Yiwu Textile And Garment Exports Achieve "Double Growth" In Terms Of Quantity And Value.
according to Yiwu Inspection and Quarantine Bureau statistics, 1~9 months this year, Yiwu area Textile and clothing A total of 26913 batches of exports and $942 million 128 thousand and 900 worth were exported, representing an increase of 29.57% and 32.66% respectively. Exit "Double growth" in terms of quantity and value.
Affected by the industrial situation at home and abroad, the textile producers in Yiwu area have realized that the competitiveness of low-grade products is far behind that of the previous ones. They actively design and develop high-grade products, strive to improve product quality and enhance the added value of export products. To this end, Yiwu inspection and Quarantine Bureau has taken various measures to help enterprises improve product quality and enterprise management level. 該局在加強對出口紡織品服裝安全、衛生和反欺詐等項目的檢驗工作,加強內在理化指標檢測以及原產地、成分和護理說明的查驗工作,要求企業嚴格按照國家標準抽樣檢測和進出口檢驗,適應國際市場需求,提高產品附加值;積極研究和跟蹤國外技術性貿易措施的發展動態,及時采取有效的應對措施,通過舉辦“發展中國家技術法規宣講會”等活動,讓企業能直接了解出口目的國技術法規及消費市場特點,提高企業應對國外綠色貿易壁壘的能力;全面實施企業分類管理,積極培育一類企業和二類企業,逐步轉變檢驗監管模式,從微觀檢驗向宏觀監管過渡,強化企業質量意識和誠信意識;有序開展國內外紡織品服裝技術法規和標準培訓,幫助企業在出口紡織品服裝生產中適應新的技術要求,提高質量管理水平,引導出口紡織品服裝企業實現“以量取勝”向“以質取勝” Transformation.
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