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    Huamao Shares (000850): Huamao Group'S Shareholding Structure Changes And Contemporary Technology Exits

    2023/1/6 12:49:00 6

    Huamao Shares

    Huamao Group (000850) announced in the evening of January 5 that the company recently received a notice from the controlling shareholder Anhui Huamao Group Co., Ltd, It was replaced by Bengbu Sunshine Investment Co., Ltd. (referred to as Bengbu Sunshine).

    The change of the shareholding structure of the controlling shareholders will not lead to the change of the actual controller of the company. The actual controller of the company is still Anqing Finance Bureau. The change of the shareholding structure of the controlling shareholders does not involve the change of the company's equity, will not lead to the change of the company's business structure, and will not have a significant impact on the company's business activities.

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