Bian Que'S Methods Of Medical Entrepreneurship
In middle school, he read a fable and his memory was very deep: Wei Wen Wang asked the famous doctor Bian Que, "you have three brothers in your family. You are good at medicine. Which one is the best?" Bian Que answered, "the elder brother is the best, the second brother is the second, and I am the worst."
Wen asked again, "Why are you so famous?" Bian Que answered, "elder brother treats diseases before treatment.
Because the average person did not know that he could eradicate the cause in advance, his fame could not be pmitted.
Most people think he can only treat minor ailments, so his fame is only in this village.
And I was treating it seriously.
Most people see me on the meridians wear needle bleeding, skin dressing, and other major surgery, so I think my medical skills, reputation and therefore throughout the country.
Speaking of this story, a well-known enterprise in the industry.
This company has been a leader in the professional beauty market.
In the enterprise
In the ascendant,
When the development situation is gratifying, the manager of the enterprise thinks that since the enterprise has a high reputation, he no longer creates a brand, which can increase the source of profits and expand the market share. After that, the market is getting bigger and bigger, and the boss thinks, since my cosmetics business is running so well, why not invest in the shampoo and health products with low cost and high profits?
Channels can increase the source of income and achieve the scale of industrialization.
Later, it was said that the company suffered a lot of losses and was badly hurt.
The key to investing is to enter the field that is not familiar to you. This is the conclusion drawn by many entrepreneurs.
The essence of enterprises lies in profitability, which is undoubtedly a tempting cake for professional cosmetics with high profits and low risks.
In the professional cosmetics industry, many laymen have been involved in the phenomenon. These people often go straight to the high profits, while the risk prediction is not fully considered.
In fact, professional cosmetics also have great risks, which are mainly from the market.
If an industry is in a state of disorder and relative confusion, the integrity crisis of the whole industry will be particularly prominent, which will directly affect the market operation of enterprises.
Enterprise decision making is a scientific process. It includes comprehensive assessment of the entire enterprise resources, marketing, capital operation and talent accumulation. Before launching a project, it is necessary to assess the feasibility of the project and set up an evading risk mechanism.
The significance of this story is to reveal the importance of control in project investment: afterwards control is better than control; in fact, control is not as good as prior control. Unfortunately, most cosmetics companies fail to realize this. Until the wrong decision has caused great losses, they can make up for it, and often even if a famous "airborne soldier" is invited, the result will be of no help.
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