Ministry Of Commerce: Announcement On The Expiration Of The Antidumping Measures For Spandex
[publication number] Notice No. fifteenth 2011
[release date] 2011-04-13
October 13, 2006, People's Republic of China Ministry of Commerce Issued the Announcement No. seventy-fourth of 2006, and decided to import to the United States, Japan, Korea, Singapore and Taiwan. spandex Impose anti-dumping duties. The anti-dumping measure has been implemented since October 13, 2006 and will expire in October 13, 2011.
The forty-eighth provision of the anti dumping regulations of the People's Republic of China stipulates that the termination of the Levy of anti-dumping duties may result in the continuation or recurrence of dumping and damage, and the time limit for the collection of anti-dumping duties can be appropriately extended.
From the date of promulgation of this notice, the natural person, legal person or related organization of the domestic industry or representative of the domestic industry may submit a final review application to the Ministry of Commerce in written form 60 days before the expiration date of the anti-dumping measure. The application should contain clear requirements for final review and sufficient evidence that termination of anti-dumping measures may lead to the continuation or reoccurrence of dumping and damage.
If the domestic industry or the natural person, legal person or related organization representing the domestic industry has not submitted an application for reexamination, the Ministry of Commerce has not initiated the final review of the investigation before the expiry date of the anti-dumping measure, and the anti-dumping measures shall be suspended from October 13, 2011.
Ministry of Commerce of People's Republic of China
April 13th, two
(Ministry of Commerce) (E06)
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