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    Strategic Planning Of Jinjiang Sports Shoes Enterprises In The Next Five Years

    2011/1/13 11:30:00 61

    Strategic Planning Of Jinjiang Sporting Goods Brand Leading Enterprises

    In December 31, 2010, XTEP's 2010 annual commendation conference and the 2011 New Year party night, XTEP head Ding Shuibo announced: in 2011, XTEP will enter the third five years of brand development, they will strive to become the first brand of international fashion movement.

    At the same time, another round of strategic planning of Anta is also focused on the development of COC. With the interest of this high-end sports event, Anta wants to form continuity of communication and become the brand of Chinese sports.

    From the early 90s of last century to today, in just over ten years,

    Jinjiang sporting goods brand

    Having experienced the embryonic stage of licensing and licensing, two or three years ago, they intervened in the capital market and sent them to a period of rapid expansion.

    Now that we are entering a new five years, who will be the first sporting goods brand with 10000 retail terminals in China? Who can establish a mature marketing management system, form a reasonable system in the strength and application of sports resources, and form a chain of sports sponsorship? Let's learn something from some of them.

    Strategic planning of leading enterprises

    Spotted panther.

    The era of Wan shop is coming.

    At the Quanzhou Innovation Conference held recently, Ding Shizhong, chairman of Anta's board of directors, said that by the end of 2010, Anta had more than 8000 stores and had the largest brand distribution network in the industry.

    And following Anta, there are XTEP, 361 degrees, PEAK and so on. Although the annual report data in 2010 have not been officially disclosed, all these brands have claimed to have opened more than 1000 retail stores in 2010 to achieve a total scale of 7000 retail stores.

    According to semi annual reports of Anta listed companies such as Anta, XTEP, 361 degree, PEAK and other listed companies, their sales grew by more than 20% over the same period last year.

    The organic structure predicts that at this rate, there will be a number of sports brands reaching the level of 10000 stores in three years, and the entire sporting goods industry will enter the era of Wan shop.

    This also means that in the next five years, more shops are still the main theme of the sports brand terminal expansion boom.

    Ding Shuibo, President of XTEP (China) Co., Ltd. disclosed that XTEP will open 800~1000 stores in 2011, including star stores, star stores, flagship stores and main stores. In addition, considering the influence of Taiwan on Southeast Asian market, XTEP plans to expand its network in Taiwan this year to seize the bridgehead to enter the international market.

    According to sources, Anta, 361 degree, PEAK and so on have already drawn up the 10000 store plan, and plan to expand the number of stores to 10000 in 3-4 years. After the listing, the implementation speed of this plan has been greatly accelerated, which has made their international brand road more solid.

    Zhang Yongheng, brand director of precious bird (China) Limited, said that "the era of 10000 shops" is coming. This vigorous market layout of sports goods itself is also being questioned more and more. The channel situation is nearly saturated. How to change the meagre profit of a single store? How to improve the retail management system? All these need to be solved one by one.

    Constructing a sponsorship chain for sports events

    Insiders have predicted that the competition of sporting goods brands will eventually compete for sports resources.

    In the past two or three years, we can find that Anta, XTEP and 361 degrees are more rational and clear in the battle for sports resources, and each household has formed its own brand specific sports resources core competitiveness.

    XTEP finance director He Ruibo said in a media interview that XTEP will sign an exclusive sponsorship agreement with Taipei for two marathons.

    Brand management needs to be focused. XTEP's choice of marathon will help XTEP to become an international brand in the future.

    In this way, XTEP has all the top resources to build the core competitive advantage of running, and to promote running as its core sports resource in real sense.

    At the same time, on the basis of signing the England Football Super League Bermingham football club last year, XTEP is expected to move further this year to further develop the marketing chain of football.


    Anta, another local leader, continues to focus on the main line of COC.

    Since it became a sports sponsor of China's National Olympic Committee in 2009, Anta has repeatedly said that the opportunities provided by the Chinese Olympic Committee, covering a wide range of interests and years, are unprecedented in the Chinese sports industry. This is precisely the opportunity Anta has been struggling to raise the brand level and increase the exposure of its brand. All Anta's marketing integration activities will be carried out around the COC rights and interests to maximize the marketing effect of this equity.

    Anta (China) Co., Ltd., the relevant person in charge told reporters that at present, tennis, basketball and running are the three main push lines of Anta product line.

    This means that from the perspective of brand promotion and product promotion linkage, sports resources promotion by Anta will focus on these three aspects. Although Anta is positioning itself as a comprehensive professional sporting goods brand, any promotional activities are expected to enhance brand influence and increase brand sales.

    "Because of this, with regard to the development of the future sports brand Kingdom, every brand will closely grasp the core sports resources of the brand, and further strengthen the linkage between brand promotion and product design and development through the exposure of a prominent and intensive brand in a sports field."

    Ye Qi, vice president of XTEP (China) Co., Ltd.

    Regression products pay more attention to R & D design

    A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.

    The quality and quality of products is the key to success of the market. It is worth expecting that XTEP and PEAK are preparing to set up R & D centers. They will take advantage of overseas strongholds to deepen the internationalization of talents, markets, prices, raw materials and other aspects, and enhance the bargaining power of brands.

    Earlier this year, Ding Shuibo told reporters that the purpose of XTEP's entry into Taiwan is not only in terms of sales expansion, but also an important strategy to strengthen product innovation in the process of internationalization.

    He said that the earliest technology of shoemaking industry was introduced from Taiwan, and the establishment of branch offices in Taiwan was able to absorb more advanced technology and grasp the latest trend of fashion, and became the technology base for XTEP to internationalize.

    Coincidentally, PEAK CEO Xu Zhihua has said that the company will set up product research and development centers and sales companies in Losangeles, and become the second Chinese sporting goods companies after camping in Nike base camp after Lining.

    PEAK's sales branch and product development center in the us not only expand overseas, but also close to the US NBA market, design products that are more in line with basketball sports, and further enhance the professionalism of their own basketball products.

    Hou Lidong, media manager of PEAK (China) Limited, said PEAK has always adhered to the NBA internationalization route, set up a world-class product research and development platform, built a global R & D team based on the global market, and built a scientific R & D system for products, which is not only the need of product upgrading, but also the realization of the added value of products and the upgrading of the core value of the brand.

    It has been revealed that in order to strengthen communication with Americans, the head of PEAK's establishment of the US branch will learn English in half a year to achieve a free expression level.

    Prior to this, Anta set up a scientific movement laboratory, 361 degrees have set up shoes, clothing, accessories three major business centers, they are doing the same thing - create original sports technology cluster.

    People in the industry say that the ultimate vitality of the brand lies in the product, and product innovation can provide a continuous source of power for the brand. Therefore, more and more brands are returning to the product itself. After all, consumers and even the market first contact only products. Only by developing products that can truly express their own attributes can they convey the brand idea more clearly.

    This is also the integration of top domestic R & D resources at home and abroad, such as KDU, Beijing bridge, Li Weika and many other top sports product R & D teams.

    Perhaps, in the next five years, besides the competition of core sports resources, the sports goods industry will also compete in product innovation. This will be a new era of speaking with products.

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