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    Live Broadcast With Goods In The Second Half, Taobao Shaking Sound Copy Operation

    2022/4/18 11:17:00 0

    Live Broadcast

       1、 Taobao and Shuo Yin can't solve the dilemma of live broadcasting room

    The world has been monopolized for a long time, and the flow and wealth are in the hands of a few people. The downfall of head anchors such as Sydney and weia tore up the monopoly contradiction between live broadcasting. With strict supervision, major anchors retreated, and the "decentralization" of the platform has become the general trend.

    "Decentralization" is not a simple slogan. How can we easily realize the ecological restructuring of the platform without some bloodshed? In reality, Taobao and shuaiyin are faced with the dilemma of the ecosystem of the live broadcasting room.

    Although Shuo Yin and fast hand were the later ones, they became the main force of live e-commerce. But in fact, Taobao was the first to try to bring goods live.

    In 2016, two months after the water trial, Taobao officially launched Taobao live broadcast. Weiya and Zhang Dayi were the first batch of anchors introduced by Taobao live broadcast platform.

    In a short period of one year, Zhang Dayi and Weiya successively broke the sales record of live broadcasting room. See the effect is good, Taobao in the live room talent support plan invested billions of resources, for a while, Taobao live broadcast has no two.

    However, with the gradual increase of e-commerce platforms, the flow bonus disappears and the user cost is higher and higher. The short video platform represented by tremolo rushed into Taobao's position that it thought had been very solid as a black horse.

    Will you let others sleep soundly under your couch? In order to prevent the outflow of Taobao live broadcast traffic, Taobao has given more and more privileges to the head anchor.

    When the anchor team of Shuo Yin and fast hand gradually formed a scale, the competition among the three became increasingly fierce, and the big anchor's bargaining power was getting higher and higher.

    If you keep the big anchor on the platform, you can keep the amazing traffic behind the big anchor. In order not to be robbed by other platforms, Taobao retreats again and again, and sets the primary and secondary traffic entrance as the fixed propaganda position of the anchor.

    At this point, most of the traffic of Taobao live broadcasting room is concentrated in the hands of the head anchor, and it is almost impossible for small and medium-sized anchors to make a breakthrough.

    After Weiya was blocked, Li Jiaqi gradually developed across platforms. Taobao realized that in order to win the game between the platforms, Taobao gave the super anchor too much discourse power. Now, super anchor has threatened the further development of the platform. Taobao live broadcast began to seek change.

    However, it has been nearly four months since Weiya was blocked, and Taobao's position as the head anchor is still as stable as Mount Tai.

    According to the list data, Taobao anchor's monthly ranking is almost the same as the daily list. Li Jiaqi, xiaocrazy, lie'er baby, k-sister Chen Jie and Nanfeng are the top five in the recent weekly list, and the ranking order has not changed at all.

    Thus, the "decentralization" effect of Taobao live broadcast is not obvious. Then, let's take a look at the relatively friendly vibrato of small and medium-sized anchors. The dilemma of tremolo is not how to "decentralize", because there is no super anchor.

    Not only is the date of birth a little late, but the development of shuoiyin in live broadcasting and goods delivery has also slowed down. When Taobao gathered lijiaqi and Weiya, and the quick Simba family swept the list, Douyin didn't welcome Luo Yonghao until 2020.

    Now, Luo Yonghao will also fade out of the studio. Since then, there is no head anchor who can hold hands any more.

    The reason is that in the early stage of development, tremolo's qualification was still shallow, and it didn't put live broadcasting with goods in an important strategic position, which lost the development opportunity. This is one of them. Second, the algorithm recommendation mechanism of tremolo requires high quality of content, which hinders the wild growth of hosts.

    When the traffic dividend disappears, the impact of the algorithm on the anchor is more and more serious. Today, the traffic growth of tremolo is slow, and it needs more money and energy to cultivate more influential anchors.

    Taobao's head pattern is unbreakable, and the aftereffect of "re centralization" is insufficient. However, as long as the platform wants to develop healthily for a long time, "decentralization" will not be a false proposition.

    II. Taobao and dithering copying

    I want to go out and I want to come in. Taobao and quick hand are like two passers-by who are coming face to face, colliding together. Since you don't know how to go ahead, learn from each other's experience to complete your own road.

    It is reported that Alibaba tmall's talent team started to recruit talents from off-site platforms such as Shuo Yin, station B and xiaohongshu in March.

    Based on the rich resources and excellent link value of tmall, tmall may personally set up its own MCN organization on the platform, and Alibaba will have more say in the cultivation and direction of anchor.

    With the advantages of content, Taobao attacks the hinterland of Taobao with short video and content.

    It is reported that a special content-based team has been set up within the Taoxi department, and the team leader is the core backbone of each business. Content based strategy will be the development focus of Taobao in 2022, and short video will become a booster for the development of Taobao.

    At present, Taobao has formed a content-based position with "shopping" as the content, planting grass and "guessing you like recommending" as the core. Taobao constantly enriches the multimedia content ecology to attract the flow back to the outside of the station.

    In addition, in order to support small and medium-sized anchors, Taobao has also made great efforts in the "algorithm". The real-time data in the live broadcast room will affect the traffic in the live broadcast room. Real time data affects the proportion of traffic push, which requires the anchor to bring better content to users.

    The algorithm mechanism promotes the formation of the situation in which all kinds of small and medium-sized anchors of tremolo are in full bloom, and if copied to Taobao, it will be of great use.

    While Taobao is racking its brains to lead the traffic back to the station, the live broadcast of shaking sound is also trying to find a way to guide the flow. For this, the selection of shaking tone has an impact on the brand self broadcast as the moat of Taobao.

    In June last year, dithering e-commerce launched the "dithering brand special support plan" to help 100 brands sell billions. Since then, dithering e-commerce has continued to increase its support for brand self broadcasting. At present, Shuo Yin has gained a lot from the brand self broadcast.

    In the difficult exploration of "decentralization", Taobao and tremolo are both competitors and competitors. It is inevitable for commercial development and tacit understanding to attack each other's moat.

       3、 Decentralisation is difficult and long

    On "decentralization", some netizens put forward different opinions. This view holds that centralization is the necessary trend of market development, and "decentralization" is a counter trend under strong supervision.

    Indeed, in this era of "decentralization" propaganda, there are many centralization phenomena.

    Take shuaiyin and Taobao for example. The fact that you can stand firm at the top of the Taobao list despite the wind and rain, and the dilemma of "re centralization" that shuaiyin can't get around, are all proof that centralization is difficult to eliminate.

    This phenomenon is reflected incisively and vividly during the period of great promotion. This year's women's day, Li Jiaqi sold 2.8 billion overnight, more than the sum of sales data of Viva and Li Jiaqi's live studio in the same period last year. The trend of live e-commerce traffic is not dispersed, but more concentrated.

    However, this does not mean that "decentralization" is useless. Li Jiaqi, Luo Yonghao and Simba are gradually fading out of the studio. The flow of big anchors has spread.

    The difficulty of the platform and the small and medium-sized anchor is not the difficulty of "decentralization", but how to get these scattered traffic in their own hands as soon as possible.

    The success of "bee surprise club" and Li Jiaqi's broadcast AIDS give a revelation to the confused platform and businesses. It is not how to use the influence of big anchor to create the next well-known IP, but to use the advantages of supply chain and better live broadcast skills to surpass peers.

    (the first live broadcast of bee surprise Club)

    After a long time of "stardom", the anchor should return to the essence of service e-commerce, and use the quality of goods and considerate shopping guide service to impress consumers. At that time, the era of "decentralization" will really come.

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