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    Shantou Has Built A Textile And Clothing Industry Cluster Of More Than 200 Billion Yuan

    2024/2/5 16:06:00 0


    In the work report of Guangdong Provincial Government in 2024, adhering to the real economy and being the leader of the manufacturing industry were put in an important position. In terms of traditional industries, the report proposes to "support the improvement of quality and efficiency of traditional industries such as food and beverage, textile and clothing, household appliances and household appliances".

    The textile and clothing industry is one of the "two special" industries in Shantou's "three new, two special and one big" industrial pattern, and also the first pillar industry in Shantou with an output value exceeding 100 billion yuan. In recent years, Shantou has set a clear goal of "building an industrial cluster of more than 200 billion yuan", made every effort to supplement and strengthen the chain extension, launched "four major projects", promoted the transformation and upgrading of the textile and clothing industry, expanded the quantity and improved the quality, and worked hard to build a "China textile and clothing industry base" with international influence.

    The high-quality development conference of China (Shantou) textile and clothing industry with the theme of "Gather overseas Chinese to prosper Shantou and dream of the future" was recently held in Shantou, Guangdong. Wen Zhanbin, Secretary of Shantou Municipal Party Committee, said at the meeting that this year, Shantou will accelerate the construction of the International Textile City and its supporting facilities, promote the construction of Chaonan's professional home clothing market, and promote the high-quality development of the textile and clothing industry.

    Industry insiders are optimistic about the prospects of Shantou's textile and clothing industry. Lin Yunfeng, president of the China Knitting Industry Association, said that Shantou's textile and clothing industry has been developing in a new way. In the future, we should continue to carry forward the spirit of "red boat", based on the industrial foundation and overseas Chinese businessmen resources, forge long boards and mend weak boards, constantly open up new fields and new tracks, promote the high-quality development of Shantou's textile and clothing industry, and contribute to the construction of China's modern knitting industry system.

    Weng Chuangjie, president of Shantou Textile and Garment Industry Association, said that Shantou would deeply operate the textile city, develop the industrial park into a textile production base with a leading scale and complete industrial chain in the country, develop the fabric market into a world leading knitting fabric trading center, and develop the finished goods pavilion into a national leading underwear spot trading base in 5-8 years, Make the "Chaoshan Clothing Expo" bigger and stronger, operate the industrial headquarters building well, and accelerate the construction of Chaonan home clothing professional market.

    At the conference, it was also the president unit of the underpants branch and seamless branch of Shantou Textile and Garment Industry Association, the new vice president of Shantou Textile and Garment Industry Association, the best e-commerce platform for Shantou textile and garment industry in 2023, and the best cross-border platform for Shantou textile and garment industry in 2023; The strategic cooperation agreement of "Jointly Assist the Global Textile Products Trading Hub" was signed.

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