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    The First Standing Council Of The Ninth Session Of China Textile Machinery Association Gave New Qualitative Answers

    2024/10/15 18:54:00 0

    ; China Textile Machinery Association

    Since 2024, in the face of many complex, severe and uncertain factors, China Textile Machinery Association has closely grasped the current situation changes, based on the industry and service enterprises, focused on the theme of innovative development and industrial upgrading in the field of industry science, technology, market and information, closed to the domestic and foreign market demand direction, actively and steadily promoted the work of various industries, Good results have been achieved.

    In order to better promote the high-quality development of the textile machinery industry, the first standing council of the ninth council of China Textile Machinery Association was held in Shanghai on October 13. Xu Yingxin, Vice President of China Textile Industry Federation, Wang Shutian, Honorary President of China Textile Machinery Association, Gu Ping, President, Xu Lin, former Party branch secretary, Liu Song, Zhao Xiaogang, Hou Xi, Vice President, Cong Zheng, Secretary General And other relevant industry leaders and guests, as well as the executive director of China Textile Machinery Association and representatives of key enterprises in the industry attended the event. The meeting analyzed the economic operation of textile and textile machinery in 2024, summarized the work of the Association, and conducted in-depth exchanges on the future development trend and key points of the industry.

    The meeting was chaired by Gu Ping.

    Strengthen confidence and accelerate the construction of modern industrial system

    At the meeting, Xu Yingxin first affirmed the high-quality development of the textile machinery industry and a series of fruitful work, and made an in-depth analysis of the economic operation of the textile industry in 2024 and the current situation facing the development of the industry. He introduced that since 2024, the economy of the textile industry has been running steadily on the whole. Among them, the production and marketing scale recovered steadily, the domestic market was under pressure and the export performance was better than expected.

    He pointed out that China's textile industry still faces risks and challenges in the next step of development. Looking forward to 2024, the textile industry is expected to maintain a stable recovery trend. It is expected that the main operating indicators of the textile industry in the whole year will achieve positive growth over the previous year, but the growth rate will slow down. In this regard, he stressed that it is an inevitable development path choice for the textile industry under the new situation to continue to promote high-quality development, focus on cultivating and developing new quality productivity, respond to and resolve various risks with systematic and competitive modern industrial strength.

    A stone can be used as a whetstone to turn dullness into profit. Strive forward and forge ahead against the trend. In order to unswervingly promote the high-quality development of the textile machinery industry, he put forward three suggestions: first, seek progress while maintaining stability, and stabilize the overall trend of industrial transformation and upgrading. The textile machinery association should strengthen the analysis of the textile industry chain and information sharing, actively guide textile machinery enterprises to strengthen the new development of specialization and specialty, and explore the formation of innovative and differentiated development routes in combination with the transformation and upgrading dynamics of the textile industry. The second is to seek innovation and change in order to conform to the development trend of new quality productivity. The Textile Machinery Association should strengthen the integration of industrial innovation resources and linkage services, guide key enterprises to strengthen investment in basic research and cutting-edge innovation, accelerate the formation of an internationally advanced technological innovation system and independent innovation strength, and consolidate the foundation of new quality productivity. Third, adhere to the principle and orderly integrate into the overall layout of internationalization. The Textile Machinery Association should simultaneously do a good job in guiding the transformation and upgrading of domestic industries and the layout of transnational investment, refine the needs of face to face enterprises, carry out investment surveys and risk assessments in key overseas regions to help enterprises avoid risks, and orderly and steadily layout their development.

    Innovative services to help the industry develop with new quality

    At the meeting, Gu Ping summarized the operation characteristics of the textile machinery industry in 2024 and the work of the secretariat of the Association from seven aspects, including industry development, industry technology and standard work, association information and market work, association domestic and international exhibition work, association self construction work, party construction work and key work of the Association. He said that since this year, the textile machinery industry has operated steadily, the main economic indicators have continued to maintain double-digit growth, and the industry's exports have recovered.

    He pointed out that in order to promote the introduction and application of new technologies and new products in the industry, the Association has organized the appraisal of 43 new product scientific and technological achievements of "ZH1683 Evaporative Dissolver" by Hengtian Heavy Industry Co., Ltd. and other units since this year, of which 41 achievements have reached the international advanced level and 2 have reached the domestic leading level. In the textile machinery and automation group, the first prize of technical invention is recommended for the project of "ring spinning frame automatic joint robot and its collaborative intelligent manufacturing"; The first prize of scientific and technological progress is recommended for two projects, including "single line and single kettle annual output of 50000 tons of Lyocell fiber complete equipment and process"; The second prize for scientific and technological progress is recommended for six projects, including "technical research and development and industrial application of fully autolevelled production line in drawing process".

    He said that the 2024 China International Textile Machinery Exhibition and ITMA Asia Exhibition had received positive responses from many textile machinery enterprises, and all preparations for the exhibition were progressing smoothly. The Textile Machinery Association will continue to adhere to the concept of providing quality services for global textile machinery manufacturers and customers in the textile industry with Chinese and foreign sponsors, and create a platform for global textile machinery manufacturing enterprises and professionals in the textile industry to efficiently connect production and demand and allocate resources.

    He pointed out that the current development situation faced by the textile machinery industry is still complex, and the continued promotion of high-quality development in the future still faces many challenges. As the effects of various policies and measures continue to emerge, the potential for industrial upgrading continues to release, and the confidence power of business entities continues to increase, China's textile machinery industry will continue to provide important support for high-quality development of the textile industry. In this regard, the Textile Machinery Association will focus on the following aspects in 2024 and 2025: adhere to the Party building work in accordance with the unified deployment of the Party Committee of the China Textile Federation; Prepare and organize "2024 China International Textile Machinery Exhibition&ITMA Asia Exhibition" and "2025 China International Textile Machinery Exhibition&ITMA Asia Exhibition (Singapore Exhibition)"; Rely on the branches of the Association, go deep into various professional fields and promote the healthy development of the industry; The Association further serves the industry and enterprises in information, technology and market; Do a good job in the pre research work of the Guiding Opinions on the Development of the Textile Machinery Industry during the Tenth Five Year Plan.

    Exports recovered, and the main indicators maintained double-digit growth

    "Since this year, China's textile machinery industry has operated steadily. The sales of weaving machinery and knitting machinery in various sub industries have declined, and the volume is growing. The sales of printing and dyeing machinery have increased from a decline, while the sales of spinning machinery have declined. The sales of chemical fiber machinery and nonwoven machinery are generally stable." Liu Song introduced the economic operation of the textile machinery industry from January to August.

    He pointed out that from January to August this year, the operating revenue of textile machinery enterprises above designated size increased by 12.84% year on year, and the total profit increased by 18.73% year on year. Among them, the export of textile machinery was 2.985 billion US dollars, up 0.46% year on year; Imports totaled US $1.522 billion, a year-on-year decrease of 23.02%. From January to August, Japan, Germany, Italy, France and Switzerland were the main countries and regions importing textile machinery; The export of knitting machinery ranked first, with seven categories of products rising from two to five. Among them, the decline of spinning chemical fiber machinery is more obvious, and the export of knitting machinery and printing and dyeing finishing machinery has achieved a large growth.

    Referring to the survey on the operation of key enterprises, he said that through the survey of 113 textile machinery enterprises, the overall pressure on the operation of enterprises has improved compared with the same period last year. Among them, the main problems encountered by textile machinery enterprises in production and operation in the second quarter were relatively concentrated, and the lack of market demand at home and abroad and disorderly price competition were still the primary problems. Most enterprises believe that the orders in the third quarter of 2024 are relatively stable.

    Turning to the development and trend of the industry in the future, he pointed out that since this year, China's textile machinery industry has been operating steadily on the whole, with major economic indicators showing growth, and exports showing a monthly recovery, which is expected to become regular throughout the year. In the first half of the year, the domestic demand market has driven the industry more than the overseas market. In the second half of the year, the overseas market has gradually developed, and the global share of textile machinery exports continues to increase. From the enterprise questionnaire, the challenges faced by the industry operation in the second half of the year were greater than those in the first half of the year. In the situation that the global textile machinery market did not fully recover, the operation performance of China's textile machinery industry was better than that of other major textile machinery manufacturing countries and regions. In the whole year, the sales of weaving machinery, knitting machinery, printing and dyeing machinery in the subdivided industries were better than those of spinning machinery, chemical fiber machinery and nonwoven machinery.

    The scale of 2024 International Textile Machinery Exhibition exceeded the previous one

    Zhao Xiaogang introduced the 2024 China International Textile Machinery Exhibition&ITMA Asia Exhibition, 2025 China International Textile Machinery Exhibition&ITMA Asia Exhibition (Singapore Exhibition) and other exhibitions. He said that not only the exhibitors but also the exhibition area of this exhibition exceeded that of the previous one. The exhibition scale reached 160000 square meters, attracting nearly 1700 textile machinery enterprises from China, Germany, Japan, Italy and other countries to register for the exhibition. He pointed out that the 2025 China International Textile Machinery Exhibition and ITMA Asia Exhibition (Singapore Exhibition) is mainly focused on "textile technology platform to promote regional development", targeting textile machinery users in South Asia, Southeast Asia, the Middle East and other regions. In addition, the Association will actively organize textile machinery enterprises to participate in overseas exhibitions such as Bangladesh Textile Machinery Exhibition and Indonesia Textile Machinery Exhibition.

    As an important agenda of the meeting, representatives of participating enterprises discussed and communicated on hot topics such as the current situation of enterprise development and future development ideas during the forum.

    During the exchange, Wang Shutian analyzed the current international and domestic macro development environment, and put forward suggestions on how to deal with challenges for enterprises in the textile machinery industry. He said that the current economic situation is complex, and we must have a clear understanding of the new situation and new changes, make a good prediction in advance, and prevent problems before they occur. Enterprises must understand local laws and policies and strictly control investment risks while increasing their efforts to go global. In the future, textile machinery enterprises should increase the capacity of digital intelligence, increase transformation and upgrading in the direction of high-end, digital, intelligent and green, and also focus on tapping the potential of new tracks in the subdivided fields. He stressed that in the future, we should have firm confidence and believe that with the implementation of a series of powerful national policies, the macro-economy will recover.

    Cong Zheng introduced the enterprises participating in the association, and the representatives at the meeting collectively reviewed and passed the application for membership of 15 enterprises including Jiangyin Zhuomu Vision Technology Co., Ltd.

    (Source: China Textile)

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