and the United States have returned due to the out of control epidemic situation in India, Pakistan, South America and other countries, and the global economy and consumption are recovering difficultly, China's textile and clothing export has finally ushered in a "retaliatory" growth, "gold nine silver ten" is not only coming as expected, but also the warming trend of foreign trade orders, and the enthusiasm of foreign brands and retailers to place orders It has exceeded the expectation of most domestic textile and garment enterprises. Some garment enterprises in Guangdong, Jiangsu and Zhejiang even said that orders have increased rapidly since the middle of September, and the scheduling period has been extended to the middle of November. During the national day, the machines are running at full capacity, and the workers have not had a holiday.

    Why did the order increase in September? The author thinks that there are four main factors

    First, orders of "double 11", Thanksgiving and Christmas are coming; secondly, the pent up and weakened consumption enthusiasm in the first half of 2020 has been released, and it is not surprising that the textile and clothing export will "jump up"; second, some foreign buyers and retailers are worried about the second outbreak of the new epidemic in autumn and winter in Europe, America and Southeast Asia, and the epidemic prevention and control of local governments in various countries will be upgraded again Trade, transportation, production and so on. Therefore, we place orders in advance and stock up textiles and clothing for sale (online business in Europe and the United States is also hot); third, compared with textile and garment enterprises in India, Pakistan and Vietnam, Chinese manufacturers have "small order quick response"; their ability of rapid design, processing, transportation and delivery is much ahead of those in Southeast Asia, South America and other countries On the premise of high risk of government and metallurgy and large fluctuation of crude oil and raw materials, the phenomenon of "large supply and long cycle" in foreign trade orders has gone forever. At present, only Chinese textile and clothing enterprises with complete industrial chain, mature workers and strong delivery ability can meet the requirements of foreign buyers and retailers; fourthly, some American brand enterprises and traders are worried about the US government after November The government imposed extensive import ban on cotton products in Xinjiang, which had an impact on the cost, quantity and quality of textile and clothing import. Therefore, the government paid close attention to placing orders with Chinese suppliers and processing enterprises in September / October, and required the orders and shipment before the end of November.

    However, it should be noted that the growth rate of chemical fiber and blended textile products in September was higher than that of cotton textile products. The export situation to ASEAN, the Middle East and Africa and other countries and regions was significantly better than that to European and American markets; the growth rate of medium and high-end textile and clothing exports also lagged behind that of low-end products, so behind the "retaliatory" export growth It is the profit of foreign trade enterprises is not high, the year-on-year decline and even "losing money to make a cry". An export-oriented enterprise in Nanjing, Jiangsu Province, said that on the one hand, cotton, polyester staple fiber, viscose staple fiber and other raw materials have increased significantly recently, resulting in yarn, grey cloth, fabric and other links of "rise" sound, August / September received export orders of meager profits have been swallowed up, the implementation of the contract or not to implement the contract are facing losses; on the other hand, since June, the RMB has greatly appreciated against the US dollar (up to now, the cumulative appreciation has exceeded 6%). Among them, the onshore RMB / US dollar exchange rate on October 9 was up by more than 1100 points. At present, both the onshore and offshore exchange rates have risen above the 6.70 level, reaching a 17 month high. This has not only led to an increase in the delivery pressure of early orders, but also great uncertainty in the delivery of orders in December / January.

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