International Textile Manufacturers Federation ITMF 2023 Global Textile Machinery Shipment Statistics
The International Textile Manufacturers Federation (ITMF) recently updated its 2023 global textile machinery shipment statistics report. The statistical report covers more than 200 major textile machinery enterprises in the world, including spinning, texturing, weaving, knitting, printing and dyeing equipment. China Textile Machinery Association (CTMA) completes the shipment statistics of textile machinery enterprises in mainland China.
In 2023, with the exception of texturing machines, the shipments of most other types of textile machinery according to ITMF statistics will increase, of which the global shipments of cotton spinning machines and wool spinning machines will increase by 2% and 5% respectively, and the global shipments of rotor spinning machines will decrease by 17%. Stretch looms decreased by 28%, shuttleless looms increased by 52%, big round looms increased by 17%, flat knitting machines increased by 60%, and dyeing and finishing equipment remained stable overall.
Spinning machinery
In 2023, the total cotton spinning frame shipments will be 9.78 million spindles, an increase of 155000 spindles year-on-year. Most spinning frames are sent to Asia and Oceania (85%), where the delivery volume remains stable compared with 2022. The shipments to Europe (including Turkey), North America and Central America decreased by 13% and 27% respectively, Africa increased by 120% (475000 ingots, 85% of which were sent to Egypt), and South America increased by 140% (81000 ingots). The six major investors in cotton spinning frames are China, India, Turkey, Bangladesh, Uzbekistan and Egypt.
In 2023, the global shipment of rotor spinning machines will be 1 million, a year-on-year decrease of about 200000. 85% of global shipments went to Asia and Oceania (860000, a year-on-year decrease of 19%). China, India and Turkey are the world's three largest rotor spinning investors, down 4%, 24% and 20% respectively. With the exception of Brazil and Mexico (the fifth and seventh largest destinations in 2023), the shipments of other major destination countries have declined. Compared with 2022, the shipments of these two countries have increased by 20% and 46% respectively.
In 2023, the global wool spinning frame shipments will increase to 98000 spindles (an increase of 5%). The shipment volume to Europe (including Turkey) and South America increased to 25000 and 1600 ingots respectively. 31% of the total wool spinning frames were sent to China, 29% to Turkey and 19% to Iran.
Texturing machine
The global shipment of single hot box texturing machine (mainly used for nylon filament) decreased by 33%, from nearly 65000 ingots in 2022 to 43000 ingots in 2023. Asia and Oceania remain the main markets with 97% share. China, Turkey and India are three major investors in this field, with their global delivery shares of 90%, 2.6% and 2.3% respectively.
The global shipment of double hot box texturing machine (mainly used for polyester filament) dropped by 27% to 550000 ingots. Asia's share in global shipments increased to 97%, and China continued to become the world's largest investor, accounting for 91% of global shipments.
weaving machinery
In 2023, the global shuttleless loom shipment will increase by 52% to 171000 sets. The delivery of air jet looms and water jet looms increased by 34% and 96% respectively to 53000 and 92000. The number of rapier and projectile looms increased by 0.1% to 27000. The main destinations of shuttleless loom shipments are Asia and Oceania, accounting for 96% of global deliveries. 97%, 85% and 99% of the world's air jet looms, rapier/projectile looms and water jet looms are shipped to the region. The main investors in air jet looms and water jet looms are China. The main investor of rapier and projectile looms is India, which has reached 10000 sets (although it has decreased by 8% compared with 2022).
Circular knitting machine and flat knitting machine
In 2023, the global shipment of big round machines will increase by 17% to 33000 sets. Asia and Oceania are the world's leading investors in this category, accounting for 86% of global shipments. China accounted for 63% of the total delivery (18476 units), an increase of 86% compared with 2022. India and Turkey ranked second and third with 4195 and 1367 respectively. In 2023, the shipment of computerized flat knitting machines will increase by 61% to 177000 sets. This growth was driven by Asia and Oceania, which accounted for 92% of global shipments. With the exception of 650 units delivered in Europe (including Turkey), shipments in other regions have declined. China is still the world's largest investor, accounting for more than 82% of total shipments.
Dyeing and finishing machinery
In the field of "continuous fabric finishing", the shipment of setting machines increased by 3%, from 1780 in 2022 to 1833 in 2023. This figure is an estimate of the total number of fixer shipments, including those of companies that did not participate in the ITMF survey. The companies participating in the survey reported different results for all other equipment in this category: the shipment of loose dryers decreased by 42%, while the shipment of bleached lines increased by 103%.
In the field of "discontinuous fabric finishing", the number of "jigger/beam dyeing machine" and "air flow dyeing machine" shipped in 2023 will be 715 and 772, respectively, with a decrease of 8% and 0.3%. The shipment of overflow dyeing machines increased by 4.2% to 2122 sets.
(Source: China Textile Machinery Association)
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