匯聚精品 彰顯品質 Convergence products to highlight quality
2012年05月16-18日 中國•上海世博展覽館
May16-18,2012 China•Shanghai World Expo Hall
九年積累與沉淀 厚積薄發華麗轉身
2012 will be a turning point after the accumulation of 9 years
It is already the ninth year for SLF to be held since the first time in 2004.After nine years‘ accumulation and precipitation, our company is so well-grounded that we are going to hold it in the Shanghai World Expo Hall this year with a whole brand-new packaging and image. High starting point orientation, further service, brand accent, vogue performance, elite gathering, taste showing are all we aim for. Shanghai World Expo Hall takes and maintains the nobleness of the permanent pavilions which are combination of the most advanced software and hardware facility and the nice environment, being considered as the dream factory of international exhibitions and activities. Nothing is impossible and everything is creative here in this top terrain, super hall with spacious space and excellent service.
展會特色 The Specialties
2012 The 9th Shanghai International Leather Fair will be fresh at Shanghai World Expo Hall on May 16-18, 2012. Since The International Leather Fair was first held and is continually expanding ,there are more exhibitiors every year with a growing interest from international companies .The leather Fair is becoming an Internastional recognised event with the provisions for a fair and open platform for buyers and sellars to negotiate a fair price for their goods.The new show will now focus on areas such as Enviromental protection ,Ecological,Low carbon leather exhibits in view of the changing world focus on the demand of internatiomal and local buyers .This Fair will enhance the development of a fair and open forum that will benifit all partisipants and will be an new era in World exhibitions of Leather Expo.
2011 The 8th Shanghai International Leather Fair had held at Shanghai Ever bright Convention and Exhibition Center on May17-19, 2011. Various products had displayed .The total show area was more than thirty thousand square meters, professional audience was up to thirty thousand and more than 23 percent is from overseas. Almost they are from twenty countries like, Japan, Korea, USA, Middle -East countries, Euro member states, and so on. Seventy percent buyers are in various industries like shoe, garment, bags, furniture, automobile, leather. They were pride of it.
展會基本信息 Basic Information
展會名稱Event:SLF 2012第九屆上海國際皮革展覽會
SLF-2012 The 9th Shanghai International Leather Fair
時 間:2012年05月16日-18日 May 16-18, 2012
地 點:中國。上海世博展覽館(上海浦東世博館路111號)
Venue: China• Shanghai Word Expo Hall (No.111 shiboroad,pudong area, shanghai)
支持單位:上海市科學技術協會 中國皮革和制鞋工業研究院
Sponsored: Association for Science and Technology in Shanghai
China Leather & footwear Industrial Technology Research Institute
Organizer: Shanghai Association of Leather technology
后援協助:廣東省皮革鞋業協會 河南省皮革工業協會
福建省鞋業廠商會 浙江省皮革工業協會
溫州市鞋革行業協會 東莞皮革鞋業協會
Assistance Unit : Guangdong leather shoe industry association
Henan leather industry association
Fujian shoes manufacturers association
Zejian leather industry association
Wenzhou shoe leather industry association
Dongguan Leather Shoe industry Association
擬邀海外嘉賓機構:Invitation of Overseas Agents
香港橡膠暨鞋業廠商會 Hong Kong Rubber& Footwear Chamber of Commerce
意大利皮革商會 Italy Leather Chamber of Commerce
馬來西亞鞋業廠商公會Malaysia Footwear Manufacturer Consortia
意大利維琴察(Vicenza)商會 Italy Vicenza Chamber of Commerce
西班牙華人商會 Spanish Chinese Chamber of Commerce
俄羅斯莫斯科鞋業協會 Moscow Footwear Association
臺灣區制鞋工業同業公會 Taiwan Footwear Manufacture Consortia
墨西哥皮革商會 Mexico Leather Chamber of Commerce
越南皮革及鞋業公會 Vietnam Leather& Footwear Consortia
意大利全國鞋類制造商協會 Italy National Footwear Manufacture Association
紐約時尚鞋業協會 NewYork Vogue Footwear Association
歐洲皮具協會 European Leather Association
美國金馬皮鞋協會(GHLA-USA) Golden Horse Leather Shoes Association, USA
泰國皮具協會 Thailand Leather Association
中東皮革皮具商會 Middle-east Leather &Products Chamber of Commerce
西班牙制鞋零件協會(AEC) Spanish Footwear Accessory Community
越南皮革鞋業協會 Vietnam Leather Shoes Industry Association
阿根廷鞋業商會 Argentina Leather &Footwear Chamber of Commerce
美國皮革工業貿易協會(LIA-USA)The leather industry trade association of USA (LIA-USA)
越南皮革及鞋業協會 (LEFASO-VN)
Leather and Shoe Industry of Vietnam Association (LEFASO-VN)
India Commercial Footwear Design DevelopmentAssociation
美國 Deaf 巴爾的摩皮具協會
Deaf Baltimore Leather Association of USA
美國鞋業零售商協會(NSRA-USA)USA Shoe Retailers Association ( NSRA-USA)
南非皮鞋工業協會(SAFLIA-South Africa) South Africa Leather Industry Association
海外組展Overseas Organization:
意大利康利進出口公司 Italy Kangli Import-Export Company
日本ISF事務局 Japan ISF Bureau
韓中經濟交流協會 Korea and China Economy Communication Association
上海市皮革技術協會 Shanghai Association of Leather technology
上海雅輝展覽有限公司 Shanghai Yahui Exhibition Co., Ltd
全程媒體支持:Media Service
上海皮革網 Shanghai Leather Net
《上海皮革》雜志 Shanghai Leather Magazine
細致周密的媒體宣傳 Well Detailed Media Publicity
專業觀眾結構 Professional Spectators Structure
over 1000 buyers from More than 20 countries and regions which is in medium - sized footwear, furniture, car, luggage, leather goods, clothing, gifts, stationery, and other enterprise buyers will meet with you on May 16-18, 2012 in Shanghai World Expo Hall and there will be 30,000 professional visitors, baiming national outstanding distributors met in Shanghai and taste this annual fashion dinner together.
支持媒體More Media Support
CCTV, Dragon TV, Xinmin Evenings, Morning News, Evening News, Xinmin Net,Net ease, Yangcheng Evenings, The Financial, Global Times Po, Wenhui Po, ALIBABA ,BAIDU,GOOGLE,TRADEKEY,SINA, Chinese Commercial network, China supplier network, HC leather business network,China leather net, Shanghai leather net, China Synthetic leather net, Trillion - leather business network,169 shoe industry information net, Zejiang leather net, The south of China leather net, China leather and shoe net , China brand leather net, China leather net, China fur trade network,China fur information net,China leather talent net, Bates. Synthesis of China leather net, China leatherware net, China shoe material net, China fur net.
Special Magazine:《Beijing Leather》、《China Leather》、《Western Leather》、《Shoe World》、《Guangdong Leather》、《Shanghai Leather》,etc.
同期活動The Corresponding Events
1.2012年中國綠色制革技術研討會 2012China green leather technology seminar
Shanghai International leather fair gold medal display for appraisal and award ceremony
3、中國真皮年度十佳品牌、中國合成革年度十佳品牌、中國人造革年度十佳品牌展評及頒 獎典禮。
The Ceremony of The best ten yearly PU/PVCof China
與國外知名鞋展聯合Cooperate with foreign famous footwear Expo
SLF is the only partner of Tokyo ISF in China. Tokyo ISF is held in Tokyo Chidai Cultural Exhibition Hall twice every year, separately in April and October’s will arrange enormous group of exhibitors and visitors to go to Tokyo to present ISF. As return, ISF will organize more than ten enterprises to attend the Shanghai Expo and invite other foreign buyers to purchase the goods here. We also cooperate with Italy Jiada Expo, Germany GDS, Russian Moshoe, Las Vegas WSA, organizing the exhibitors and buyers for each other .SFF will regularly set up the publicity window in above exhibitions and invite buyers to come to ours.
豐富多彩的同期活動 A Variety of Events
品牌宣傳效果最大化 Maximize the effect of brand publicity
Usually the media are very attracted to track cover the large exhibition. As a crucial part of the exhibition operation, the publicity job is so realized by the organizer and they have extensive news release resource. SLF will invite more than 200 famous media agents to cover the whole way. Through the media, different information will be released before, during and after the Expo in order to enlarge the influence of all the exhibitors overall and expand their popularity and reputation home and abroad.
產品推廣力度最大化 Maximize the product spread
面對面與專業觀眾的交流,使品牌和產品得到了最好的推廣,同時也更能讓參展企業的品牌接受最佳的檢驗。同期舉行名品對接采購洽談會,為成熟的品牌打開了走向更好渠道的大門。參加本展會,同時免費享有電視報紙主流媒體、雜志期刊平面媒體、網絡媒體等多重資源多角度多層次宣傳報導,影響力深而廣, 時間長達一年以上。
The exhibitors and the professional spectators communicate with each other face to face, which is the best way to extend the brand and sell the products, at the same time the exhibitors‘ quality can be checked immediately. The corresponding communication meeting of” Famous shoes into famous stores" opens the gate for the grown brand to settle a better place. Taking part in SLF, all the exhibitors can enjoy the main stream media, like TV, newspaper, magazine, internet, etc to cover themselves from different angles, multiple layers for over one year.
高端品牌皮革渠道對接相淡會 Bushiness Talk
All the exhibitors can know each other better and share the latest news in the field so as to solve many problems. The purpose of this meeting is to supply all parts with a convenient platform for brand suppliers and purchase managers to discuss the issues and talk about the skills so that they can improve selves and meet all their need.
整合多方資源深度合作 Multiple partners and deeper cooperation
With Pooling of resources and various channel power, we cooperate with the brand leather enterprise , leatherware enterprise ,distributors, retailers, leather Town on chain circles and jointly promote the development of Chinese leather together and boost trade exchanges, sharing co-prosperity. The industry professional and visibility of Organizer has already received a great deal of attention and many foreign countries and local association will participate this exhibition actively like, Japan, Italy, France, Spain, Portugal and Shanghai leather Technology Association and so on.
展品范圍 Exhibit Range
1、天然真皮皮革展區:Natural Leather Show
Natural leather ,cow leather , pig-skin, sheepskin ,garment leather, furniture leather, shoe upper leather , industrial leather, sports leather, fur, original skin fur, wet blue skin, Second skin, semi-finished product, leather goods, leather clothing, fur clothing and so on.
2、鞋材鞋機展區 Shoe Material& Machine Show
shoe materials, shoes mold, shoe tree, sole, shoe line, shoe pattern, hardware, CAD/CAM system, adhesives, finishing, PU rubber, all-purpose adhesive, curing agent, hardener, zinc stearate, resin curing agent, shoes machine, laser engraving machine, etc
3、人造革合成革展區:PU/PVC Show
Garment leather, shoe upper leather, sofa leather , case leather, Automotive leather for furniture, PU/PVC, leather fabric, leather substrate, rolling leather, printing leather, breathable leather, space leather, Color-Change leather, flocking leather ,etc
4、皮革化工和機械展區:. Leather Chemicals and Machinery Show
Various leather machinery, leather chemical additives, leather processing equipment (carving machine/marking machine/cutting machine), shovel skin machine, shoe machine, leather printing, computer software, CAD technology, etc.
采購商范圍 Buyer Range
AbroadGroup: The European Union, USA, France, UK, Germany, Italy, Russia, Japan, Australia, Korea, Middle-East,HK,Taiwai and so on.
Domestic Group: shoe manufacturer, furniture factory, car plants,bag factory, leather industry,clothing factory,gift and stationary shop.
◆參展費用 Exhibit Cost
室內標準展位:(3mx3m=9㎡ )Indoor Standard Booth:(3mx3m=9㎡ )
國內參展商(RMB) 收費標準:10800元/9㎡ (豪華展位13800元/9㎡)
Home Enterprises 10800RMB/9㎡(Luxury Booth13800RMB/9㎡)
國內參展商(RMB) 收費標準:13800元/12㎡(豪華展位16800元/12㎡)
Home Enterprises 13800RMB/12㎡(Luxury Booth16800RMB/12㎡)
外資參展商(RMB) 收費標準:豪華展位30000元/9㎡ 38000元/12㎡
Foreign Enterprises 30000RMB/9㎡ (Luxury Booth 38000RMB/12㎡)
室內特裝光地展位:(36㎡起租)Indoor Bare Space:(36㎡ on rent)
國內參展商(RMB) 收費標準:1000元/㎡
Home Enterprises 1000RMB/㎡
外資參展商(RMB) 收費標準:3000元/㎡
Foreign Enterprises 3000RMB/㎡
◆費用優惠:Great Discount
1. The member company of Shanghai Leather & Technology Association can enjoy 10% discount.
2. The exhibitors of SFF who are willing to be the member of SLTA can enjoy 10%.And the raw space enterprises can volunteer to apply for being the member for free.
3. The exhibitors from last year can enjoy 10% discount.
4. The exhibitors this year who publish the advertisement on Shanghai Leather Magazine, Shanghai Leather Net can enjoy 10% discount, and the journalists can specially interview and publish the related article.
5. SLTA is the subordinate star association of Shanghai Science Association. It is made up of 5 professional committees, Shanghai Leather Net, Shanghai Leather Magazine, and Shanghai Leather Quality &Technology Supervise Center. Now it subjoins the director organization, all the members can enjoy the information acquirements, skill guide, get the magazine for free, identify the product and attend the yearly forum in advance.
◆為展商提供的服務 The service for the exhibitors
1. We supply all the exhibitors with public responsibility insurance, the hall cleansing, 24 hours‘ security service, etc for free;
2. We can publish about 200 word company profile of the exhibitors on our elegant periodical free;
3. We provide the transportation, objects leasing, hotel reservation and other services, so the exhibitors can choose depending on need, but to pay
4. We will vote for the golden prize and award the winner a medal and the certificate;
5. We will organize many technology communication conferences, products introduction meetings, etc. All exhibitors can apply to present anyone, being charged 6000RMB for 2hours.
◆為觀眾提供的服務:The service for the spectators
1、 展前收到主辦方寄出的參觀指南,使您的參觀之行事半功倍;
2、 憑參觀預登記表回執入場免費提供午餐,并獲贈價值50元的大會會刊一本;
3、 可受邀參加會期的部分研討會、經驗交流會和實地考察活動;
5、 大買家全程貴賓服務,2天免費酒店住宿;
1.Before the expo starts, the organizer will send out all the visiting guide which Can make your visit much easier and more convenient;
2. The spectators can have free lunch by showing the visiting return receipt and get a periodical valued at 50 RMB as gift;
3. The spectators can be invited to some of the meetings, conferences, and the review activity on the spot;
4. The spectators can enjoy 50%-60% discount if they check in the appointed hotel ahead of time;
5. The promising buyers can be served as VIP the whole way and the hotel is totally for free for two days.
For more information please contact:
地址:上海漕溪路251弄望族城5號樓20F室 200235
電 話:021-34140237 傳 真:021-51714666
聯系人:楊波13764932408 郵 件
Q Q:707360367 網 址

3、若因版權等問題需要與本網聯絡,請在30日內聯系我們,電話:0755-32905944,或者聯系電子郵件: ,我們會在第一時間刪除。