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    In April, China Imported 230000 Tons Of Cotton And India Replaced The United States As The Largest Supplier

    2021/5/24 9:41:00 0

    ImportCottonEconomic Operation


    ? ? ? According to customs statistics, in April 2021, China's cotton import volume was 230000 tons, a decrease of 50000 tons compared with the previous month, a decrease of 18%; Compared with the same period last year, it increased by 110000 tons or 92%. Among them, India replaced the United States as the largest supplier. In the current period, India imported 78767 tons of cotton from India, with a month on month increase of 66% and a year-on-year increase of 367%. The United States was the second largest supplier, with 65094.50 tons of cotton imported from the United States in the current period, with a decrease of 51% on a month on month basis and 8.1% on a year-on-year basis.

    In 2021, China will import 1.2 million tons of cotton, a year-on-year increase of 64%.

    Since 2020 / 21 (2020.9-2021.3), the cumulative import of cotton is 2.17 million tons, with a year-on-year increase of 90%.

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